Did i just hit a plateau?

JaynaeNicole24 Posts: 5 Member
edited December 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Good Morning fitness pals!

I could use your opinions on something im stumped about. This might be quite long but ill try to be as short as I can without leaving out any information.

I started working out 6 months ago with a Co-Worker. My starting weight was 214 Lbs. I was going to the gym everyday & eating under 1,260 calories. My activity level at the time was moderate. I was working on a seasonal plant crew in ohio so i was walking alot spraying herbicide and pulling weeds.

Fast foward 6 months & I'm 34 pounds lighter. Which im extrememly happy about. But all of a sudden I dont seem to be losing any weightbut gaining slowly. I've recently moved back to california & since were I live there is no gym near me I've had to do new excerise routine.

Everyday i do 30 minutes on a stationary bike at about18-20miles an hour. Which would burn 285 calories. Ive lowered my Cal intake to 1200,since im not very active and I stay under it all the time. With atleast 300 to spare.

Is there something im missing? My eating habits ive maintained.
•Greek yogurt(130cal)
•5g of peanut butter(23cal) powder
•half a cup of kix cereal(59cal)
•belvita biscuits(115)

Lunch :
•protein bar thats about (170cal)
•ill cook egg whites(60cal) with one small potato(100cal)

And for a snack ill have either kind bar (140cal) or skinnypopcorn (150cal)etc..

Dinner i usually have something thats about 400 cal maybe less,it varies depending on what i cook or whats in the fridge.

Is there a reason im gaining? Do i need to eat less than 1200? Like 900-1000?

Thanks for your time

Also with the added 285,i try not to eat that back because when i did that before i gained MORE weight



  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Going lower than 1200 is never a good plan. How's your logging? Are you using your food scale for all solids, measuring cups for all liquids, using the recipe builder, logging everything that passes your lips? Do you really eat zero vegetables as shown above? Not that its required but I know a lot of people only log selective items and it can be an issue. Do you use accurate entries from the database (ie not generic, not other people's homemade entries, not incorrect user added entries).

    How long has it been since you've stopped losing?
  • JaynaeNicole24
    JaynaeNicole24 Posts: 5 Member
    edited December 2016
    Going lower than 1200 is never a good plan. How's your logging? Are you using your food scale for all solids, measuring cups for all liquids, using the recipe builder, logging everything that passes your lips? Do you really eat zero vegetables as shown above? Not that its required but I know a lot of people only log selective items and it can be an issue. Do you use accurate entries from the database (ie not generic, not other people's homemade entries, not incorrect user added entries).

    How long has it been since you've stopped losing?

    I log pretty well on myfitness pal. I have a food scale from elektra or elektrik in my kitchen i use everyday for breakfast and dinner. As far a vegetables i usually add in onion and bell peppers (all colors) brocolli and spinach with my meals. I do admit when it comes to logging certain foods,i use the generic one because some of the entries seem to low in calories or there from some weird restaurant or something and i was told its never a bad thing to calculate over than toncalculate under. The recipe builder is my friend LOL.

    Its been happening every since i got back from Ohio. So couple months.
  • NPAP1963
    NPAP1963 Posts: 1 Member
    Your body may have gotten too used to the stationary bike. My trainer told me that flat out cardio on ellipticals/stationary bikes are fine, but your body gets used to it and doesn't burn as many calories after a while. I have added strength training which is supposed to help your body burn more efficiently. HITT training where you go back and forth from intensive to low intensive workouts works pretty good too.
  • JaynaeNicole24
    JaynaeNicole24 Posts: 5 Member
    NPAP1963 wrote: »
    Your body may have gotten too used to the stationary bike. My trainer told me that flat out cardio on ellipticals/stationary bikes are fine, but your body gets used to it and doesn't burn as many calories after a while. I have added strength training which is supposed to help your body burn more efficiently. HITT training where you go back and forth from intensive to low intensive workouts works pretty good too.

    Ive been researching HITT training,i have a weight lifting equipment for arms that i use everday as well 3 sets of 8 for different excerises. Im thinking maybe i just might start walking a mile everyday in the morning to jump start my metabolism.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I'd start with tightening up your logging. Weigh everything that goes in your mouth (including vegetables), in grams (liquids can be measured). Look for USDA entries in the database (ie include USDA in your search terms, like 'usda broccoli' etc) and use those. Check labels match up with database entries. Stalls are often traceable to logging errors.

    Also, you can't jump start your metabolism. A walk in the morning will burn extra calories, but it won't do anything magical beyond that.
  • JaynaeNicole24
    JaynaeNicole24 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you!!!! Theres so many questions i have. Even googling leaves me confused
  • BeadDiva1
    BeadDiva1 Posts: 27 Member
    You've lost 34 lbs and only dropped cal by 60??? You are not losing because you are either 1. eating too much or 2. not accurately tracking what you are eating. You need to recalculate your TDEE for your new weight. and recalculate after every 10 lb loss. The less you weigh the less calories your body requires. Use a TDEE calculator. IFFYM has a pretty accurate one.