Underactive thyroid

Hello there,
Just been told I have a pretty severe under active thyroid. Been at the gym every day for last 3 months doing some cardio and weight training, eating well (low carb diet) and reduced my hours to PT at work.... and have nothing to show for it. Lost 5 pds in 3 months!? My back tends to stiffen up quickly and am pain most days. I wanted to loose 2 stones for my upcoming wedding in February and now i just want to loose weight for my back and get healthy.... feeling frustrated that my body doesnt respond to what im doing and my changes. Trying to find out more about underachievement thyroid, if you could share some insight as to how I could get my weight down that would be great. Would love to hear some positive testimonies to just help me continue and not give up. Thanks!!


  • amyann__
    amyann__ Posts: 7 Member
    I have hypothyroidism and I didn't start to feel better until I went gluten free. I still take medicine but changing that part of my eating made a massive difference. Maybe look online there is a lot of resources for cutting out gluten when you have thyroid issues. I've been hypothyroid for 4 years and gf for 2
  • Adelynee
    Adelynee Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you for that xx
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    I no longer have a thyroid and I have gone through times where my thyroid hormone is not regulated properly. Most endocrinologists will tell you that an underactive thyroid will only result in a 5-10 lb weight gain and I have found that to be true.

    Did you get any information from your doctor as to just how severe it is (what is your TSH and T3/T4 numbers)? Have they started you on replacement hormone therapy yet? That will really help.

    In the meantime, you can still lose weight. You need to set a daily caloric goal, stick to it by weighing/measuring all foods. As has been said here many times, weight loss ultimately happens "in the kitchen" and not in the gym. Exercise for health, but your eating is what makes the difference. Do you log your food and stick to a plan? You can still lose weight with an underactive thyroid, it's just more challenging because you don't feel particularly energetic and organized!
  • Madelinec117
    Madelinec117 Posts: 210 Member
    Good advice from CMNVA. I have an under active thyroid also and find I can lose weight, just not as fast a MFP predicts. I have also found the calorie burn on exercise from MFP is no where near accurate, so I don't eat any of my exercise calories. I have also noticed I don't have much room for error in order to lose weight, so no splurge meals unless I save calorie for them or else I will undo an entire week worth of eating right and exercising. It just takes a little longer and a little more patients.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I'm hypothyroid and also have a difficult time losing weight. I'm also gluten free and it seems to help. For me, I have to include at least two high intensity workouts a week to see any weight loss at all. And I understand about the back pain and stiffness bc I'm in the same boat. I've found indoor cycling/spinning classes work well. As long as I spend a lot of time stretching afterwards, then my back is okay. Also, yoga classes have helped a great deal with my back issues. Whatever you do, don't give up! And really, don't stop moving either!
  • kmcc144
    kmcc144 Posts: 84 Member
    I have an underactive thyroid and take synthroid daily. It has been hard, and I've had to be very consistent.. but over the last 3 years I've managed to lose 60lbs! I just have to be careful with my carb intake because if I slip up and don't get enough protein for a few days and have too many carbs, it really screws me up. Just find your groove and be consistent- and definitely don't give up!