So i started another thread and got some useful information, although i was looking for more as far as sodium gain, weight gain and just overall "expectations" within the next day or so.

So yesterday i went over my calories by about 300
today, i'm over my calories by about 700 although earlier in the week i didn't go over at all and ate pretty clean and light.

Will i gain any weight? or will it just be water weight and if it is just water weight, what's the fastest way to get rid of it?

Thank You!


  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    It depends. What is your deficit (as in how many pounds per week did you select to lose when you joined here)?

    I would not worry about water weight. It's no big deal.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited December 2016
    Water and food in your system. Most likely at least. Don't worry about. It will balance itself out in a couple days.

    Set to lose 2 lbs a week = you will lose 1.7 lb instead
    Set to lose 1.5 lbs a week = you will lose 1.2 lbs instead
    Set to lose 1 lb a week = you will lose 0.7 lbs instead
    Set to lose 0.5 lbs a week = you will lose 0.2 lbs/maintain
    Set to maintain = you will gain 0.28 lbs or maintain
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    It depends. What is your deficit (as in how many pounds per week did you select to lose when you joined here)?

    I would not worry about water weight. It's no big deal.

    MFP calculated me at eating 1680 per day, losing the max of 1-2 pounds per week.

    I have a important function on Saturday and Sunday and i want to make sure i lose as much water weight as possible those days.

    So if i ate REALLY bad today, what should i do tomorrow? lots of cardio? lots of water? less food?

    Please help lol
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    You really can't predict exactly what will happen. It's unlikely that you will gain fat. I assume you're eating at a deficit. If the deficit is more than 250 per day (= .5 lb per week loss goal) you won't gain weight by eating an extra 1000 calories. Even if your goal is maintenance, that would be less than .3 lb that week. You get rid of water weight by drinking water, but honestly, it's no big deal. Water weight fluctuates as much as 3-5 pounds per day for me. What you're concerned about is FAT, not water.
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    Water and food in your system. Most likely at least. Don't worry about. It will balance itself out in a couple days.

    Set to lose 2 lbs a week = you will lose 1.7 lb instead
    Set to lose 1.5 lbs a week = you will lose 1.2 lbs instead
    Set to lose 1 lb a week = you will lose 0.7 lbs instead
    Set to lose 0.5 lbs a week = you will lose 0.2 lbs/maintain
    Set to maintain = you will gain 0.28 lbs or maintain

    Can i ask how you got the number of 1.7 pounds?

    Honestly i hate to sound like a rookie, i'm just new at this, doing really well on my diet but paranoid about the past two days.
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    You really can't predict exactly what will happen. It's unlikely that you will gain fat. I assume you're eating at a deficit. If the deficit is more than 250 per day (= .5 lb per week loss goal) you won't gain weight by eating an extra 1000 calories. Even if your goal is maintenance, that would be less than .3 lb that week. You get rid of water weight by drinking water, but honestly, it's no big deal. Water weight fluctuates as much as 3-5 pounds per day for me. What you're concerned about is FAT, not water.

    This is definitely helpful and making me more calm lol
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    THIS is exactly what i ate did today.

    4 Pieces of turkey bacon
    3 Egg Whites
    2 Slices of Whole Wheat Bread
    4-5 5 pieces of potatoes.

    30 Minutes Strength Training
    14 minute Run
    30 Minute Bike
    10 Minute in the Steam Room

    24oz Protein Shake

    Mixed Green Salad with Grilled Chicken and Greek Dressing

    Brown Rice
    Korean Bulgogi
    Stir Fried Pork
    Vegetable Salad

    Chicken Shawarma Plate consisting of double chicken, rice and salad. ( DAMMIT THIS PUT ME WAY OVER )

    So this was my day, Goal was 1680 Calories and now i am - 954 !!!!!!!!!!!


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited December 2016
    Water and food in your system. Most likely at least. Don't worry about. It will balance itself out in a couple days.

    Set to lose 2 lbs a week = you will lose 1.7 lb instead
    Set to lose 1.5 lbs a week = you will lose 1.2 lbs instead
    Set to lose 1 lb a week = you will lose 0.7 lbs instead
    Set to lose 0.5 lbs a week = you will lose 0.2 lbs/maintain
    Set to maintain = you will gain 0.28 lbs or maintain

    Can i ask how you got the number of 1.7 pounds?

    Honestly i hate to sound like a rookie, i'm just new at this, doing really well on my diet but paranoid about the past two days.

