Walking and knee problems

Ok I was wondering if anyone has has the same problem as me. I have arthritis in both knees and with that my back has gone out. Then you add the hips in there and that's causes massive pain. I was wondering if anyone if anyone when walk has ever had pain in the upper the thigh hip area mine is like a burning pain and I have to stop. Also doing a seated elliptical I get pain in my calfs.What am I doing wrong? Just thinking about it maybe my back is out of line and causing all these problems. I want to be able to get back to walking on the treadmill or even outside but without this stupid pain.:frown: :flowerforyou:


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    burning pain usually means you are using your muscles.

    over time it'll go away, just keep it up.

    also..if you arent used to exercise it'll be very difficult at first. but it gets easier the more you do it. also with arthritis the more you move, the less pain you'll be in over time..of course it takes time. also..again..arthritis is an inflammatory disease, and if you are prone to them you will be more prone to having issues in other areas..like muscles or tendons. so you could be having inflammation in those areas causing the pain. the best thing to do is take an anti inflammatory, like ibuprofin (if you can). also try glucosomine and chondroitin. but again it takes time for those to work or show any difference, and you have to take them every day religiously for several months.
    good luck
  • zoot580
    zoot580 Posts: 3 Member
    I've had surgery on each knee, within 9 months of each other. Physical Therapy was a tremendous help. Have you seen the doctor about your pain? I thought it was just pain in my right knee and turned out to be a meniscus tear. I don't know your personal status, but weight can easily be a factor, along with aging, pre-existing conditions from injury, etc.

    Good luck identifying the source of your frustration. I'll say a special prayer for you tonight.
  • skippermom
    Hi, I agree with the posting about the need to consult your doctor who can not only help you better deal with the pain, but also advise you on exercises that will help you.
    I do suspended jogging in the water - no impact on my knees. I recently completed a series of three shots in both knees of hylon (not sure of spelling) but that is the fluid which naturally occurs in your knees. This will give a lot of relief to me expecting full results in another two to three weeks.
    Have lost 20 pounds which also is resulting in easier to get around with less pain and stiffness.
    After a few months of literally gritting my teeth when walking and pulling myself around the house, I'm glad the pain is being controlled and anticipate future relief.