
Hey guys..
so here is my dilemma: I am in college, so my weekends are usually spent drinking/going out with friends to the bars/and then going home with late night foods (like jimmy johns)/ and if its real bad, waking up the next morning and craving hangover food!

i know this obviously reaps in A LOT of calories, considering I also spend my day trying to eat my normal healthy balanced meals. does any one have any advice on how to loose weight but still have a social life? bars usually dont have low cal options like diet coke.. do you think its really bad to give yourself the weekend to drink/eat whatever you want if you dont have a ton of weight to loose?

let me know your tips/tricks/thoughts because i want to be healthy and in shape but i dont want to give up my social life!



  • smrtcar
    smrtcar Posts: 104 Member
    avoid the bars and booze.
  • tony2009
    tony2009 Posts: 201 Member
    Bump so I can quickly see the responses because I find myself in the same situation. >.<
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    vodka and soda water with lime is around 70 calories a drink. I don't drink anymore, but when I did I would only have one or two drinks. That eliminated the hang over and the bad eating
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Shoot drink all you want...BUT realize you are not going to loose weight unless you calorie count those drinks. Make a choice.....drink...or loose is all in the math...count your calories.
  • StacyFrisbie
    StacyFrisbie Posts: 159 Member
    Michelob Ultra, or Bud Select for beer, or you can do mixed drinks with Diet Soda or Crystal Light. Also, many stores carry sugar free/low calorie margarita mixes etc. As for foods, Keep a snack in your purse that soaks up the liquor for late nights, then the next day, try fresco menu at Taco Bell, there are some good choices there. Make sure you work out the day you go out, because you likely won't the next day. Make hangover day a rest day. I've been out of college for nearly 20 years, but I completely sympathize with you, that's one of the biggest challenges (and college is where I gained half my weight)!
  • Saksgirl1
    Saksgirl1 Posts: 248
    you need to decide which is more important, your social life or LOSING weight/being healthy.

    By the way, clothes tend to be LOOSE or you can LOSE weight :)
  • jessib009
    jessib009 Posts: 8
    i cant give up drinking for the time being.. we all meet at the bars! does anyone know if the skinny girl margs are good? i usually like to drink things that are stronger b/c then i will drink less. is eating/drinking whatever you want on the weekends really bad?
  • katy4193
    katy4193 Posts: 44
    I have never heard of a bar that did not have diet coke! I agree with have to choose. If I want something extra, I earn it..I count it in my day...
  • garysgirl719
    garysgirl719 Posts: 235 Member
    i cant give up drinking for the time being.. we all meet at the bars! does anyone know if the skinny girl margs are good? i usually like to drink things that are stronger b/c then i will drink less. is eating/drinking whatever you want on the weekends really bad?

    Actually, yes, you CAN give up drinking. You are choosing not to. Just because you are in a bar, it does not mean you have to drink. As all of the previous responses have said, no, you can not just do whatever you want on the weekends. Yes it is really bad.
  • manny_bee
    manny_bee Posts: 62 Member
    one of my good friends only eats healthy and exercises mon-fri. the weekends are his days for fun and food. he's lost well over 50lbs since jan. i suppose it's all about moderation
  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    I have found that making a choice to drink is ok, if it is done in moderation. I set a two drink limit, in my case it is wine. I order one glass and always ask for a water. I drink them both and slowly. I do know that if I drink more, I don't lose and that is even worse feeling. College life is tough, but it can be fun too, just let your friends know you need their support and not push drinks on you, if they are your friends they will help you :flowerforyou: Good Luck. Ciao
  • akgirl10
    akgirl10 Posts: 1 Member
    When I was young my friend and I would decide how many beers we wanted to drink that night. Then we'd go to the gym and burn off those calories beforehand.

    Drink at least one glass of water for every drink you're consuming. It'll slow you down and keep you hydrated.

    Instead of eating at a restaurant afterward, meet up at your place and have healthier snacks.

    Go out someplace that has dancing.

