I'm about ready to blow it

zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
After hearing about Carrie Fisher, I'm ready to eat. I want to make a run to Tim's (donut shop) and blow about $50 on muffins and danishes, but it's blizzarding out making driving very dangerous. At least at home, I'm limited on the sweets/chips I can cram into my mouth. Would be way more calories that $50 of snacks from Tim's though.

I'm an emotional eater, so this is a real struggle for me.

inb4 "it's just one day" and/or "suck it up, cupcake".


  • Moonlitriver17
    Moonlitriver17 Posts: 46 Member
    Sorry. 2016 has been difficult. You'll just feel worse if you binge.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'll be having some bourbon this evening and toasting my first "love"...I had such a crush when I was a kid...it's very sad.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Well, at least convince yourself not to risk life and limb by going out into the weather to buy stuff!

    I find sometimes giving myself permission to blow a specific amount of extra calories helps, because the only thing worse than emotional eating is the guilt eating that comes after it :(. It's weird how celebrity deaths can have such an affect on us, isn't it? We feel so connected to them! You're not alone, we just do the best we can I guess. Sorry I don't have any stirring words of wisdom, but I'll be hitting the wine we didn't end up needing over the weekend a little harder tonight myself. Hang in there!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    I made it through today without blowing it. Ate all the cream cheese mints (153 cal), a small bag of York mini peppermint patties (142 cal), and 2 rum balls (106 cal). I did spend a lot of time smelling open food packages.