im getting upset with myself =/

RobynFaye133 Posts: 40
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
im not losing weight, ive actually gained half a stone im now 12 stone! im getting myself in a mess im stressing out and worrying. i cant go on like this. i walk when im angry i just go out and pound the pavement/sidewalk. yet in a week and a half i shouldnt of gained weight i dont think a quick fix is good i want to do it right lose weight keep it off and be happy where Mr Motivater when i need him? :grumble:


  • jesienia
    jesienia Posts: 294
    I know how you feel! Could it possibly be muscle? That can add pounds. It could also be water weight. Drinking lots of water will get rid of that.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    I've been hovering around the same weight for about 3 weeks. Sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down. But I do notice a change in my body ... my arms are more toned and my legs seem to be, too. And I feel stronger so I know I'm gaining muscle. Maybe that's it! Just keep at it, drink your water and don't give up. The weight will come!
  • I know how you feel! Could it possibly be muscle? That can add pounds. It could also be water weight. Drinking lots of water will get rid of that.

    i dont think its muscle after on a week n a half? could it be? ive been drinking excuse my french a *kitten* load of water im peeing so much :laugh: i just want to be happy with myself i feel mierable constantly but i do get out n run my butt off
  • Maybe you need to change your diet. You might not be getting enough calories. Or you might be getting too many calories.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I know how you feel! Could it possibly be muscle? That can add pounds. It could also be water weight. Drinking lots of water will get rid of that.

    i dont think its muscle after on a week n a half? could it be? ive been drinking excuse my french a *kitten* load of water im peeing so much :laugh: i just want to be happy with myself i feel mierable constantly but i do get out n run my butt off

    Unfortunately you're not going to gain that much muscle in that short of time, unless you're taking steroids, but your muscles could be retaining water if they are at all sore. Otherwise, it probably has to do with what you are eating. Overestimating calories burned and underestimating calorie intake is very common. Another issue is eating mainly processed salty or sugary foods. Without seeing your food diary, though, it's hard to help you more.
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    stress is a BIG factor in weight loss. I would suggest tossing your exercise routine out for a little while and explore what making you stressed instead.

    You need to focus on ways to enjoy yourself and relax. And you need to take the focus OFF weight loss and onto your fitness for a while. That way I GUARANTEE you will feel better about yourself, be less stressed, and the weight will fall off anyway. It worked for me and it's worked for most friends I suggest it to who take it seriously ;)
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Uh... extremely personal question... but... PMS? If it's just around the corner, your weight can increase by up to 5lbs from that ALONE over the week before.

    Are you weighing yourself at the same time every day?
  • johnsonjk
    johnsonjk Posts: 23 Member
    First tackle things one at a time.

    If you are stressing and worrying, is there something that you can do about the situation that is bothering you? If not, then don't worry about it or if that is not possible, worry about it only at fixed times. I know that sounds silly but fix an amount of time and a certain time when you plan to worry about the situation and then only worry about it then. Treat it like work or housework -- I worry about this for x amount of minutes on Wednesday.

    If there is something you can do about the situation, don't worry about it and just do it.

    If the problem is losing weight -- there are lots of people here to help. You can be successful. Log everything that you eat. If you have been gaining weight, you are eating more than you think. Or you are drinking more than you think. Remember that drinks are a lot of calories.

    For losing weight, depending on your situation, it might be better to maintain for now and plan to lose weight when you aren't so stressed. Try not to do too many things at once. You set yourself up for failure that way and then feel worse about yourself when really you were just trying to do too much.

    Best of luck with whatever is stressing you. There are tools and people here to help with the weight loss.

    As for Mr. Motivator, I haven't really met him yet....send him by when you find him. :)
  • tkrallman
    tkrallman Posts: 29
    Change the type of exercise you're doing. Confuse your body. If it's become accustom to what you're doing and eating it's going to fight any change. So change things up, take a class, do a DVD workout and change up what you're eating and make sure you're eating enough calories.

