Need a little push

So, I'm coming into the first weekend since I've jumped back on the wagon & let's just say today was not a good day :frown: During the week I'm good, distracted by work and the work week routine. Anyone else have trouble on the weekends? Any words of wisdom out there?


  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    The weekends are my rest days right now, since the rec isn't open and I believe you should have at least one rest day to allow your body to relax. If you work out on the week give yourself a break :)
  • jesienia
    jesienia Posts: 294
    Sundays are my worst days. Family comes over and my mom cooks a big meal (that's really not waist friendly.) It's hard and I tend to crave sweets more on that day for some reason. I try to prepare something ahead of time to eat and make sure I take a long walk that afternoon. Or sometimes we plan a trip to the mountains or lake...that way I can walk around a lot.

    So maybe plan some sort of outing and try to prepare healthy meals ahead of time. I keep loads in the freezer so I'm not tempted. I hope this helps! :)
  • dandyforman
    do you think that boredom could be your problem? do you find yourself eating while you are thinking about what to do for the day or while you're watching tv or something? i know that if i'm bored or restless i tend to get cravings and munchies. if so, i'd recommend finding fun family things to do, like throwing frisbees in the park, swimming at a local pool, or if you have an area to hike in, hike up to a nice picinic spot. that way you have to get some exercise in and you can monitor what you are eating at the same time, all while having a blast with your family :)

    personally, i think getting your family either consciously or subconcsiously involved is a good idea, cause it'll be fun for them to get out and do things and it helps you stay in check with your goals.

    if your kids are the type to like to go and play with their friends on the weekends, plan group activities with their family. even if it's just going to the park and pushing your kids on the swings next to their friends mom or dad, chatting distracts you and you're still being active :)

    hope this helps, and good luck! :D
  • moniquereneeharris
    moniquereneeharris Posts: 5 Member
    Very good suggestions about ways to get family members involved, stay active, and have fun at the same time.