Tips, tricks and goals.

amywendt Posts: 19 Member
edited December 2016 in Success Stories
Hello! After the new year I plan to get serious about losing weight. I'm 5'4 & around 220. Not exactly sure, recently had foot surgery and can't stand on scale yet. Thinking around 1-16 I will get serious, I'm currently working on goals. I'm a very competitive person and checking something off seems to work for me. I just completed 30 days without soda. I wrote down goals such as eating fruits/vegetables with every meal, not eating past 7:30, etc. Does anyone have any other goals that assisted in their weight loss?


  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    My only goals, which definitely seem to be working so far, are: 1) Use MFP to accurately log (with a food scale) the foods I eat every day; 2) Incorporate more exercise into my life. The weight trending app I use allows me to set up mini-milestones which help if I ever lose sight of the big picture.

    The simple truth is that weight loss really only depends on one thing: consistently eating at a calorie deficit (calories in vs. calories out). The specific foods you eat don't matter at all for weight loss - it's all about calories, calories, calories. Plenty of people around here have met their weight goals by eating the same foods they normally did. They just eat less.

    It's probably also worth mentioning that the time of day you eat doesn't matter unless you have a medical condition like diabetes.
  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    Great goals; I can add don't obsess about any one thing, make changes you can live with (if you hate asparagus or broccoli, etc. don't eat it) and ensure you have treats along the way (cake, pizza, cookies, etc.). Make the changes slowly and add exercises you enjoy (once the doc gives you the OK). It's a journey not a project with an end date. If you mess up and have a really bad day (or week), forget about it and get back on track. And, you didn't put the weight on over night so don't try to lose it all at once (you'll have plateaus along the way). Above all have fun and enjoy!! Good luck on your journey! B)
  • amywendt
    amywendt Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you! I appreciate everyone's input.
  • youdoyou2016
    youdoyou2016 Posts: 393 Member
    I'd suggest setting weight and measurement goals so that you have the experience of always winning / moving forward. I'd also set mini goals along the way.

    Sometimes the number on the scale doesn't move even though you're doing everything "right," so it's great in those moments to whip out the tape measure to find that you've lost inches and are getting smaller. And as for mini goals -- they really help me. I'm little and have about 4 lbs to go to reach my goal. Weight loss can be slow at times, so I have to think of it in two-pound increments to feel like I'm getting there.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    As you're setting your goals, be reasonable. As you're losing weight, be patient. When you mess up, be kind to yourself.
  • acaudill042106
    acaudill042106 Posts: 108 Member
    My husband got me a fun little gadget for Christmas. It's a Fitbit Charge 2. I got him one too. We opened them last week. I will run my guts out to beat him at a step challenge.
  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    amywendt wrote: »
    Hello! After the new year I plan to get serious about losing weight. I'm 5'4 & around 220. Not exactly sure, recently had foot surgery and can't stand on scale yet. Thinking around 1-16 I will get serious, I'm currently working on goals. I'm a very competitive person and checking something off seems to work for me. I just completed 30 days without soda. I wrote down goals such as eating fruits/vegetables with every meal, not eating past 7:30, etc. Does anyone have any other goals that assisted in their weight loss?

    just wanted to add that the 730 cutoff is pointless unless it's just helping you stay in a calorie deficit. Get serious now.. why wait
  • cocates
    cocates Posts: 360 Member
    edited December 2016
    Make sure goals are tangible and write down how you're going to meet those goals. Ex: exercise more is vague. Try: walk 30 mins x3 days/week, etc.
    KISS = use this method. Keep it simple. Knowing all I have to do is eat within my calorie requirement, keeps me going. I eat (or drink) whatever fits into those goals. That way, I don't deprive myself - and believe it or not, stay on track. I've been logging my food for 2 months and have lost 14lbs!
    Positive self-talk! Might sound lame but it works.
    Grab some supportive friends. Those that have lost weight and those that are starting out like you.

    Good luck - oh and why not start today? It might be a good idea for you to start logging your food even if you don't get serious until 1/16. It's very eye opening!
  • poppysierra
    poppysierra Posts: 79 Member
    I agree with jdog022 - why wait until January 1st? If you start today you will be a few days into it already. Just do it.
  • amywendt
    amywendt Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks everyone! I should clarify, any sort of physical activity will have to wait until January/1-16. See the doctor tomorrow. Just had orange, slice of toast with 2 scrambled eggs. Logged all of it.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Log everyday for one year, rain or shine, good or bad :)


    Measuring & logging are key. Log everything - good days & not so good days. It's all about calories.

    DON'T WAIT. Start logging now, and then when you are ready - figure out which things you can change for life. Keeping the weight from coming back is something many people (myself included) struggle with.
  • rnjcb
    rnjcb Posts: 86 Member
    I agree with the above posters, except for eating after a certain time. I do understand the calorie deficit and eating later doesn't impact your overall intake (ie, ice cream at night turns to fat) BUT I do subscribe to not eating after 8pm (for myself) because I know that if I'm up later I WILL snack on empty calories that will set me over my needed count. It also keeps me accountable to eat healthy, filling meals so that I'm not hungry later in the evening.
    That's just me. Its a good plan for some, but doesn't work for everyone, nor is it medically appropriately for everyone.
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