Beautiful Behaviors - End of year 2016



  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    australia is one of the places i've always wanted to go too, and germany is the only place i've ever been in europe (a business trip, unfortunately, but i did get to go to a beautiful christmas market).

    it's good to see everyone's goals set out there! now we can strategize about how we're working towards meeting them, and maybe we'll learn something from each other.

    i'm having a less than stellar day, too much stress with the car and the house not being ready to move in. serenity now!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    AND.... today is a new day! Happy Saturday. It's Christmas Eve and the first night of Chanukah tonight, so I expect people are going to be too busy to post much, but if you're around, give a shout out!

    How are you planning on handling the holiday meals this year?

    I am not having any holiday meals until mid January, when we celebrate a belated holiday with some family from the West Coast who are coming in for a visit. I will be spending today and tomorrow packing up my house, preparing for the move on Monday.

    I'm thrilled that I'm tracking my food, especially after days like yesterday when I went bananas on junk food at the car dealer. All in all, the day wasn't a total disaster, and one thing I'm pretty good at is putting the past behind me and leaving it there.

    Looking forward to this week being over,
  • iris2811
    iris2811 Posts: 124 Member
    Oh Jess!
    Hope your move is going well!
    Hope all of you are having a good time however you are choosing to spend these holidays!
    Sending love around the world! X
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks, Iris! Love back at you! <3
  • sunnysunny88
    sunnysunny88 Posts: 64 Member
    Merry Christmas everybody! :) hope you are having a wonderful time.

    Christmas is over for me so I can tell you how it went, on Christmas Eve I went over my calorie budget by 1325 and on Christmas by 163 caused by Christmas Eve dinner and lunch and all the cakes, but they are delicious and I don't regret one bit. My trainer said that if you plan to indulge, make sure you eat something that you really like and enjoy, instead of mindlessly eating and racking up calories that way. And for me that's puddings, ice cream and cakes haha I did find strangely that after I ate those sweets, I just crave more, no wonder it's so easy to binge. I am going back on my normal eating plan today and just enjoying the rest of the break.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Hey, Deanna, ice cream and stuff like that are my weakness too. Are you off on break until the New Year? I took a few days off and will be going back in on Thursday, but I'm going to try to get telework so I can stay home.

    HOME. What a weird word! I've been packing all day and I'm not done yet. I'm trying not to freak out. The movers will be here tomorrow at 9am, so I may use the few hours in the morning to finish up. I'm exhausted!
  • sunnysunny88
    sunnysunny88 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Jess did you mean me? Ahaha yes the office is closed until Th new year so we are forced to give up 3 days of our Annual leave but I don't really mind.

    Oh Moving is such hard work! And to do it around this time too! Try to get as much help as possible and try not to push yourself too hard, is but you're moving to your fiancé's house right? (Trying to remember the first post) and getting married? So that must be exciting :) all the best to you ! And try to rest whenever you can
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    yes, Sunny, I did mean you, sorry for the confusion. <3
  • catdoc1
    catdoc1 Posts: 227 Member
    Good morning from Seattle. Room for one more? I'm focusing on sleep and exercise this coming month. Thanks to my FitBit (a gift a year ago) I now know that I'm failing miserably in the sleep department. DH leaving tomorrow with DS2 for a hockey tournament. I'm working from home all week with DS1 to keep me company, so it a great time to start improving my habits of self neglect. I love the positive energy in this group and would love to be a part of it if you'll have me. Thank you and Happy New Year, Laura
  • iris2811
    iris2811 Posts: 124 Member
    catdoc1 wrote: »
    Good morning from Seattle. Room for one more? I'm focusing on sleep and exercise this coming month. Thanks to my FitBit (a gift a year ago) I now know that I'm failing miserably in the sleep department. DH leaving tomorrow with DS2 for a hockey tournament. I'm working from home all week with DS1 to keep me company, so it a great time to start improving my habits of self neglect. I love the positive energy in this group and would love to be a part of it if you'll have me. Thank you and Happy New Year, Laura

    Hi Laura!
    Welcome! Self love is the way forward :) we all deserve that I think.
    Hope you'll make a great start next week!
  • iris2811
    iris2811 Posts: 124 Member
    Oh have just seen the size of my pic! you got a whol lot a Lincolshire Wolds and Iris there - sorry!
    Does anyone know how to make it smaller? I used my mobile/cell to upload it
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Welcome Laura, there's always room for one more! I am in the middle of a move and have no Wi-fi yet. I don't type well on my phone, so I won't post much for a couple of days. I look forward to getting to know you too.
  • sunnysunny88
    sunnysunny88 Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome Laura!
    What a beautiful place to bike Iris :)
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Hello Laura!

