Always under my cal!

I have a pretty high calorie goal because of my weight, height, age, etc.
I am under my calorie goal everyday. I don't mean by a few. I am under like 800 every day.
I am eating PLENTY. 3 meals a day and a snack!!
I am exercising also so it brings my cal count down.
Any advice for this?
Will I still lose the weight properly?
Thank you!!


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    We need more info like your stats and goals.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    Are you using a food scale and checking the database entries you use? (Many people underestimate the calories they're consuming.)

    Are you under your goal just net of exercise calories, or are the gross calories you consume below your goal even before MFP adds in extra calories for exercise? If the former, where are you getting the calorie counts for your exercise? (Many people overestimate their exercise calories.)

    How long have you been eating 800 calories below your goal? What has been the result? (How much weight have you lost in how much time?)

    If you open your diary, people could assess how much you're eating and where you could add more calories.
  • Boom_Slime
    Boom_Slime Posts: 6 Member
    You'll still lose weight if you actually are eating so little. If you're not hungry, and you feel fine, you don't have to force yourself to eat.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    @hubbard317 More information really would be helpful. I hesitate to offer any advice without it. It's possible your calorie goal or exercise calories are abnormally high, in which case 800 calories might not be a big deal. Or you could be set at 1500-ish calories, in which case being under by 800 calories is starvation level and likely to cause serious problems. If you have particular fitness goals or body image goals, it would be nice to take those into account as well.

    Overall, being low on calories won't halt your weight loss (unless other issues get in the way like cheat days or binging). But it could affect your nutrition goals or body composition goals or fitness goals, if you have them.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    hubbard317 wrote: »
    I have a pretty high calorie goal because of my weight, height, age, etc.
    I am under my calorie goal everyday. I don't mean by a few. I am under like 800 every day.
    I am eating PLENTY. 3 meals a day and a snack!!
    I am exercising also so it brings my cal count down.
    Any advice for this?
    Will I still lose the weight properly?
    Thank you!!

    How long has this been going on and are you losing as expected from the calorie deficit you've created?

    For example, if your weight loss goal is to lose 2 pounds a week, and you have in fact lost 8 pounds over a month, then you're not undereating by 800 calories a day - your method of estimating calories needs to be adjusted.

    If you are losing closer to 3.5 pounds per week then you are indeed under-eating, and my response to that is always: peanut butter. At 100 calories per tablespoon, it's very easy to make up extra calories. Have a peanut butter and banana smoothie. Nom nom nom.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    TreyTnt9 wrote: »
    Sorry, I just don't buy these "can't eat all my calories" posts. If you can't eat all your calories, how did you get overweight in the first place? Doesn't make sense.

    I'd also like to add to this^ answer that some folks cut out 800 or more calories of soda and they usually stop eating sweets at will.

    It happens, but it usually doesn't take long for the appetite to return if the macros aren't managed a little bit or if folks return to eating non satiating foods.
  • Isabelle2222
    Isabelle2222 Posts: 12 Member
    edited December 2016
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    TreyTnt9 wrote: »
    Sorry, I just don't buy these "can't eat all my calories" posts. If you can't eat all your calories, how did you get overweight in the first place? Doesn't make sense.

    When people radically change their diet, for example, going from low fiber, low satiating foods to higher fiber and satiation, they will often feel fuller faster.

    A 400 calorie meal with a lot of fiber and protein will keep me full just as long as 1,000 calories worth of pizza.

    Of course. But would you say you're full after eating 800 cal per day, every day, being unable to eat more than 800 cals?

    To OP: you can add 100 calories by just adding 30ml of olive oil or butter to any one dish and you would not even notice it; or eat one tbs of almond or less than 10 cashews; or one tbs of honey in a yogurt, or just a SMALL glass of fruit juice - whatever ! So it's very hard to believe understand that you are unable to eat and drink more than 800 calories daily.

    I don't think you log and calculate accurately.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited December 2016
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    TreyTnt9 wrote: »
    Sorry, I just don't buy these "can't eat all my calories" posts. If you can't eat all your calories, how did you get overweight in the first place? Doesn't make sense.

    When people radically change their diet, for example, going from low fiber, low satiating foods to higher fiber and satiation, they will often feel fuller faster.

    A 400 calorie meal with a lot of fiber and protein will keep me full just as long as 1,000 calories worth of pizza.

    Of course. But would you say you're full after eating 800 cal per day, every day, being unable to eat more than 800 cals?

    To OP: you can add 100 calories by just adding 30ml of olive oil or butter to any one dish and you would not even notice it; or eat one tbs of almond or less than 10 cashews; or one tbs of honey in a yogurt, or just a SMALL glass of fruit juice - whatever ! So it's very hard to believe understand that you are unable to eat and drink more than 800 calories daily.

    I don't think you log and calculate accurately.

    I read the OP that she has a high calorie goal, and eats under that goal by up to 800 calories, not that she is full after eating 800 calories. I certainly wouldn't be!
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,370 Member
    Calorie dense foods.

    Good fats - most people cut fat out of their diet when trying to lose weight, however, it is an essential nutrient. Olive oil, butter, nut butters, nuts and seeds, avocado.

    Do not use low fat or no fat diet foods - use full cheese, milk, yoghurt.

    Increase portion sizes of what you are eating. Don't eat fruit by itself, add nuts, cheese, cottage cheese or yoghurt.

    If you are eating eating one or two slices of toast for breakfast add an egg or two. Lunch - soup -salad? Increase protein portion, add cheese, add nuts and seeds or use an olive oil dressing. Add a couple of slices of bread.

