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rjel78 Posts: 102 Member
How many of you are not tracking calories or exercising today?

Merry Christmas and happy holidays


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I haven't tracked in a week. I'll start back up Tuesday.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I will track. It won't be pretty, but I'll still be honest and log it. That's what keeps me sane.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I track to help me know why I gained.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Me, sorta. I'm going to have a mellow exercise day though as I haven't really had a rest in a while. Going to go for a long walk after I've had my coffee and cliff bar, eat a fair lunch and then just log whatever I end up wanting for dinner. I was going to blow it out and just make a fake entry but I may as well know. It won't be crazy but I'm looking forward to some dinner rolls with butter and stuff and don't plan to restrict those extras I've been missing.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    I'm not tracking until after the New Year and yes, I know will gain some weight. Like I did after Thanksgiving, (7pounds) I was back to my normal weight within2 weeks.

    That sounds like a good Thanksgiving :smiley:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I logged a rough 3500 cals and managed 20 minutes out with the dog... :laugh:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member


    I gave up after 10 out of the last 20 days were more than 1000 over.

    Yeah. Start back tomorrow. After I eat all these cookies.
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    I've logged for over 500 days. Quitting is not an option. A day off is quitting.
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    I'm tracking. Sundays are normally my rest days but I took yesterday off and had a huge Christmas Eve dinner with the family last night, so I'm going to workout today.
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    edited December 2016
    I've logged for over 500 days. Quitting is not an option. A day off is quitting.

    Wrong. I've also logged for over 500 days. A day off exercising and/or tracking is nothing. It's a break, a well planned decision to indulge a little more than usual without logging as a part of enjoying the holidays. As long as you stay on track a good majority of the time, you have not failed nor quit.
    Have you not read post from other users who always overeat without worry on special occasions yet have successfully maintained for years? They nor I have quit just because we don't have "perfect" days every day.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Not tracking until New Year's. I over indulge for Christmas Eve and Christmas, and make smart choices and portion control until 1 Jan. Too many exciting family memories made this week to worry about the minutiae of calorie/macro counting. I walked my dog and followed my youngest around on the scooter Santa brought. Planning a family hike for New Year's Day. That's plenty of physical activity for me.

    This is what I do every year. And for the three Christmas weeks I've been with MFP, the overindulgence and lack of structured workouts during this one week have done little to no damage to my overall health and well being. I'm the slimmest and most fit I've been in my entire adult life.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Nope, not tracking today. I'll start up tomorrow but that won't be 100% since we'll be visiting out of town family. On Tuesday I'll be back to normal.
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    i track every day and i am under my calorie goal for the day
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I track Christmas Day calories because it amuses me to see how badly I can go astray!

    Thankfully, it's only one day. :)
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I track Christmas Day calories because it amuses me to see how badly I can go astray!

    Thankfully, it's only one day. :)

    I tracked Christmas 2014 for amusement. Hit 4000+ estimated (probably forgot most of the booze and drunken snacking, so probably closer to 4500-5000). I impressed myself, as a slim, lightly active lady who typically only needs 1600-2000 on any given day. :)
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    Nearing a 1000 day streak of tracking. Not giving that up.
  • poweredbychai
    poweredbychai Posts: 7 Member
    Tracking — but not beating myself up over accuracy while I'm a holiday parties or family get-togethers.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I walked for 4 hrs today (2 hrs in the morning, 2 hrs in the evening--the weather's great in Rome), plus made Christmas dinner for 6. I just used quick-add calories today. No worries.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I'm logging because I'm so used to it, not logging feels weird. It will be sloppy logging with lots of guesstimates, quick adds and random entries up until Jan 14, but logging nonetheless.