    2 lb per week loss = under maintenance by 7000 calories (3500 per lb) per week
    7000(planned deficit) -1000(calories over)= 6000(remaining deficit)
    6000/3500(cals per lb) =1.7142xxxx...lbs estimated loss based on a remaing deficit of 6000 cals.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited December 2016
    Are you eating back half your cardio calories?

    Stop being so mad at yourself. It's counter productive. Just eat your normal calories tomorrow and drink lots of water.

    To gain 1lb of fat a week, you'd have to be over by 500 cals every day for 7 days/a week which equals 3500 calories for the week. Relax. It's not work freaking out over little mistakes such as this drop of water in the ocean.
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    Water and food in your system. Most likely at least. Don't worry about. It will balance itself out in a couple days.

    Set to lose 2 lbs a week = you will lose 1.7 lb instead
    Set to lose 1.5 lbs a week = you will lose 1.2 lbs instead
    Set to lose 1 lb a week = you will lose 0.7 lbs instead
    Set to lose 0.5 lbs a week = you will lose 0.2 lbs/maintain
    Set to maintain = you will gain 0.28 lbs or maintain

    Can i ask how you got the number of 1.7 pounds?

    Honestly i hate to sound like a rookie, i'm just new at this, doing really well on my diet but paranoid about the past two days.

    2 lb per week loss = under maintenance by 7000 calories (3500 per lb) per week
    7000(planned deficit) -1000(calories over)= 6000(remaining deficit)
    6000/3500(cals per lb) =1.7142xxxx...lbs estimated loss based on a remaing deficit of 6000 cals.

    Ohhhh that makes sense!

    Thank You !
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    Are you eating back half your cardio calories?

    Today i probably ate back all of them
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member

    Is there ANY WAY someone can look at this week for me? look at what i ate this week, how i did each day compared to how i ate the past two days and tell me if i have anything to worry about, seriously i made a mistake i lost control and i'm freaking out.

    Just need some piece of mind and assurance that i'm okay and what i've been doing this week has helped me.

    Keep in mind ive been strength training all week but i didn't log it because it doesn't allow me to put calories burned in my fitness pal.


    Thank You!
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited December 2016
    You need to use a food scale for all your food and stop using '1 slice' '1 piece'... No more cups and spoons for solid foods...only the scale. Weigh everything that isn't a liquid including protein powder, bread slices, eggs (cracked without shell). Log everything you consume, even cooking oils.

    I noticed you do eat out a lot.. perhaps decrease the frequency of this and try to include more recipes made by you (use recipe builder).

    Some days you are under. You are male. Eat the 1600 calories.

    Do you drink anything other than protein shakes and water?
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    You need to use a food scale for all your food and stop using '1 slice' '1 piece'... No more cups and spoons for solid foods...only the scale. Weigh everything that isn't a liquid including protein powder, bread slices, eggs (cracked without shell). Log everything you consume, even cooking oils.

    I noticed you do eat out a lot.. perhaps decrease the frequency of this and try to include more recipes made by you (use recipe builder).

    Some days you are under. You are male. Eat the 1600 calories.

    Thank You so much for checking out my Diary, from what you saw am i going to gain weight from these past two days?

    I do eat out often, but it's normally at the same places where i see exactly what's going in them and ensure there's no sugar or salt but i'm definitely going to slow down.

    So in your opinion, is it just water weight that i'll see in the next day or so?

    Thanks again so much!
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    You need to use a food scale for all your food and stop using '1 slice' '1 piece'... No more cups and spoons for solid foods...only the scale. Weigh everything that isn't a liquid including protein powder, bread slices, eggs (cracked without shell). Log everything you consume, even cooking oils.

    I noticed you do eat out a lot.. perhaps decrease the frequency of this and try to include more recipes made by you (use recipe builder).

    Some days you are under. You are male. Eat the 1600 calories.

    Thank You so much for checking out my Diary, from what you saw am i going to gain weight from these past two days?

    I do eat out often, but it's normally at the same places where i see exactly what's going in them and ensure there's no sugar or salt but i'm definitely going to slow down.

    So in your opinion, is it just water weight that i'll see in the next day or so?

    Thanks again so much!

    Perhaps some water weight, no actual fat.

    Just relax. I have my moments of going over, too. The important thing to do now is to learn from this and just get back into your normal routine tomorrow. Don't punish yourself, just move on. Relax. Weight loss is already pretty damn stressful as it is.