    Dinner - small portion of meat and 3 veg? Increase portion of meat or add lentils beans, add rice or potato, add butter to veges, have a beautiful creamy sauce, have dessert.
  • Isabelle2222
    Isabelle2222 Posts: 12 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    TreyTnt9 wrote: »
    Sorry, I just don't buy these "can't eat all my calories" posts. If you can't eat all your calories, how did you get overweight in the first place? Doesn't make sense.

    When people radically change their diet, for example, going from low fiber, low satiating foods to higher fiber and satiation, they will often feel fuller faster.

    A 400 calorie meal with a lot of fiber and protein will keep me full just as long as 1,000 calories worth of pizza.

    Of course. But would you say you're full after eating 800 cal per day, every day, being unable to eat more than 800 cals?

    To OP: you can add 100 calories by just adding 30ml of olive oil or butter to any one dish and you would not even notice it; or eat one tbs of almond or less than 10 cashews; or one tbs of honey in a yogurt, or just a SMALL glass of fruit juice - whatever ! So it's very hard to believe understand that you are unable to eat and drink more than 800 calories daily.

    I don't think you log and calculate accurately.

    I read the OP that she has a high calorie goal, and eats under that goal by up to 800 calories, not that she is full after eating 800 calories. I certainly wouldn't be!

    Oh. I think you're right.
  • HealthierBrianna
    HealthierBrianna Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all,
    Thanks for your advice.
    I have a high calorie goal of 2,300. Sometimes I am under that goal by up to 800 which means I still eat 1,500 calories. Sometimes I get closer to that goal. And of course one day I didn't do so well and went over.
    I am not sure if maybe the goal of 2,300 that MFP set for me is too high. I had a starting weight of 278 and a goal of 170. I have been doing MFP for almost a month and have lost 8 lbs so far.
    Any other advice is appreciated now that you've seen my stats. Thanks!
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    can you open your diary up?
    settings>diary settings>click on the public radio button
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    How tall are you, how old are you and what weight loss per week did you set up? Also what did you use for an activity level, excluding exercise?
    I'm male, 6', ~270 51 and MFP only gives me ~1700 cals. I'm set to lose 2 lbs per week and set as sedentary.
    8 lbs a month is great and suggests you are eating the proper amount for a reasonable weight loss, so something does seem off if MFP gives you more food than that.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    @hubbard317 what you are doing is working so keep doing it. I suggest you adjust your calorie target to what you are doing now. You are still eating above the minimum to sustain life so you are fine.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    TreyTnt9 wrote: »
    Sorry, I just don't buy these "can't eat all my calories" posts. If you can't eat all your calories, how did you get overweight in the first place? Doesn't make sense.

    I'm afraid this is my response too. You didn't get to 278 lbs by being unable to eat. If you are accurately weighing and measuring everything (and generally weighing is a much better idea than measuring) and are sure that you know exactly how much you're eating and really are eating way below your goal amount then you might want to add a few more calories in. A handful of nuts will do the trick. But honestly if you are eating at least 1500 calories a day then it's not like you're starving yourself. 8lbs in a month isn't particularly fast weight loss for someone starting at 278lbs so I'd say keep doing what you're doing.
  • HealthierBrianna
    HealthierBrianna Posts: 22 Member
    Oh trust me if I wanted to eat that amount of calories, I could. Sure I'm 270 lbs bc I ate fast food and soda and JUNK all the time. But I have changed my diet. No soda or juice. No fast food. No junk. So I think that's why I'm seeing that I'm eating between 1,500-2,000 a day now.
    Gosh I can't even IMAGINE how many calories I was intaking before I made a change.
    I am not offended by those responses. They make sense to me also. I want to eat better and eat less than I was before.

    To answer other questions:
    I am 24 yo, 5'8" and put lightly active. I put in starting weight 278 and goal 170. I think I put 1.5 lbs a week. And they gave me 2,300 goal.

    I ALSO want to mention that sometimes my hundreds of calories left is net calories that have been added back in after a workout.

    Do you guys think I should adjust the calorie goal?

    Thanks in advance!
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    please open your diary
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    hubbard317 wrote: »
    Oh trust me if I wanted to eat that amount of calories, I could. Sure I'm 270 lbs bc I ate fast food and soda and JUNK all the time. But I have changed my diet. No soda or juice. No fast food. No junk. So I think that's why I'm seeing that I'm eating between 1,500-2,000 a day now.
    Gosh I can't even IMAGINE how many calories I was intaking before I made a change.
    I am not offended by those responses. They make sense to me also. I want to eat better and eat less than I was before.

    To answer other questions:
    I am 24 yo, 5'8" and put lightly active. I put in starting weight 278 and goal 170. I think I put 1.5 lbs a week. And they gave me 2,300 goal.

    I ALSO want to mention that sometimes my hundreds of calories left is net calories that have been added back in after a workout.

    Do you guys think I should adjust the calorie goal?

    Thanks in advance!

    That would (using put your BMR ~2,100, lightly active X1.375 at
    ~2,900, less 750 for the 1.5 lb at 2,150. Okay, so MFP isn't far out (or my calculator isn't far out). These things are just estimates. For comparison, I think MFP uses 1.25 for sedentary which would bring the number down to 1,770. And if you picked 2 lbs per week (about what you are actually doing), you'd be right at 1,500.

    Honestly, at 8 lb loss per month, I wouldn't change a damn thing you are doing. If you want to play with the MFP numbers, you can but 8 lbs a month is a good, decent weight loss for people our size.