    I hope you all have had a great Christmas. My plans changed, as I am struggling finacially... so although I am working like crazy, money is still shorted. I was able to spend it with friends and their families, so it was a nice alternative and I wasn't alone. I did OK with eating, but did not overindulge and that is a very good step in the right direction! Looking forward to doing well this week! I have not had a chance to log on, so I am glad to be able to catch up!

    I hope everyone has a great night/great day (in whichever time zone you are in!) :)

    It was beautiful in Michigan, I was able to drive with the windows down and the snow is almost all melted (tear). I did enjoy it, even though I do love the snow.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Good morning from Sanity Farm, Darlington, MD! Still no Wi-Fi so I'm still on my phone only, which makes it difficult for me to keep up here. Wi-Fi comes tomorrow supposedly, so it should get better. As a rule I expect to be very active here because well I have a lot of words LOL. Our first night in the new house was comfortable. We have space heaters. We have electric. We almost have water, there are just a few pipes that still need to be connected before we can turn it on without worrying about leaks. I hope you all are having great days! I don't have a kitchen, so we're eating out a lot and that is in one way making it hard for me, but in another way it's making it easier because there's no food around the house to eat. I'm typing this post with speech-to-text technology so if it sounds strange, that's why.

    What beautiful Behavior are you focusing most on today? For me, it's going to be drinking water because there is no kitchen sink, I have to go out of my way to get a glass of water. Wish me luck!
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member

    Today my beautiful behavior is also to drink water and do desk exercises. It was brought to my attention that I strayed from my desk too much... which I am not sure how that is so! So onward and upward.

    Glad you are starting to have a few more "home-like" feels coming your way, Jessi. You are doing well with what you're able to work with!!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks, Libby! I went and bought three gallon jugs of drinking water, because our pipes are still running a little gritty and I don't want to drink the water for the next couple of days.

    Iris, that's such a great picture! You are inspiring with your activity level.

    Laura, are you a veterinarian? (catdoc?) I have a cat who is my best friend.

  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Good morning!!

    It is sunny and chilly in Michigan. The weather on Monday was spring like and melted basically all of the snow!

    Last night I babysat, and I only went over by 300cals. Normally I would just eat w/e they had and snack on everything. I made sure to be active with the kids and keep a water bottle at arms length. We played a game as well as legos... for the majority of the time. It was fun, but I am exhausted! I just can not hang like I used to.

    Today I am focusing on drinking 100 OZ of water, cleaning my apartment, and either going to the gym or a workout video in the living room. I do not have to work at my part-time night job or babysit today, so i'll be able to go home and relax! I have hardly been home the last few days. My poor little kittens are getting anxious and lonely. The one will pull my curtains down and cause all kinds of ruckus in the middle of the night. The poor thing just wants some love/play time and I am too tired and need to sleep! So I also need to find the balance between work and home, again!! I tend to overwork myself... but I have to pay my bills. :(

    Food today is potatoes for breakfast/lunch. I'll probably have a sandwich tonight! Really going to push myself to not go over calories, today!

    I hope you all have a great day!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Good morning, all! I have wifi, yay! I just finished cleaning out my old apartment, and there are men laying a floor downstairs. I got permission to telework the next two days (Thu & Fri, i'm still off today) so all is good in the world!

    Today I'm going to focus on drinking my water and moving my body. Since the move is done, it's time to unpack, and there's very little of that to do because we have no closets or cabinets built yet. I'll unpack my clothes in the one bureau we have, and that's that, so I may have to go for a walk to get my steps in.

    Poor Nips the cat is sad, because we have her in her box for safety while the men are working downstairs. Every time she cries (about every 20 seconds) my heart does too. :(

    How is everyone today? What do you need to do to make today a healthy and on program one?

  • moodyshannon15
    moodyshannon15 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in! I lost 50 pounds a few years ago and I've gained it back by going back to the bad habits I had. I'm ready for a wonderful change!!!!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    welcome, shannon! i've been there, actually i am there! i'm trying to lose 30 lbs that i regained, and then another 70. where do you live? tell us about yourself a bit, if you like.
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    Hey everyone! Just wanted to say sorry I haven't checked in, have a nasty stomach bug (stomach flu? Not sure) all weekend, this is my fifth day being sick so sorry I haven't been around! Trying to get better currently so I can be back and participating again.

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    oh, amanda, feel better soon! we miss you. <3
  • sunnysunny88
    sunnysunny88 Posts: 64 Member
    Yay for wifi! Get well soon Amanda, stomach bugs are not pleasant. Make sure you are well hydrated

    Welcome Shannon!

