Making another attempt this time with a less than functional right arm. Need some guidance please

mweckler Posts: 623 Member
edited November 2024 in Motivation and Support
Hello one and all, I am a 36 year old Chef, with radial nerve issues, and tendonitis in my right arm, and am 3 weeks post-op from correcting the issues, for the second time. For the last 4 years I have struggled with Binge Eating Disorder, anxiety, and some other fun things. I also have an 19 year old daughter, 5 year old autistic, ADHD son, and 3 year old daughter. The reason I put the issues with my son is we just got the diagnosis less than a year ago and his behavior prior was a trigger for my Binge Eating. But moving on, I got help for the B.E.D and other things and was able to lose 31 pounds or so depending on the day. I have greatly reduced my Binge cycles and have worked to figure out how to best control the issues, with the help of medicine. So without doing much more than not eating everything in sight and starting to be a little more active when I first started the meds I felt like I was on autopilot, I had motivation, I was doing tasks around the house, fixing things, not really limiting what I ate, but definitely ate a lot less. That was last February, over the almost last year the initial auto pilot of the meds has worn off, I still was doing task and things but it took effort to do them. Over the summer I was fixing a sewer problem at my house and spent the first 3 weeks of June digging trenches and 3-5 foot deep holes all over my yard looking for my main sewer line. In doing do I aggravated and reinjured my tendonitis from a few years ago, and this time it came with radial nerve tunneling, which if you don't know what that is, the radial nerve gets compressed in your arm, and I can only describe the pain as electrified fire that shot from my mid bicep down to my middle finger and nothing I did could relieve it.

But I am past that part, I am starting OT in a few weeks to work on my right arm to start to build strength once again so that I can get back to having 2 working arms. The problem is I have never been in shape. I have weighed less than I do now, for many years I weighed about 165 lbs at 5'9". 4 years ago I weighed in at 230lbs, and that is an estimate as I could have easily weighed more but was too scared to step on a scale. But like I said I am under 200lbs now, but I am still not fit. I look at myself when I brush my teeth and I jiggle, and that is not a good thing.

I need help, I need someone to kind of get my started on the right track. With my right arm, I have also noticed my right knee does not hold up as well as it used to. I used to ride a bike with my son in a little tag along for miles at a time, now I can't pedal the bike for more than a few minutes without my knee feeling like it is going to give out. I also have issues when it comes to foods, I know I am a Chef with food texture and sensitivities, but I am a really amazing Chef despite those issues. I can not eat oatmeal as the texture is quite off putting, along with a list of other things. I used to have better control of myself, after my son was born I went from 160lbs to 198lbs and that was enough to shake me back to reality, and by doing Atkins and working out I was able to get back to 165lbs, but after my daughter was born 4 years ago I gained, and gained, and gained, and no matter what I tried I could not stick with anything longer than a couple days.

I know this is very long but I am not sure how else to do it without explaining things so you get an idea of kind of where I am at with my health and fitness.

TL:DR - I gained a bunch of weight due to an eating disorder, lost some of it, but want to get fit and in better shape, while trying to let my arm heal. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!
December 14, 2016 12:00PM Flag Quote · Insightful Inspiring Like Awesome
Posts: 2,058
My first piece of nothing with your right arm until after you see your OT.

I had surgery on my right arm about a year ago...shattered my wrist and had to have a plate to hold it together. Recovery has been slow to say the least. After a year I still don't have all of the original strength back and my range of motion is still slightly hampered.

As far as the knees goes...

You can search online for some knee rehab exercises. My left knee gives me the most problems which causes me to depend too much on my right knee...then they both hurt!

I have found walking at a moderate pace to be the most therapeutic. The "Walking Site" or "Hal Hidgon" walking sites have a lot of good info for beginning walkers. They both have walking schedules to start you out very slowly. I just started the half marathon for walkers on Hidgon's site this week.

As far as diet goes...that is a personal preference depending on what you like to. If binging is a problem maybe seeing a specialist would be best. It might help to keep a lot of low calorie snacks around. I make no sugar added jello with a can of no sugar added fruit cocktail to help me when "I think" I just have to have something to eat.

You have my empathy with your arm. Since I broke mine a year ago it has played mind games with what little mind I have left.

I know this might sound strange since you are so young but...

There is a site called "eldergym". It is designed to get the elderly up and moving again. The exercises are easy on the joints. I use it a lot for my knees and back. They have short little videos to show the proper way to do the exercise. At the very least they might help with your knee.


  • Baydogger
    Baydogger Posts: 37 Member
    Three years ago I was sin a boating accident and shattered my left clavicle. I had just begun training for my first marathon. I was off work for 4 months, had two surgeries, and was restricted from even walking anywhere for the first 6 weeks. I was devastated and already a little heavier than I would like. I changed my eating and adopted a gluten free plan while recuperating and dropped 10 pounds. I have a history of depression and anxiety and use exercise to help manage my symptoms. I was home alone a lot bored and isolated which was hard but I got through it and so can you. Your plate is admittedly full but take it day by day if you can. It's not easy but it sounds as though you have made great strides thus far. Keep moving forward you can do this.
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