Solutions to April Gym

It's spring time, you've diligently made progress, fueled by goal setting in January, and pat yourself on the back for outlasting the January newbies, making all the way to the end of March, working on your goals.

And now boredom starts to creak in, you are less than enthused about your tupperware lunches and pushing the next 5lbs or few miles doesn’t give you the same boost it used to.

It happens every year, that having to keep on keeping on.

What is your solution to this phenomena, so common to anyone who has seriously worked on long term goals?


  • PowerMan40
    PowerMan40 Posts: 766 Member
    get a sexy work out partner who is funny and kicks *kitten*...
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    PowerMan40 wrote: »
    get a sexy work out partner who is funny and kicks *kitten*...

    Solves one problem. B)

    But your SO wouldn't think so. :#

    So, don't think so brah.

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I will play..

    My take, I stop when my body stops or I am injured..

    eta: I am not one of those people that get burned out or bored. Not saying it won't ever happen.. I am close to 49 years old so maybe my age pushes me that much further.. I do hate cutting, but its necessary to reveal all the hard work from Dec, Jan. Feb and
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I will play..

    My take, I stop when my body stops or I am injured..

    eta: I am not one of those people that get burned out or bored. Not saying it won't ever happen.. I am close to 49 years old so maybe my age pushes me that much further.. I do hate cutting, but its necessary to reveal all the hard work from Dec, Jan. Feb and

    A result of habit or dedication?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited December 2016
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I will play..

    My take, I stop when my body stops or I am injured..

    eta: I am not one of those people that get burned out or bored. Not saying it won't ever happen.. I am close to 49 years old so maybe my age pushes me that much further.. I do hate cutting, but its necessary to reveal all the hard work from Dec, Jan. Feb and

    A result of habit or dedication?

    Actually both and a love for what I do. I not only lift but I run as well. My running is separate from lifting. I run through out the year for fund raising efforts and also for fun too.

    eta: a person needs to have a little passion for what they do as far as exercise. Perhaps if they don't that boredom will kick in, burnout, etc. Some use exercise as their only reason for losing weight, etc.. I use mine to live my life as in for better health, to have a little fun, and if I get a hot body in the mean time, that's great too! My exercise has helped me not get sick in many years. I used to get sick all the time.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I take a week off, when needed. That would be probably three times a year, barring sickness. For me, I love the sweating, love hobbling up the stairs after.....but usually after a stressful holiday or sickness, a week away from exercise is both needed, and very refreshing. I always come back better.
  • PowerMan40
    PowerMan40 Posts: 766 Member
    PowerMan40 wrote: »
    get a sexy work out partner who is funny and kicks *kitten*...

    Solves one problem. B)

    But your SO wouldn't think so. :#

    So, don't think so brah.

    Make that partner your SO, problem solved.
  • PowerMan40
    PowerMan40 Posts: 766 Member
    Get a Gym Crush, I always hit it harder when she is there. lol
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    PowerMan40 wrote: »
    Get a Gym Crush, I always hit it harder when she is there. lol
    I feel like they hit it harder when I walk in B)

    @thisonetimeatthegym does that happen to you too? :p

  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    April is when it's starting to get really nice. It's when I'm out doing my spring classics.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    April is when it's starting to get really nice. It's when I'm out doing my spring classics.

    But you think it's nice now, Mr. Snowshoe walker
  • Char231023
    Char231023 Posts: 700 Member
    I call that time to splurge on new workout gear or changing up my workout routine and music.
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    Char231023 wrote: »
    I call that time to splurge on new workout gear or changing up my workout routine and music.

    That's smart!
  • iris2811
    iris2811 Posts: 124 Member
    OP - i was having the same thoughts and set a goal for the end of April (a 135km/80m ride on closed roads) partly as a reason to train and partly as reward for training :-) that get's me to May when even we in the UK get to see the sun sometimes and I'm vain enough to keep it up for the bikini season :-)
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    Damn it, this was my thread. You did March. I do April. This is not how the game works.

    Oh. There are rules. (?)