    Good luck girl... Hang Tough!
  • Uh... extremely personal question... but... PMS? If it's just around the corner, your weight can increase by up to 5lbs from that ALONE over the week before.

    Are you weighing yourself at the same time every day?

    i dont have my monthly curse. i have a contraceptive injection which stops them for 3 months, there is weight gain with it but ive never had weight gain from it ive been on the injection for a good while now never gained a pound, i have come off it recently but it can be up to a year before my cycle is normal u asked the personal question in a nice way not a negative way, i dont mind saying as i no you wont take the mickey x
  • First tackle things one at a time.

    If you are stressing and worrying, is there something that you can do about the situation that is bothering you? If not, then don't worry about it or if that is not possible, worry about it only at fixed times. I know that sounds silly but fix an amount of time and a certain time when you plan to worry about the situation and then only worry about it then. Treat it like work or housework -- I worry about this for x amount of minutes on Wednesday.

    If there is something you can do about the situation, don't worry about it and just do it.

    If the problem is losing weight -- there are lots of people here to help. You can be successful. Log everything that you eat. If you have been gaining weight, you are eating more than you think. Or you are drinking more than you think. Remember that drinks are a lot of calories.

    For losing weight, depending on your situation, it might be better to maintain for now and plan to lose weight when you aren't so stressed. Try not to do too many things at once. You set yourself up for failure that way and then feel worse about yourself when really you were just trying to do too much.

    Best of luck with whatever is stressing you. There are tools and people here to help with the weight loss.

    As for Mr. Motivator, I haven't really met him yet....send him by when you find him. :)

    iv cut out sugary drinks and alcohol ive not drank any for a little while and if it is a sugary drink i go for diet cola, i think im gonna do what i wanted to do eat small meals every 2 hours but healthy things of course im not a massive chocolate person or sweets im crazy over fruit bananas are my fav or pears. thank you by the way x
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    Uh... extremely personal question... but... PMS? If it's just around the corner, your weight can increase by up to 5lbs from that ALONE over the week before.

    Are you weighing yourself at the same time every day?

    i dont have my monthly curse. i have a contraceptive injection which stops them for 3 months, there is weight gain with it but ive never had weight gain from it ive been on the injection for a good while now never gained a pound, i have come off it recently but it can be up to a year before my cycle is normal u asked the personal question in a nice way not a negative way, i dont mind saying as i no you wont take the mickey x

    I was on depo provera (same thing I think) for a while when I first got married, I know these drugs affect different people in different ways, but I BALLOONED in weight while on it (photo of me on my profile showing how big I was). when I got off it and started moving again I dropped the weight. Maybe the drug IS a factor in some way but as you are so young it is not showing as such a big effect just yet? Might be worth exploring?
  • Uh... extremely personal question... but... PMS? If it's just around the corner, your weight can increase by up to 5lbs from that ALONE over the week before.

    Are you weighing yourself at the same time every day?

    i dont have my monthly curse. i have a contraceptive injection which stops them for 3 months, there is weight gain with it but ive never had weight gain from it ive been on the injection for a good while now never gained a pound, i have come off it recently but it can be up to a year before my cycle is normal u asked the personal question in a nice way not a negative way, i dont mind saying as i no you wont take the mickey x

    I was on depo provera (same thing I think) for a while when I first got married, I know these drugs affect different people in different ways, but I BALLOONED in weight while on it (photo of me on my profile showing how big I was). when I got off it and started moving again I dropped the weight. Maybe the drug IS a factor in some way but as you are so young it is not showing as such a big effect just yet? Might be worth exploring?

    i think it may be worth having a look, im glad i stopped it though id like to get back to being regular its also made me a bit nasty when i got it so during my first month on it i was a right grump! i no people want to help me and its nice having motivation and support ive not really had that with my mum or anything so i dont really no how to react im getting all weepy over silly things :laugh:
  • ritaadkins2002
    ritaadkins2002 Posts: 371 Member
    cheer-up u will have days like this; it might be u need to make better food choices or maybe u need to eat more calories if u are exercising alot. or it could be u are retaining water.
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