No Resolution• No miracle. Just hard work

NoResolution Posts: 20 Member
edited December 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone!! {I'm new here}
•Title says it all•
I know it's not a fix, a new year "resolution" and no miracle will happen. The only way to achieve this, is with hard work, motivation, dedication and consistency. I've lost weight before, I gain it all back, I hated myself, gain some a little more and now I'm here. Looking to team up with motivated pals like YOU! {Let's make things happen}


  • RunningMom1038
    RunningMom1038 Posts: 144 Member
    Sending you a request!
  • sending you a request, with that mind frame you so got this :)
  • bwj072000
    bwj072000 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone!! {I'm new here}
    •Title says it all•
    I know it's not a fix, a new year "resolution" and no miracle will happen. The only way to achieve this, is with hard work, motivation, dedication and consistency. I've lost weight before, I gain it all back, I hated myself, gain some a little more and now I'm here. Looking to team up with motivated pals like YOU! {Let's make things happen}
    Sending you a request!

  • NoResolution
    NoResolution Posts: 20 Member
    Still looking for motivated, welling to put in the work friends over here. I haven't start posting anything on my wall yet but working towards meal prep on Sunday and workout schedule for next week :smiley: Let's do this together!
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Count me in!
  • Mike_take2
    Mike_take2 Posts: 2,150 Member
    Sounds like you're really in a great place mentally, which is probably 90% of the got this!!!
  • NoResolution
    NoResolution Posts: 20 Member
    Mike_take2 wrote: »
    Sounds like you're really in a great place mentally, which is probably 90% of the got this!!!

    Thank you Mike! It all start with a great mindset! Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!!
  • NoResolution
    NoResolution Posts: 20 Member
    Anyone else in? My goal is to lose 70 pounds. I'm 5.6 and about 220lbs now. My struggle is to remain motivated. Whenever I see I gain or/and haven't lose weight after a hard week of training and eating clean, I get totally discourage!! I took the decision starting January 1st, I'll weight in and throw away the scale :lol: NOT kidding This way, I'll keep on working hard until I can visibly see results (with my clothes, the mirror etc) and then I'll weight in again. So if you're up for the challenge, losing weight, exchanging ideas, meals etc, ADD ME :smiley:
  • ArkadyRose
    ArkadyRose Posts: 16 Member
    Sending you a request - I started a week ago. I'm doing Couch to 5K with the aim of bringing up my fitness so I can go climb Snowden next summer. I was going to wait till Jan 1st but then decided why wait? I want to get down to about 60kg - but I want that to be 60kg of muscle and fitness. :-)
  • BanksySJ11
    BanksySJ11 Posts: 96 Member
    Request sent
  • NoResolution
    NoResolution Posts: 20 Member
    Hey everyone!!! I don't check my community post very often so if any of you is interested in this journey of health and weight loss please add me and comment where you found me (with this post) so I can add you. The goal is to do it the healthy way, lose 70 pounds and exchange ideas, meal and encouragement!!! We can do it!!!
  • callmestevo1410
    callmestevo1410 Posts: 11 Member
    Sent you friend request
  • NoResolution
    NoResolution Posts: 20 Member
    Anyone else in? My goal is to lose 70 pounds. I'm 5.6 and about 220lbs now. My struggle is to remain motivated. Whenever I see I gain or/and haven't lose weight after a hard week of training and eating clean, I get totally discourage!! I took the decision starting January 1st, I'll weight in and throw away the scale :lol: NOT kidding This way, I'll keep on working hard until I can visibly see results (with my clothes, the mirror etc) and then I'll weight in again. So if you're up for the challenge, losing weight, exchanging ideas, meals etc, ADD ME :smiley:

  • Trawnagal
    Trawnagal Posts: 19 Member
    I 'friended' you, NoRes... I started at 197, down 3 lbs from there. Determined to get to 170 as my initial goal, we'll see where to take it from there.
    My story is that the weight has just crept up every year. I try to eat moderately and exercise, but overdo it occasionally like a lot of folks. I do have a hypothyroid condition, so I suspect my metabolism is on the slow side. Not giving myself an excuse, that's just one more thing I have to deal with.

    2017 is going to be the year that I lose it and keep it off. It is a lifestyle change, not a 'diet'.

    I am in the gym for an hour every day, do a combination of cardio and strength training. I'm new to MFP, but the food diary is great so far... I'm logging everything. Just gotta stick with it! Let's do it together.
  • tass9999
    tass9999 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am new here too. I decided to lose weight about 3 and a half weeks ago. Did a lot of research before embarking on it. I started running at the same time as going on a diet. Have managed to lose 14 and a half pounds, down to 160 pounds. It is hard work but I would definitely say that diet probably contributes about 80 percent of the weight loss. I am currently doing a 4 mile run and a 4 mile walk about 5 times a week.
    It is difficult to keep going at times but I just tell myself to do it once and get it over with. Running does suppress appetite so it helps with the diet.
    Good luck everybody!
  • DomCraigKing
    DomCraigKing Posts: 103 Member
    Hi sent you a request.
    Certainly agree that it is not just a fad diet that will get done what is needed but plain old fashioned hard work. Am cycling as often as possible, running and I do not get along as I find it so boring and the knees complain like hell from old injuries from my days playing rugby.
    Fitting it in with the shift work is more of the challenge than anything especially on nights where just figuring out what day or time of day it is can be a major battle ! Still working on it and doing everything I can.
  • steelcutfit
    steelcutfit Posts: 6 Member
    Love the title. No shortcuts, no magic bullets. It comes down to consistency and hard work. Keep it up! Cheers!
  • rajeevjha
    rajeevjha Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same start from today....
  • DomCraigKing
    DomCraigKing Posts: 103 Member
    30 minutes on the stationary bike tonight, 9.985 miles done next time I will crack that 10 miles.. Just the way to pass the last hour before going into work.
  • NoResolution
    NoResolution Posts: 20 Member
    30 minutes on the stationary bike tonight, 9.985 miles done next time I will crack that 10 miles.. Just the way to pass the last hour before going into work.

    Well done!!! That's great!! Keep pushing!!!