What Have You Done In 2016 For Your Fitness, And What Do You Plan To Do In 2017?



  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    lizzyh207 wrote: »
    I started caring about my health and fitness. I started eating better putting thought in to what was going in to my body. I also joined and gym and started working out.

    I haven't made a lot of progress yet but it's a start.

    In 2017 I plan on putting more effort in to working out and losing weight.

    Congratulations on the start. It'll pay off. :)
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    For me 2016 was all about attaining flexibility. I had been lifting weights for a couple of years but at the beginning of 2016 I had to rethink my approach as my issues with limited range of movement in various joints was making me hit barriers to lifting heavier plus I was starting to get niggly hip pains.

    So I did some research and started doing Aerial Yoga as the inversions are meant to be good for decompressing your spine. It worked in sorting out my aches and pains associated with lifting but then I feel in love with the whole Aerial experience and did lots of training on the Aerial Hammock to preform tricks and flips and poses. Unfortunately you do need to be very flexible to perform well, which I am not, so I also took loots of training to get bendy including lots of stretching classes and pilates classes using the reformer machine. I am happy to report that after nearly a year of training I am now very bendy and flexible and graceful so the effort was worthwhile.

    Next year I want to conquer the gymnastic rings and handstands - and finally break my hoodoo maximum lifting weights.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    2016, So far, I've lost 80 lb. I've exercised with cardio machines a lot. I've done a few body weight and weight lifting exercises. I've participated in a couple of 5k events. I drank a lot of water. I slept a lot. For 2017 I'm pretty sure I'll drink water and sleep. I just hope I sleep with the fishes.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I bulked and gained weight, hopefully some muscle. I hired a coach, competed in powerlifting, and then accidentally gained more weight (whoops).

    Goals in 2017 are to deadlift over 300, squat 225 effortlessly, get a little leaner, compete again, and maybe do some cardio a couple times.
  • CarolPre
    CarolPre Posts: 1,851 Member
    For most of 2016, I had Plantar Fasciitis so bad my workout were scaled way back and that caused me to gain back most of the weight I had lost. I finally went to the doctor about it and after new orthotics and a steroid shot, I'm back to normal. He told me no more treadmill workouts, but to walk outside or on an indoor track or to use an elliptical machine. He told me to take it easy for another month and then I'm back at it. For 2017, I'm hoping to add workouts back into my daily routine. My goal is to lose 50 pounds this year.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    edited December 2016
    Machka9 wrote: »
    What have I done?

    This: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10364677/2016-goals-quarter-of-the-year-done#latest

    And also ...

    After the last event I talk about there, my husband and I attempted a 600 km randonnee. Unfortunately, between the 400 km event (mentioned in the link) and that 600 km event, I had developed a mystery illness which took me a month to recover from, and I wasn't able to train according to my plan. Just one week before the 600 km event, I was battling a raging fever as the last bit of the mystery illness departed. So ... we did complete 390 km of the 600 km, but I just didn't have it in me to do the whole 600.

    Next year, I'd like to do the full set of events ... a Super Randonneur. The 200K, 300K, 400K, and a successful 600K.

    So ...

    2015 was the year of the weight loss.
    2016 was the year of building up again more or less to where I was a few years ago with the long distance cycling.
    2017 ... well, hopefully, even more. And no mystery illnesses.

    I was just looking at the calendar for 2017, and suddenly realised that I've got a 360 km ride on the schedule for mid March. Guess I'll be ramping up the cycling a little quicker than I thought. :grin:

  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    i have lost 117 pounds...going to lose another 25