Evening eating Ugg

Anyone have any ideas for not eating soooo much in the evening? I can eat b-fast & lunch with no problem and don't need a snack but come dinner time, I eat and as soon as i'm done i'm ready to eat about 30min later. If I don't, my stomach is growling all night. Diving me crazy!!


  • Bellum24
    Bellum24 Posts: 106 Member
    What sorts of meals are you eating for dinnner? Maybe finding a better balance on the GI for you might help. I find that when I eat a meal where I have fruits and veggies and protein I am fullest longest.
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    Why not add more veggies to your evening meals? That will leave you some calories to enjoy a snack after dinner (like fruit)?

    Another couple thoughts:
    When I drink alcohol, it's harder to resist evening eating, but drinking something else with dinner other than wine helps (and saves calories).

    Sometimes grabbing a cup of tea (the more fragrant the better) in the evening is a great ritual to get into. You can get that "hand to mouth" thing for zero calories, and the soothing qualities in decaf teas (like lavender, etc) really help in unwinding from the day's stress. :)

    If you suspect you're using eating as a way to quell stress before bed time, maybe try starting a journal instead?
  • kylies1219
    kylies1219 Posts: 80 Member
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Anyone have any ideas for not eating soooo much in the evening? I can eat b-fast & lunch with no problem and don't need a snack but come dinner time, I eat and as soon as i'm done i'm ready to eat about 30min later. If I don't, my stomach is growling all night. Diving me crazy!!

    My only solution is to go to bed....I know it's lame, but hey I LOVE eating at night so it helps me haha!
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    Every time I start craving something I try one of the following: drink a glass of water, go for a walk, search the internet for some cute clothes, blog on MFP, have a piece of fruit, brush my teeth, call a friend, and yeah, even go to bed early!
    Nights are the WORST for me too! I think it is just a bad habit and I read somewhere that it takes 28 days to change a habit so hang in there!
  • lfeltman50
    I have the same problem and I tried just going to bed earlier but all I can think of is food. I have found that eating supper a bit later helps and if I need a snack, I will have a little peanut butter on a spoon. Herbal tea is nice too.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i have the same problem...so what I do is try and eat only 300 calories or so before 5 pm...then I cook for 1 hour...then I eat at 6pm (a low cal meal), then I can snack until midnight with no shame :blushing:

    I also recommend drinking tea (0 calories) and buying frozen fruit and sucking on one piece at a time. :drinker:
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
  • Jsimons417
    Jsimons417 Posts: 17 Member
    The meals I eat are usually some sort of meat, like pork, chicken or beef with green beens and potatoes. The problem with my eating is not the time I eat its the quantity. I have this craving for more and before I catch myself I will cram it in too fast before I know I'm full. If I eat the proper amount of food for the evening the craving stays and its dificult to sleep. Funny thing is I will feel fine in the morning, its just getting through the evening hours is a $%$.
  • Jsimons417
    Jsimons417 Posts: 17 Member
    Sorry, double post
  • Jsimons417
    Jsimons417 Posts: 17 Member
    Courious about the journal. Could you elaborate?

    Why not add more veggies to your evening meals? That will leave you some calories to enjoy a snack after dinner (like fruit)?

    Another couple thoughts:
    When I drink alcohol, it's harder to resist evening eating, but drinking something else with dinner other than wine helps (and saves calories).

    Sometimes grabbing a cup of tea (the more fragrant the better) in the evening is a great ritual to get into. You can get that "hand to mouth" thing for zero calories, and the soothing qualities in decaf teas (like lavender, etc) really help in unwinding from the day's stress. :)

    If you suspect you're using eating as a way to quell stress before bed time, maybe try starting a journal instead?
  • teebuttah
    teebuttah Posts: 2
    Hunger pangs come at the same time you eat every day. If your body craves food at 10pm every night, it's probably because you've been feeding it at that time every night. Try making a rule for yourself: No eating after 9pm, NO MATTER WHAT. Stick with it for about a week and your body might adjust and not crave for food anymore.

    As for your dinner meal, try this. At least half your plate should consist of veggies. I'm not talking about cheddar broccoli with bacon bits drenched in a butter sauce. I mean real veggies that you simply steam, boil, blanch, or eat raw. The less cooked, the better. As for the remaining half of your plate, about a quarter should consist of a carb or starch, such as rice or potatoes, and a quarter for proteins, such as meat or beans. Eat as slowly as you can and don't assume that because you don't feel full right away that you are not satisfied. (How many times do we eat too much, only to realize it way after we finish eating?) Half an hour after eating, the feeling of fullness should set in. At this point, occupy yourself with something that keeps your mind and hands busy. If the hunger pangs are too intense, drink a glass of water and head to bed. Do not make exceptions. Do not be soft on yourself. Otherwise you'll never break the cycle of evening munching.

    Good luck.
  • Jsimons417
    Jsimons417 Posts: 17 Member
    I like it.
    Thank you.

    And thank you all for your comments and suggestions! Every little bit helps.
    Hunger pangs come at the same time you eat every day. If your body craves food at 10pm every night, it's probably because you've been feeding it at that time every night. Try making a rule for yourself: No eating after 9pm, NO MATTER WHAT. Stick with it for about a week and your body might adjust and not crave for food anymore.

    As for your dinner meal, try this. At least half your plate should consist of veggies. I'm not talking about cheddar broccoli with bacon bits drenched in a butter sauce. I mean real veggies that you simply steam, boil, blanch, or eat raw. The less cooked, the better. As for the remaining half of your plate, about a quarter should consist of a carb or starch, such as rice or potatoes, and a quarter for proteins, such as meat or beans. Eat as slowly as you can and don't assume that because you don't feel full right away that you are not satisfied. (How many times do we eat too much, only to realize it way after we finish eating?) Half an hour after eating, the feeling of fullness should set in. At this point, occupy yourself with something that keeps your mind and hands busy. If the hunger pangs are too intense, drink a glass of water and head to bed. Do not make exceptions. Do not be soft on yourself. Otherwise you'll never break the cycle of evening munching.

    Good luck.
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    I hate eating b-fast so I just have 1 cup of ff milk. Then about 1000 cals for lunch and dinner combined. Then I snack on yogurt, nuts, and/or protein bar in the evening and go to bed full and under goal. I sleep better and stay under goal