How young is too young?



  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I think it if they are an 18 year old senior in high school...and the other person is 30+ i would wonder what they have in common enough...different stages of life is what i mean.

    but you know...18 is legal, so yeah. Obv if I saw a 40 year old man dating an 18 year old, I would probably make some assumptions, but that would be my own problem. ^^
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    If you have to ask.. then NO
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Depend on age of consent in your state/country and if there is limits on age gaps. For instance some places have 16 as age of consent but people over 18 is illegal to have relations with.

    ETA- anything beyond that is up to your own morals on the issue
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    2stepz wrote: »
    Your Age/ 2 + 7 is a good rule of thumb for how young is too young... but it is just that... a guideline.

    Of course... that means I could be dating a 22 year old, and THAT'S not going to happen. I had problems dating 22 year olds when I was 22.

    Or, to work it backwards, that the oldest person I should date is 46, which isn't going to happen either. (Though, I have had offers from both ends of that spectrum...) My mom is just 47, so I have issues with that.

    So at 50, I could be involved with someone 32 years old; and an 86 year old could be involved with me based on that formula. I don't think so!!
  • 43501
    43501 Posts: 85 Member
    Le_Joy wrote: »
    As long as someone is of legal age they are "old enough" right?

    I know a lot of people rush to start pulling out arbitrary mathematical equations when the subject of age comes up, but for me personally, I think it's fine as long as the person is 18 or over (and preferably out of high school). That's the consensus we've made as Western society and what many pornography and age of consent laws are based around.

    I'm a girl and my partner is 15 years older than me. We met when I was 21 and he was 36. I didn't really think anything of it. I could potentially go even older, age per se doesn't matter to me, but I notice the older I go/the bigger the age gap the less we have in common.

    I don't look down on people who do use measuring sticks/guidelines for what age range they date in, though. That's their prerogative.

    Mind you, a lot of people think that older guys chasing 18~19 y/o girls is creepy and predatory behavior, so you will have to deal with social judgements regardless.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member

    Seriously? I've had 19 and early 20somethings hit on me and I'm 47. Should they be locked in a cage?


    point one: who could blame them? (seriously)

    point two: you really wanted to lock them in that cage, didn't you?
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    If you need to ask then just stick with your own age group. My daughter is 15 and if some guy in his 20s was hitting on her I would say something because that is wrong. Her boyfriend just turned 18 and that is as far as I would go.
  • essere1982
    essere1982 Posts: 4 Member
    Anyone who is younger than me is too young :)
  • fatgirlandrobin
    fatgirlandrobin Posts: 34 Member
    Well I'm 22, and the youngest I'd date is 19, oldest 26. I think 5 years either way is a good rule, but because 5 years younger for me is still in high school, I try and stick at 19.
    I have friends who are dating older guys, and I'm not saying every older person that dates younger people are creeps, but if you're specifically out looking for 18-20 year olds and you're're a creep. Even if it's the "legal" age, they're still not fully developed and have a lot less life experiences. I think if you're older than 28, a good rule is: out of college, so around 22-24. Give people a chance to be young. There's too much power imbalance and life differences between someone fresh out of high school and someone with a mortgage.
  • Karb_Kween
    Karb_Kween Posts: 2,681 Member
    I can't date anybody younger than me. personal preference.. well 21 is okay. if I can't drink with them that's just dumb
  • KourageousKarina
    KourageousKarina Posts: 979 Member
    If I was single I'd go as far as 40 and as young as 18. And I'm 24.
  • Savagedistraction
    Savagedistraction Posts: 312 Member
    if you are over 25, 5 years older/younger. under 25, 2 years or less.
  • KourageousKarina
    KourageousKarina Posts: 979 Member
    Karb_Kween wrote: »
    I can't date anybody younger than me. personal preference.. well 21 is okay. if I can't drink with them that's just dumb

    I just don't see why someone can enlist and go to war at 18 but can't drink, that's dumb.
  • kschwab0203
    kschwab0203 Posts: 610 Member
    My old boss, who is my age (35), has been dating a man for several years that is older than her own father by like 6 years (62). I have to admit it was just so weird seeing them together. Something about it made me uncomfortable.

    Then again, my grandmother was 19 years younger than my grandfather and that didn't bother me one bit, lol. Maybe because they both looked old.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I think the official formula is half your age plus 7. So that would mean 23 is as young as you can go. Sorry. Now go break up with him, unfriend him on FB and Delete him from you Smart Phone.
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    As someone who has always been a sucker for older men, I say yes - as long as they are of age and it's a mutual thing, be safe and have fun! :)
  • JessieW1969
    JessieW1969 Posts: 15 Member
    2stepz wrote: »
    Your Age/ 2 + 7 is a good rule of thumb for how young is too young... but it is just that... a guideline.

    Of course... that means I could be dating a 22 year old, and THAT'S not going to happen. I had problems dating 22 year olds when I was 22.

    Or, to work it backwards, that the oldest person I should date is 46, which isn't going to happen either. (Though, I have had offers from both ends of that spectrum...) My mom is just 47, so I have issues with that.

    I'm a 47yr old cougar, so I have no problem going as young as 25. It all depends on the person's maturity level and what you want out of the relationship.
  • _Figgzie_
    _Figgzie_ Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited December 2016
    depends on your age but for me 30+ is in my wheelhouse
  • UltraTacks
    UltraTacks Posts: 230 Member
    I'm about to be 31. I wouldn't go below 28. Even then it's unlikely. I'm willing to give more space between ages when he's older than me.

    Old grandma