Insanity Fit test results (post your results too)

TalQureshi Posts: 42 Member
edited December 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all,

I'm currently doing insanity (original), by Shaun T.

Just finishing week 4 and have a fit test next week.

Thought it would be good sharing results and comparing it to others.... Gives us a little healthy competition too :)

Week 1:
Switch kicks (2 kicks are 1): 33
Power jacks: 31
Power knees: 59
Power jumps: 14
Globe jumps (4 jumps are 1): 5
Suicide jumps: 7
Push up jacks: 17
Low plank obliques: 22

Week 3:
Switch kicks (2 kicks are 1): 42
Power jacks: 36
Power knees: 69
Power jumps: 20
Globe jumps (4 jumps are 1): 7
Suicide jumps: 12
Push up jacks: 23
Low plank obliques: 39

Thought it was an okay improvement... Could have pushed further I think. But I made sure my form was perfect.

Feel free to copy and paste with your own results... And friend me... If you want :)



    S7SILVA Posts: 11 Member
    TEST 1. Test 2
    Switch kicks: 42. 45
    Power jacks: 35. 45
    Power knees: 59. 85
    Power jumps:19. 29
    Globe jumps: 6. 7
    Suicide jumps: 8. 12
    Push up jacks: 9. 14
    Low plank oblique: 20. 25

    I've got 3 days and I'll be doing my third test. Excited to see the results! I've already seen great results. 16 lbs down and counting, and I feel great!

    S7SILVA Posts: 11 Member
    Well that didn't post the way I had it. Hopefully you can get the idea.
  • TalQureshi
    TalQureshi Posts: 42 Member
    edited December 2016
    #s7silva we got some pretty close results :) I think you beat me overall...

    We should try and compete at the next fit test ;)

    Sorry I'm really competitive haha :)
  • samoejr
    samoejr Posts: 30 Member
    Switch Kicks 39
    Power Jacks 19
    Power Knees 40
    Power Jumps 20
    Globe Jumps 4
    Suicide Jumps 8
    Push-Up Jacks 7+2 normal pushups
    Low Plank Oblique 10/leg

    Will be doing my week 3 fit test in a couple of days.

    Have you guys been seeing results? The number on my scale went up (fat percentage too!) for some reason.
  • TalQureshi
    TalQureshi Posts: 42 Member
    Hi #samoejr

    Yeah I'm just finishing week 4 and have so far lost 7lb, 3% body fat (tested with callipers) and around 4" from waist.

    Alot of the results depend on your nutrition (they say 80%.)

    I follow this plan and it really works a treat:
    Protein 40%
    Carbs 30%
    Fats 30%
    Calories between 1500-2000 (depending on your needs)

    I've done insanity before and lost almost 30lb, most of which comes during month 2... Muscle shock.

    Don't worry as long as you're eating clean, you'll see results from:
    Weight (don't always rely on this as muscle weighs more)
    Fit tests

    Keep going through it and follow the nutrition plan to a tee.

    Also depends on how much you already weigh, do you have alot to lose?
  • samoejr
    samoejr Posts: 30 Member
    TalQureshi wrote: »
    Hi #samoejr

    Yeah I'm just finishing week 4 and have so far lost 7lb, 3% body fat (tested with callipers) and around 4" from waist.

    Alot of the results depend on your nutrition (they say 80%.)

    I follow this plan and it really works a treat:
    Protein 40%
    Carbs 30%
    Fats 30%
    Calories between 1500-2000 (depending on your needs)

    I've done insanity before and lost almost 30lb, most of which comes during month 2... Muscle shock.

    Don't worry as long as you're eating clean, you'll see results from:
    Weight (don't always rely on this as muscle weighs more)
    Fit tests

    Keep going through it and follow the nutrition plan to a tee.

    Also depends on how much you already weigh, do you have alot to lose?

