New strategies/goals for 2017? Please share!! :)



  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    My goal is to continue my bulk and start gaining weight again.. then cut in April or so. Continue my lifting program. Hopefully hit some PRs.

    I really need to start meal prepping and buying high cal foods, maybe an alarm to remind me to snack. Start logging worst case if I'm still not gaining.
  • newbie3122
    newbie3122 Posts: 480 Member
    My goal is to lift the world and do some bodyweight training in the summer
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    1. Don't gain any (or very little) weight.
    2. See if I can get under 130# just for sibling bragging rights. I would be the smallest/thinnest when I was the fattest.
    3. Find more/different exercise routines that I will continue and not aggravate my foot corns.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    1. Face facts that I will never settle down with traditional bodybuilding programs. Counting reps bores me. I will branch out from dvds and find crossfit classes.
    2. Start running outdoors
    3. Start counting calories exclusively. Say goodbye to weight watchers if their new plan just doesn't fit me.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    Goals for 2017:

    1. Lose another 10kg of the 20kg I have left to lose
    2. Consistently run 5km (once a week is my goal, but no sweat if it's only once a month as long as it's every month)
    3. Fit into that cute t-shirt I got on sale that's 2 sizes too small :wink:
    4. Find a sport I enjoy besides running (I can already cross a few off the list that I don't :tongue: )
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    edited December 2016
    My goals involve events/challenges ... sports/fitness events/challenges.
  • richfire785
    richfire785 Posts: 29 Member
    My goal is to stay on track through the ups and downs. This is not a sprint it's a marathon.
    1 log my food
    2 excercise as much as I can, varying it up so it's not always the same thing.
    3 Be better about planning ahead as well. Proactive not reactive.
    4 And since your always learning, adapt and change things as life changes. Keep moving forward to accomplish your ultimate goal.

    Thanks for making me think about it.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    1. Run a half marathon next fall
    2. Make more of my eating habits mindless (to facilitate maintenance without too much conscious effort)
    3. Do an unassisted pull up
    4. Be less lenient than I've been for the past couple of years (no prolonged maintenance breaks lasting several months) to finally lose the weight and be done with it by my 2018 birthday
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    My goals involve events/challenges ... sports/fitness events/challenges.

    I was just looking at the calendar for 2017, and suddenly realised that I've got a 360 km ride on the schedule for mid March. Guess I'll be ramping up the cycling a little quicker than I thought.

  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I'm so shallow.
    My goal is to go snorkelling in the Caribbean wearing a bikini.

    The reality is Scotland in January for my mums 90th.

    Cheers, h.
  • Calimama123
    Calimama123 Posts: 128 Member
    Lose another 17 to finally hit goal
    Run a 10k
    Log every single thing every single day
  • Calimama123
    Calimama123 Posts: 128 Member
    I stuck with my goals this year for the whole year and lost 30lbs, it's the longest I've maintained and not gone back to old habits, it's really a different lifestyle at this point and I'm pumped to keep up the momentum
  • nspink22
    nspink22 Posts: 83 Member
    I stuck with my goals this year for the whole year and lost 30lbs, it's the longest I've maintained and not gone back to old habits, it's really a different lifestyle at this point and I'm pumped to keep up the momentum

    That's awesome! Congrats to you, and keep up the great work!
  • lisaseager45
    lisaseager45 Posts: 32 Member
    I've lost 24lb and wanted to loose another 5 at least but won't manage this year but by reading all post and encouragement of you lot am not dissaponted but look at how far I've got but next year them last 5/10 are gone and I want to be leaner fitter and I know it can be done !;-)
  • Meghanebk
    Meghanebk Posts: 321 Member
    • Continue logging and losing around 0.5 lb per week until I hit my goal
    • don't gain weight while I house-hunt and move
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    edited December 2016
    ive lost 34 pounds this year and want to lose another 6pounds, then spend the rest of the year gaining more muscle and getting that beach body look.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Let's see.. Goals.. maintain my weight (or at leas keep it under 190) and build more muscle. I've already lost the weight, and have done a good job of maintaining, so what's left is gaining muscle and strength without screwing up my hard work. One other goal I have in 2017 is to run a 5k. I came close this year, so I think I'll get it done.

    Strategies: I'm hovering slightly above maintenance until likely the end of January watching the weight closely and intensifying body weight training. In February I'll drop slightly below maintenance again for a month or two to try and drop my body fat down to 10% or slightly less. After that I'll consider a slight bulk. So 17 is going to be more of a recomp year for me.
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    I'd love to reach my goal weight in 2017. I have about 34 lbs left to get to my ultimate goal so it should be do-able. I really need to start going to the gym more regularly. I need to branch out and start trying new things at the gym, maybe a bootcamp class, swimming laps, or finally talk myself into starting a lifting program. I'm an introvert and I don't like asking for help so I've never ventured into the weights section of my gym. I've never been a runner but I'd like to give it a try and see if it's something I like. My best friend and her son want me to start running 5Ks with them. And, if I get really motivated (or crazy), there is a women only sprint triathlon in August. I'll just have to make sure the road bike I'm working on restoring is ready in time to train.
  • Kelly81388
    Kelly81388 Posts: 4 Member
    I lost 18-20 lbs this year. It keeps fluctuating back up...ugh holidays. Hoping to be at a solid 20 by the 31st. I have another 35lbs to go in 2017.

    My boyfriend is going to ask me to marry him very soon...and I am not going to let myself go dress shopping until I hit that number.

    I am thinking about trying yoga this year. I don't know if it will help me lose weight, but I think it will be good for me.

    Pasta/starch only 1x per week (spaghetti squash is the best pasta replacement)
    7000 steps min each day (unless sick or hurt)
    Drink 48 ounces per day
    No snacks over 150 calories...though not snacking at all would be better.