What's the main food you eat on your weight loss journey?



  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    All of it...in moderation.

    Yep, did this during my active weight loss phase, then I did this during almost 4 years of maintenance and I'm still doing this now that I'm in a short weight loss phase to lose some vanity pounds. I eat all the foods I like, I've just learned how to fit them into my calorie goals :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    A lot more bread than I used to eat.
  • suzilla53
    suzilla53 Posts: 65 Member
    Plain Greek yogurt, It's my one crutch.
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Chick-fil-A nuggets, bacon, eggs, shredded chicken
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    All the foods. My current big go-tos:

    Oatmeal and Greek Yogurt for breakfast. I add raisins and nuts.

    Baby carrots, edamame, crackers, hummus, black bean dip or cheese strings for snackies.

    Mio for my water during the day and chamomile for bedtime.

    Leftovers for lunch. I might put them in a whole wheat wrap. Add a fruit.

    Dinners are planned around the protein which starts with a roast on Sunday, transformed in to a pasta dish on Monday, a slow cooker stew on Tuesday, and a reheated casserole on Wednesday (assembled on Sunday). Other dinners may be a stir fry, omelet or breaded and baked chicken/fish.

    And beans. Typically several bean based mains a month like a chilli.

    The dinner carb is rotated through pasta, grains, and potatoes.

    More leafy salads in the summer, and heartier veggies in the winter (squash, frozen peas and corn).
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Whatever I want. I am careful about portion sizes.
  • seymourabs
    seymourabs Posts: 2 Member
    Tuna and crackers. Bumblebee makes a really great small 300 calorie portion box. You can add side veggies and fruit depending on what you need for calorie spend. Sometimes I have it for both breakfast and lunch on very busy days.
  • Calimama123
    Calimama123 Posts: 128 Member
    The main staples are:

    Ground turkey
    Plain FF Greek yogurt
    Various vegetables

    Protein really helps keep me full in a deficit so I eat a lot of extra lean turkey.

    My day is pretty boring but literally is pretty much:

    Breakfast: oatmeal with veggies and poached eggs

    Lunch: ground turkey with vegetables

    Dinner: ground turkey with vegetables

    Snacks: fruit and Ff Greek yogurt
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited December 2016
    The ones that fuel my body, are tasty and nutritious. A lot of plants (vegetables, beans pulses, lentils...), nuts, seeds, lean proteins (lots of fish, some chicken, some red meats), some whole grains (steel cut oats, brown rice, 100% whole grain breads), some cheese and eggs.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member

    Well no, not everything...no onions
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Anything that is not deep fried
  • Eddie__Jones
    Eddie__Jones Posts: 197 Member
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I like to eat pizza and Chick Fil A chicken sandwiches. In order to have calories for that, I eat eggs, apples, watermelon, whole grain bread, potatoes, every kind of vegetable, popcorn, chicken, pork, beef..

    Well, I guess I eat everything I possibly can within my calorie goals.
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    I eat everything I used to eat, just in smaller portions.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    All of it...in moderation.

    This, except the foods I don't like. Some foods I eat less frequently because they are calorie bombs, or I will eat half, or order different sides.
  • hallsan
    hallsan Posts: 5 Member
    edited December 2016
    Egg white, avocado and tabasco sauce for lunch, homemade borscht/veggie soup, salad, skinless boneless chicken breast, and veggies for dinner. Green smoothie or protein drink for breaky. Glycine and d-ribose for sweetener. Urge for carbs faded after a week.

    My doctor gave me an acronym: BCPR (before Christ public relations). That means no: Bread, cereal, pasta/pizza/potatoes or rice. Basically no simple carbs or sugars. Whole food from the raw vegetable and meat as opposed to from a box. Everything else is within limits, within the calorie goal.

    I have a lot to lose and this has helped me drop quite a few to get me started. I don't expect to eat like this forever, but after I go into maintenance, I can modify.
  • FatChickToNotSoFatChick
    Down 40 pounds since I started a few months back and I eat Alfredo pasta multiple times a week lol. Just substituting for lower calorie pasta/sauce and portion control thanks to my food scale. Also cashews <3 love them.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    Less of everything.
  • Kristi26
    Kristi26 Posts: 184 Member
    Pancakes, homemade soups, rice, ice cream (dairy free as I'm lactose intolerant), applesauce, bananas...those are the foods I eat almost daily.