It is time for me!

I have lost 85 pounds in the past getting me to my all time best feeling body! Well this last 2 years of getting my Nursing license, has done me in! I am now up 25 pounds and REALLY need some motivation and help! I also hurt my back 2 years ago which puts a damper in the KINDS of excerise I can do! I really love to walk and swim! Running is pretty hard on my back as well as bike riding... Please help me get to my goal weight! I have two wonderful kids and a wonderful husband! My husband is not very motivational when it comes to losing weight so I am looking for people to be there for me! :ohwell:


  • laursed
    laursed Posts: 73 Member
    I feel the same way! I am finally taking some time for me, concentrating my efforts on me for a change, without the guilt:-)
    Good Luck! You can do this!!!! feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Degator
    Degator Posts: 92 Member
    I know how you feel about the back problems, I had spinal fusion 3 years ago and it has been a very long road back. It is very difficult to find exercises that work. I mostly just walk, running is impossible at the moment. Good luck with your efforts.
  • brfull
    brfull Posts: 3 Member
    My motto: You have to put yourself first in order to be the best you for everyone else.

    My story is similar - lost a good deal of weight and was at my best for a few years and then 2.5 years ago had injuries in both feet putting an end to all the Zumba, Boot Camp, Kickboxing, running I was doing. I stopped everything and the weight crept back on. I'm now back in workout mode and watching what I eat. Starting slow with the workouts because the feet are better but not problem free - Zumba classes but in a low impact way (so what if I look like an old lady), walking instead of jogging, etc.

    Concentrate on doing what you can and recognizing how much better you're beginning to feel. Put the attention on yourself, your health, your strength and your family will benefit from the better you!