    Pick one night during the weekend to drink. If you're really good six days out of seven you will probably still lose.
  • aubarnold
    aubarnold Posts: 64 Member
    skinny girl margaritas are delish :)
  • CelticDestiny
    CelticDestiny Posts: 61 Member
    Ultimately it is your decision. You are going to do whatever it is you want to do. It's all about your priorities and how bad you want those things. You can give up drinking if you want to. There is nothing wrong with saying no and standing up for what you truly want. You don't have to go along with your "friends" just because they drink. If you say I'm not drinking or I'm only drinking a little and they are truly your friend they won't question you and support your decision. You can still have a social life and not drink. Just because you meet at a bar doesn't mean you have to drink.

    Again, it's your decision on how you want to live your life. Figure out your priorities and stand behind them with conviction.
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140
    Hey girlie,

    You can still watch and lose weight while going out. Look for low calorie beverages such light beer, or a drink with vodka w diet coke, diet snapple icea tea. Or cosmo are good, only contains 132 calories. Set a limit of calories for the evening as well as exercise during the day so that you accumulate a little more. Make sure your snack are on the healthier side. If you can go online and check out the restaurant's menu. Research low-calorie drinks before heading. It is all in planning. I still have a couple of drinks on the weekends. I still logged them into my diary. It is all about moderation!!!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    when you go to the bar, order a soda or glass of juice. You can ask for a virgin pina colada etc. It will keep you hydrated as well =)

    I'm ALSO a college student. I started drinking when I was 15, but I stopped a year later since I realized I was only drinking because it made me feel "cool." Alcohol taste bad...if you are gonna spend calories, why not on something that actually taste better? xD
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Bacardi and Diet all the way.
  • jessicazanebell
    jessicazanebell Posts: 67 Member
    I just graduated college and still party quite a bit especially since I just turned 21! I did a lot of research on the topic and I found out that the best way to drink and still lose you need to watch your fat intake on drinking days. Alcohol turns into acetate in your body and you will burn that off at energy before fat/carbs or protein. Most people gain weight when drinking because you store fat when you drink and usually you crave fatty foods when drunk or hungover. So the best way to limit the amount of fat you store is to eat a minimal amount of fat the day you're drinking and the day after. I usually try and keep mine under 30g. This way you body has no extra fat to store beyond what it would store normally. Also I usually only eat around 700cal on a day where I know I'm going to drink (because I like to drink ALOT not just 1 or 2 glasses of wine lol). I keep atkins advantage bars handy when I know I'm going to want to eat something or if my friends are going to go out. When I went to a bar an ordered rum and diet coke and the bartender laughed at me and said they don't have diet soda, I felt a little embarrassed so I know what you're talking about. I try and drink lower cal beverages before I go out and only have a couple drinks when I go out like vodka and juice and I usually get them with 2 shots that way I get the affect of 2 drinks with only the mixer for one. I drink vodka with flavored sparkling water before I go out. Safeway and QFC both have theyre own brand of sparkling water for less than a dollar each. Hope that helped...I totally feel your pain. Skipping out on a night of drinking tonight because I want to workout tomorrow morning and I know I won't if I'm hungover.
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 920 Member
    when at uni i was a big drinker and me and the girls were out 2-3 times a week. (dont really know how i got my degree lol) any ways i was also doing weigh watchers as back then i was a lot bigger than i am know.
    i use to go to the gym first thing in morning the day that i knew id be going out as it helps ur metabolism and then eat a big meal 3-4 hours beforwe going out...... we had a burger van righ outside our union and i got to know the owner and told her i only wanted the burger no bun at the end of the night lol...... while out i drank malibu and diet coke or vodka and diet coke. sometimes we would have shots aswell.
    on the hangover day the girls would have mcdonalds in the flat and id have a big omlett. and eventualy make it to the gym in the evening.....
    i lost 2 stone in uni
    if i can do it so can you, you just have to make the right choices.... dnt let weight loss get in the way of one of the best times of your life.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    you can have a social life and NOT drink....