    Hey. Thanks for this! Yeah around 20 kg to lose. My problem is I eat super healthy 2-3 days, then fall off the wagon the next few days, then start eating healthy again and so on. It's mostly out of stress. So here's hoping I can stick to clean eating.
  • TalQureshi
    TalQureshi Posts: 42 Member
    Yeah, I use to do that but I have a really addictive personality, so I don't do cheat days or meals, as I'll just go mental the next few days and this will just put me back to square one :)

    The best way to tackle food habits is to have supplements that suppress hunger and curb cravings.

    I have:

    Protein shakes
    Super green shakes
    Fish oil

    Remove all sugar intake from your diet as this will put your body in to a state of ketosis, which is what you need to lose fat quickly and healthily.

    Limit your sugars to one piece of fruit a day.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    TalQureshi wrote: »
    Yeah, I use to do that but I have a really addictive personality, so I don't do cheat days or meals, as I'll just go mental the next few days and this will just put me back to square one :)

    The best way to tackle food habits is to have supplements that suppress hunger and curb cravings.

    I have:

    Protein shakes
    Super green shakes
    Fish oil

    Remove all sugar intake from your diet as this will put your body in to a state of ketosis, which is what you need to lose fat quickly and healthily.

    Limit your sugars to one piece of fruit a day.

    You don't need ketosis to lose weight healthily.
  • TalQureshi
    TalQureshi Posts: 42 Member
    Sure, but limiting bad sugars from your diet is important I feel.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    That's fine that it's important to you. Just correcting the blanket statement that ketosis is how you lose weight healthily. Ketosis is an extreme diet that takes a lot of planning and knowledge.
  • TalQureshi
    TalQureshi Posts: 42 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi again,

    Sure there are many various ways to lose weight, but really don't think I'm talking about the same thing. So I'm sorry if I didn't make it too clear.

    What I'm doing is far from an extreme diet or fad. I follow the common high protein, healthy carbs and fat protocols (I.e eating healthy).

    In terms of the whole sugar intake discussion the following advice is around human biology and general health by DR Berg:

    Now the only thing I don't like doing is following the whole high fat 10% carb concept, as for someone like me (foody) it would be easy to give up, besides I need the protein for muscle build and carbs for insanity.

    I'm by no means an expert and twaddle along on this journey like all many of us, bumping and turning along the way :)

    So what do you believe to be the best way to lose fat healthily?

    Anymore fit tests results peeps? (I know I'm going off topic lol)


  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    edited December 2016
    Protein keeps you out of ketosis if you eat too much. That's why a keto diet is high fat, and not high protein. And I didn't use either extreme as a negative. It's extreme in the sense that you nearly cut out an entire macro.

    Fat is burned by being by eating fewer calories than your body needs. That's all there is too it. I see now that you just are unclear on what keto is so I suggest some studying up if you are going to recommend it to people.
  • TalQureshi
    TalQureshi Posts: 42 Member
    I reiterate my above point to you Hornsby! I've not said I'm an expert and by no means want to be! I simply want to lose weight, and shared something I'd learned, which I apologise, as you have clearly explained I am wrong in my understanding of it.

    I'll refer future questions or fat related questions your way, as I can tell you've really been studying... Sorry mate I don't have the energy to study further.

    Anyway... Back to fit tests... And insanity
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Sounds good. Good luck on your goals. Keep killin' it.
  • Coburn_
    Coburn_ Posts: 3 Member

    Hehe, I'm currently in week 3 and have done 2 fit tests, but never counted the numbers.

    On the first day of Insanity I had my paper and pen ready, but I was already struggling during the warmup, and even more during the workouts themselves. I just wasn’t able to count and needed all my focus on doing the exercises, gasping for air and staying alive.

    Funny thing is during the second fit test I would have been able to count it all, it felt almost like a rest or recovery day. It’s amazing how quick the human body can adapt to something.

    After I missed that first time counting, I decided I didn’t really needed those numbers anyway. It’s designed to motivate people during these two months and keep them from giving up. I’m motivated enough to just keep on going and my best motivators are the way I feel and the mirror.