    By the way, there is absolutely nothing wrong with sugar or salt unless you have a medical condition. Heck, I have chocolate almost every day...I'd be a miserable ahole without it. :laugh:

    All that matters for weight loss is calories. Watch your protein, too...and take it easy. Enjoy yourself. Congratulate yourself. You've got this.
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    You need to use a food scale for all your food and stop using '1 slice' '1 piece'... No more cups and spoons for solid foods...only the scale. Weigh everything that isn't a liquid including protein powder, bread slices, eggs (cracked without shell). Log everything you consume, even cooking oils.

    I noticed you do eat out a lot.. perhaps decrease the frequency of this and try to include more recipes made by you (use recipe builder).

    Some days you are under. You are male. Eat the 1600 calories.

    Thank You so much for checking out my Diary, from what you saw am i going to gain weight from these past two days?

    I do eat out often, but it's normally at the same places where i see exactly what's going in them and ensure there's no sugar or salt but i'm definitely going to slow down.

    So in your opinion, is it just water weight that i'll see in the next day or so?

    Thanks again so much!

    Perhaps some water weight, no actual fat.

    Just relax. I have my moments of going over, too. The important thing to do now is to learn from this and just get back into your normal routine tomorrow. Don't punish yourself, just move on. Relax. Weight loss is already pretty damn stressful as it is.

    By the way, there is absolutely nothing wrong with sugar or salt unless you have a medical condition. Heck, I have chocolate almost every day...I'd be a miserable ahole without it. :laugh:

    All that matters for weight loss is calories. Watch your protein, too...and take it easy. Enjoy yourself. Congratulate yourself. You've got this.


    You made my day, you cheered me up more than you can imagine. I felt terrible.

    Thank You so much, you really helped me a lot.

    Tomorrow, i'm going to go hard at the gym and eat light to balance this out.

  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited December 2016
    ^no need to kill yourself at the gym and eat light...just eat your normal calories and move on. It will prevent any binging that may occur. Trust me on this one. Just eat and exercise normally. Going too hard at the gym could be counterproductive too, as it can cause injury. :/

    Back to the normal programmed schedule. :smiley: Nothing more, nothing less. Your two days of over eating are just merely two drops in an ocean. Don't sweat it. Everything will level out eventually.

    And, you're welcome. :blush: You'll be fine.
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    ^no need to kill yourself at the gym and eat light...just eat your normal calories and move on. It will prevent any binging that may occur. Trust me on this one. Just eat and exercise normally. Going too hard at the gym could be counterproductive too, as it can cause injury. :/

    Back to the normal programmed schedule. :smiley: Nothing more, nothing less. Your two days of over eating are just merely two drops in an ocean. Don't sweat it. Everything will level out eventually.

    And, you're welcome. :blush: You'll be fine.

    I can't thank you enough,

    Can I ask if you have any tips to lose the water weight as quick as possible?

    Sorry for all the questions lol

  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    ^no need to kill yourself at the gym and eat light...just eat your normal calories and move on. It will prevent any binging that may occur. Trust me on this one. Just eat and exercise normally. Going too hard at the gym could be counterproductive too, as it can cause injury. :/

    Back to the normal programmed schedule. :smiley: Nothing more, nothing less. Your two days of over eating are just merely two drops in an ocean. Don't sweat it. Everything will level out eventually.

    And, you're welcome. :blush: You'll be fine.

    I can't thank you enough,

    Can I ask if you have any tips to lose the water weight as quick as possible?

    Sorry for all the questions lol

    Drink more water, sweat more, limit sodium
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    ^no need to kill yourself at the gym and eat light...just eat your normal calories and move on. It will prevent any binging that may occur. Trust me on this one. Just eat and exercise normally. Going too hard at the gym could be counterproductive too, as it can cause injury. :/

    Back to the normal programmed schedule. :smiley: Nothing more, nothing less. Your two days of over eating are just merely two drops in an ocean. Don't sweat it. Everything will level out eventually.

    And, you're welcome. :blush: You'll be fine.

    I can't thank you enough,

    Can I ask if you have any tips to lose the water weight as quick as possible?

    Sorry for all the questions lol
    No worries.

    Don't sweat it (ha....pun may or may not have been intended). It's probably 2-4lbs of water weight. No biggie.

    Just drink water (don't over do it, of course...just drink enough so that your urine is a pale straw color), don't go over on your sodium goal and it should be gone in a few days.