New Member

Hello to all on My Fitness Pal.

Just joined, probably one of thousands to do after the Christmas Period. 2017 with be my 40th Birthday. Having looked back over the years, I have negelected my health. I've not always chosen the healthiest option. On occasion I have eaten more than I should.Some of this has a down to poor education, but to be honest. I just ate what I wanted and how much I wanted.

I hardly exercise, and in my work there is a lot of sitting around in cars or at a computer. I work shifts of 10hrs, and on my days off I have no motivation to workout.

My body clock is ruined, from shift work. Which leaves me either as an insomniac or I sleep 10-12hrs. Which leaves me annoyed at myself for wasting my time off. Also affects my motivation and leaves me feeling lazy.

But that was then!

I will still be working the same shift pattern, doing the same work. But I now want to eat more healthy and exercise more. Hoping the knock on affect will give me more energy, and get better quality sleep.

So here I am! Seeking like minded people for support, motivation, guidance.


  • kimberlyhamm2011

    I am back - Going to give this another shot - I did loose weight the last time and then went into a funk - and well here I am another 20 pounds heavier.

    I am starting to gather recipes and signing up for exercise classes - I too sit at a desk all day long - no exercise - so I am going to try to force myself this time around and stay accountable.

  • skolbie2
    skolbie2 Posts: 23 Member
    This boat holds many people.