Starting..yet again! Female and need friends!

janica_233 Posts: 23 Member
edited December 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hello. My name is Janica and I'm 22 from Canada. I'm starting over...yet again! This is my third time on here but I feel like I'm really serious this time. I'm looking to lose around 98 pounds.I have already lost 7 pounds. I have a long way to go and wouldn't mind having friends on here! Add me if you like!


  • kymberleykennedy
    kymberleykennedy Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Janica
    I'll add you. Nice to meet you :)
  • 4sugarfoot
    4sugarfoot Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Janica. It's never too late to start again. I'm doing the same thing. It's much harder during the holiday season.
  • Sa1936
    Sa1936 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Janica. I am starting over again too. Things were good, and they now seem out of control yet again. Let's do this together!
  • MrsAcyprus2015
    MrsAcyprus2015 Posts: 35 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi Janica! I started with 90lbs to lose and we can do this
  • Loriklim
    Loriklim Posts: 8 Member
    Good Morning! I can't count how many times I started again! LOL It's OK. Stay strong and keep your goals in mind. Write them down and post them where you can see them daily. It's a great motivational tool! ;) We all can stay strong together! :)
  • Traci_33
    Traci_33 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey ladies! I love seeing us woman trying to uplift eachother instead of knocking eachother down!! We got this!! I've tried and failed but refuse to give up. ADD ME TOO
  • gustafgirl
    gustafgirl Posts: 45 Member
    Don't worry about where you have been, stay focused on where you are going
  • Marieyeyeam
    Marieyeyeam Posts: 103 Member
    Lol it's ok to start over again. The important thing is u haven't giving up. Keep it up! I'm 24 with over a hundred to lose. Nice to meet another Canuck and feel free to add me anyone. As long as ur not a chip, I don't bite :p Good luck everyone! Y'all can do it.
  • RainbowPonyPipedreams
    RainbowPonyPipedreams Posts: 23 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hey @janica_233 ! Nice to meet you!! I am in the same boat. Used the app before and got great results but stopped using it consistently after 2 months and gained a lot back. Now I am doing it again but decided to get some friends this time. Would love to do this with you!! My name is Christine. Have about 80 pounds to lose (although I work with kg so not perfectly sure what the pound to kg number is). Please add me! I am very diligent when I want to be. And have lots of healthy meal options (cause I'm a foodie) which my dietician approved. So hopefully we can help each other out! @RainbowPonyPipedreams
  • I want more friends! Add me