40 is the new 20!

1petewest Posts: 281
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
hey all! i just joined the site, and am looking forward to getting serious about my health.... AGAIN! i love to work-out but with my job it's hard sometimes! i guess i'm not in terrible shape but i definitely don't wanna go backwards! any comments or suggestions are always welcome...

stay true.


  • yumyumyum
    yumyumyum Posts: 5
    love title of thread. . . . 40 is definately the new 20! they say life beings, well they werent wrong.

    Best of luck on your fitness journey - Im only 11 day in and loving it, logging on is addictive and bet of all its working :)
  • 1petewest
    1petewest Posts: 281
    thank you very much and best of luck with yours! what are your fitness goals?
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Best of luck. Add friends, they help keep you accountable. Log in everything. Once you start it becomes second nature. Enjoy the site!
  • icejade
    icejade Posts: 13 Member
    welcome to the family! lol
  • icejade
    icejade Posts: 13 Member
    I am 15 days in and so far I love it as well. It makes me keep up with calories and i feel bad when i dont exercise, so i push to make sure i stay at my calorie goal or lower. Sometimes its hard like tonight and all those wonderful hot wings that made me eat them! lol
  • Staying motivated to exercise can be tough sometimes. I find that if you are having a hard time fitting it in, you just need to make it a priority, like you would say, a dentist or doctor appointment. You have to go to those, so "make an appointment" and then stick to that. Try mixing it up as well. I teach yoga and run and it's nice to have a change now and then. Even if you just walk around a park or somewhere during lunch, that can really be a boost to your psyche and mood. Good luck!!
    I am just getting back into the swing of things again with MFP. It's been a while, and I got lazy about tracking my food, and, of course, that is when it starts creeping back on! Day one is down... on to tomorrow. You can do it! :)
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Much agreed 40 is definitely the new 20. .. Hopefully by the time we are there we are much wiser than in our youth and learn from our past mistakes.
  • 1petewest
    1petewest Posts: 281
    thanks everyone! i don't really have a problem being honest with adding the foods i eat and seeing how many calories i actually eat. my problem right now is i'm not actually working out like i once was, so i agree, i feel bad when i don't have much to enter for exercise. one thing i am actively doing though is getting away from the mindset of having to clean my plate every meal. i consciously eat less, and am trying to train myself to chew more and eat slower (hard for us guys to do i think!). when i go to a restaurant i am thinking 'to-go plate' before i even need one, training myself to eat less and making a $15-$20 meal into two meals instead of one!
  • 1petewest
    1petewest Posts: 281
    thanks icejade!
  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    Lol, I love it! (Your Topic) Log in everything! Do not deny yourself. If you really want something, eat a third of it. Because if not, you will binge. Fill up on lots of veggies. They are low on calories and good for you. Get your water in. Good luck on your journey. :)
  • onlyrobey1
    onlyrobey1 Posts: 140 Member
    Love the title...you are absolutely right! :wink:
  • 1petewest
    1petewest Posts: 281
    Thanks Jenlynphi... I do love the veggies, but I swear my 4th of July weekend is still going on! I've had non-stop friends over, cook-outs, campfires and more good times! I had lost 9 lbs. since the second week of June but I think I've put it all back on! grrrrr...

    oh well.... i won't quit. it's a good think I just turned 40 years YOUNG! rock on fitness peeps... you're doing great!

    thanks onlyrobey1!
  • stephierue
    stephierue Posts: 110 Member
    Yeah baby, I'm 22 then!! The whole cleaning the plate is a bad habit. I remember my mom once saying in my defense, to my dad regarding the remaining food on my plate "it can go in the garbage or go on her hips." Good luck to you!
  • 1petewest
    1petewest Posts: 281
    Have a great day everyone! Stay focused today!
  • 1petewest
    1petewest Posts: 281
    Keep rockin' my beautiful fitness peeps! Health is better than healing anyday! Stay true... Stay you.
  • 1petewest
    1petewest Posts: 281
    so how's everyone doing along their fitness journey?
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I definitely think 40 is the new 20 as I am almost 30. And I feel like life is just kind of beginning for me. I'm doing.. ehh okay. Had some stalls. Trying to get back on track. How are YOU doing?
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I'm glad you are planning ahead when you eat out. Sometimes, we feel like we paid for the meal, so we might as well eat it. But, we forget that leftovers can be awfully good, too.

    If I get a big meal, I split it in half with my fork and then work on the one side. When the wait staff comes at the end of the meal, I already have my next meal planned out. No cooking for me!:love:

    Welcome to MFP!
  • 1petewest
    1petewest Posts: 281
    thank you! that's what i've been doing! great minds think alike!
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