28 and aiming to lose 52 pounds over the next 8 months! Will definitely need support!

Hello, everyone! I am determined to shed these extra pounds that I have been lugging around my whole life. I deserve better, and so do all of you! Anyone with me on this journey? I know it is going to be extremely hard at times, and easier than ever at other times, but I am starting right now and not giving up. Would love some support/people going through the same thing! Feel free to add me!


  • liftorgohome
    liftorgohome Posts: 25,455 Member
    Good luck, cardio and diet will dictate the outcome. Eating low carb or healthier is tough to maintain. Lots of the same foods over and over again, just have to be creative. Good luck!!
  • ktelizbeth
    ktelizbeth Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you! I am a spin class maniac, I just need to start mixing in some weight training with that. I tend to over indulge with food post workout though, that is my biggest problem.
  • toleska
    toleska Posts: 8 Member
    Hello.....I am a 62 y.o. female, trying to do this again. In the past, I would lose 20 lbs and slide off to old familiar habits. I needed to lose120#, I am down by 43#!!! Willing to share my secret......no surgery or products just following healthy lifestyle changes.
  • koolkatkustom
    koolkatkustom Posts: 8 Member
    Add me