    I also agree with Tal there, that it’s 80% nutrition if you aim to lose weight.

    samoejr wrote: »

    Hey. Thanks for this! Yeah around 20 kg to lose. My problem is I eat super healthy 2-3 days, then fall off the wagon the next few days, then start eating healthy again and so on. It's mostly out of stress. So here's hoping I can stick to clean eating.

    I used to have this problem as well.

    In my life not a day is the same. That’s also why my eating habits became really bad. My way of getting it right this time, was in slow steps instead of a major change. That way it’s easier to make a habit of every little step you make. Also easier to pick it up again if you slipped.

    First I started with making sure I would have all my meals every day. So breakfast/lunch/diner, and 2 or 3 snacks depending on how long a day would be.

    The next step was staying away from fastfood/take away meals/frozen pizza/etc, and making sure I cooked my own meals at least 6 days a week.

    After that, I started to look more closely to the ingredients, making sure I ate healthy things making all my meals myself and stayed away from all processed foods.

    Then I started with Insanity, already noticing my body had more energy than before.
    And now almost a week ago I started to use this website. Making the last adjustments to my nutrition schedule.

    With all these small steps it made it much easier for me to keep on going. And of course there will be a cheat meal every now and then. That’s what I call living, I just make sure there are never more than two of those meals a week.
  • TalQureshi
    TalQureshi Posts: 42 Member
    Top class advice Coburn :) completely agree with the fact how our bodies adapt. It's like when I did that first ever plyometric workout it absolutely kills, but as I've done it for 4 weeks, my body is more prepared for it.

    For me, as I use to be a boxer, my muscle memory kicks in really quickly in terms of my workouts, fitness and strength... As you can imagine boxing training is pretty viscous, especially around stamina work.

    So I find the feelings around fit tests, running etc. feel too similar, or depend largely on how I'm feeling on the day. So I like being able to measure my progress and writing mile times and fit tests down. Guess I'm strange like that... I get a kick from knowing I've got my fastest mile or best results.

    Small steps are definitely the way to go and it's also good to have vision for the future... Like "this is what I want to fit in" or "this is what I want to weigh" ...

    In terms of cheating, you're right it's about living.. for me I got to be careful not to 'live it up too much' lol :wink:
  • samoejr
    samoejr Posts: 30 Member
    edited December 2016
    So here are my fit test 2 results:

    Switch Kicks 32
    Power Jacks 23
    Power Knees 40
    Power Jumps 22
    Globe Jumps 5
    Suicide Jumps 10
    Push-Up Jacks 10 (+3 normal pushups - couldn't do more push-up jacks but wanted to keep going)
    Low Plank Oblique 17

    They don't measure up to your results, but are slightly better than my previous fit test results *hooray*

    Also, thanks for the nutrition tips - I'll be adjusting my macros and see how it goes. I've been on travel last week and put on 4 kgs so cut out carbs and fats completely for 3 days, but have feeling very nauseous with a killing headache.

    Tal, what heart rate monitor are you using? I just got a Fitbit and for some reason it's not logging my full workout.
  • TalQureshi
    TalQureshi Posts: 42 Member
    edited December 2016
    Great results samoejr, you improved in every area since your last fit test!

    I know! It's not easy losing weight... I'm watching my pasta/rice/bread carbs as well.. I focus more on having veg and trying out new recipes with ingredients I've never used. I made spaghetti Bolognese last night for the wife and kids... They loved it but instead of joining in, I did an insanity workout lol :)

    I'm going to have the Bolognese but replace the spaghetti for butternut squash spaghetti (trick the belly a little:)

    I have the Moto 360 sport smartwatch.
  • TalQureshi
    TalQureshi Posts: 42 Member
    I've got my 3rd fit test on Sunday before I start the crazy month 2 workouts.... Will post my results.
  • TalQureshi
    TalQureshi Posts: 42 Member
    Lol crazyravr, love it! Although you'd see results with junk food, your insides may see other results