Graveyard shift workers

Looking for some graveyard shift workers to help hold me accountable and I'll do the same for them.


  • felicityjp26
    felicityjp26 Posts: 1 Member
    I only work them as an on call now, but I used to do them full time and know how hard it can be trying to eat healthy, exercise and work all night long! Feel free to add me :)
  • DomCraigKing
    DomCraigKing Posts: 103 Member
    Hi, I generally work nights here in the UK so know exactly how the backwards shifts affect daily life, eating, exercising and just about everything else. Feel free to add Me as well.
  • Sigurjonsig
    Sigurjonsig Posts: 10 Member
    I am on graveyard shifts. Thats why is harder for me. That is excuse that I need to get rid of.
  • poptart2012
    poptart2012 Posts: 45 Member
    Night shift all the time. I definitely need someone who works the same to give me that nudge. Feel free to add me :)
  • srj2449
    srj2449 Posts: 5 Member
    Night shift worker here as well. I do fine on my off days but struggle on my work days to eat the right thing. Have started meal prep this week so hopefully that helps. Feel free to add me
  • andrelittle2323
    andrelittle2323 Posts: 32 Member
    I get off at 2am and lift until 330ish. It's hard but worth it
    RRT_RCP Posts: 169 Member
    I work 12 hour night shifts. 7pm-7:30am. I have definitely used night shift as an excuse :(
  • GenericOreos
    GenericOreos Posts: 6 Member
    Hello what's up folks...I am a graveyard shifter as well and it's good to know that there's a group for us here! I work 2130-0600 and like some of you, I took up this shift to help the family and provide daycare. Glad to say that my parents are there to help for a few hours in the morning. I follow the SL5x5 routine on MWF, each workout lasts 1-1.5hrs at a time. I've tried intermittent fasting and simply eating every 3 hours and looks like eating something before the workout def helps, esp considering I am lifting a heavy barbell. I am following this nutrition regimen:

    and so far haven't noticed extreme weight loss but my gains are def holding steady. Feel free to add me!