    My goal today is just to stay in my calorie goal, it's hard when we have lots of treats left over from Christmas and my dad is over staying with us and he doesn't like the 'healthy' food I cook, so I cook a different meal which is also tempting for me haha

    Have a great day

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    today is the first day i didn't track any of my food all week. i had potato chips and m&ms for breakfast that weren't cleaned up last night! oh dear. i didn't walk as much as i have been either. i did drink tons of water though, so i'll celebrate that and try harder tomorrow to figure out where everything is in this mess here!

  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Good Morning!

    Amanda -- Feel better!! That bug seems to be going around. I know quite a few people who were also victims of it, unfortunately!

    Jess -- So glad you're finally getting settled. You'll be able to unpack in no time!

    Welcome, @moodyshannon15 ! I know exactly what that feels like, I put 40-50 back on, plus another 20; You can do this. This is a great group for support! :)

    I have been babysitting and/or working my part-time night job along with my full-time day job and let me say, it is taking a toll! My poor kitties are alone most of the day, and then I come home and sleep... so they hardly get any attention and it makes me sad.. which makes me want to eat! I was just thinking in the shower this morning, how I am paying for them to live in a nice little apartment and they get to enjoy it, and I want to enjoy it with them. It is hard living to work right now, I would rather work to live.. and be able to enjoy things! One of my sad triggers this morning. Also that my clothes just seem to be getting tighter, not looser. I know that I have maintained over the holiday, so that is a NSV. I just need to get moving!!! I have done well with water, but the exercise has been little to none. I just want to sleep when I get home or just be at home. I have some workout videos that I need to just do, if I am going to stay home. That is what they are there for!

    Today my little goals are:
    Be positive; This morning was hard and I did not want to get out of bed. This was the first time I showered since Monday (Depression sucks!!). It wasn't that I did much to really make myself stink, but just too much work. Embarrassing to admit. I honestly haven't experienced that with depression before, so that is a first. Work has also been challenging, which hasn't helped. So being positive will make me feel better. I am bigger than this feeling!

    Drink water -- I missed my 100oz, by two bottles. I did get enough water in yesterday, but I just want to hit the 100 mark each time. Water is key to help with bloat and such... which I feel, and is probably part of the reason my clothes fit snugger today.

    Stay within my calories and either do a workout video or go to the gym. I HAVE to do this. No if, and's, or but's about it.

    I hope you all have a great Thursday (also Friday for a few of you, already!)
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Libby, big hugs for you! I also suffer from depression (and horrid anxiety attacks) so I know what you're dealing with. For me, I find that it helps if I give myself a little slack on the days when it's bad. You know that it will pass, or at least get a little better... that's the way it works, right? It's cyclical! So I try to set myself little goals on the bad days that just keep me from slipping backwards, and not worry too much about moving forward. Drinking your water is great, keep that up! I remember you mentioning desk exercises... how are those going for you? Have you tried them yet? Maybe that can be your exercise for today?

    Good morning, everyone! I slipped on my tracking yesterday, and I vow to get back to it today! Come Jan 1, I up the ante and work on staying within my calorie goals. It's going to be hard without a frig and a kitchen, but for me it's all about trying to get a little better each day. Baby steps!

    What is the beautiful behavior you find most easy to keep up with? Which is most difficult?
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    This time of year is especially hard, as well as around the beginning of May. Although I try not to let it take over, it does creep in and hold tight for a while. It makes it harder when people do not understand, but I try to fake it til I make it! I did look up some desk exercises and am going to try to do some today. Yesterday I attempted, but then did not complete them. So that is another behavior I will do today! :)
  • catgerm
    catgerm Posts: 44 Member
    Hi all! My name is Catrina, I'm 32 years old and live in Northern California. I'm a stay at home mom of 2 little girls and 1 dog.

    I love this thread! As I'm reading through, I have so much I want to comment on, and now I forgot everything.

    Anyways, I've always known, but never wanted to change my eating habits. The results would be working out a bunch, and maintaining at my higher weight.

    I finally did mfp after my first daughter turned 2 and lost a few lbs, but nothing drastic. I wasn't really eating healthier, just less junk, which was better than nothing.

    I'm now just about a year postpartum from my second and have really cleaned up my eating, and it has helped a lot.

    I love the part in the thread about self care. I need to remind myself of that. I'm currently in the cycle of forgetting about my needs, and then having a melt down every month or so (or it may be pms now that I see its monthly).

    Looking forward to reading through more of your posts!