Hi I'm new!

4tolose Posts: 65 Member
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I'm Debbie

I had my photo taken recently (usually avoid that at all costs) but when I saw it I nearly died. I cried and have decided to it is time to shift the weight. The photo I am talking about is my profile picture. I hate hate hate it but hope it will motivate me every day. I only joined yesterday so am hoping this is the start of the new improved me!


  • candis30
    candis30 Posts: 17
    This is a great site! I know how you feel about the whole pic taking thing. I've lost 50 pounds total and struggling to lose my last 10. Everyone is awesome. Add me if you want. Good luck.:smooched: :cry: :smile:
  • soguesswhat
    soguesswhat Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Debbie! I'm new here too, and I avoid my picture being taken at all costs too. I hate the way Iook. It's a far cry from someone who used to love having it taken back when I was younger, skinnier, and more confident.

    You're a step ahead of me - I couldn't even post a pic for a profile shot! I'm super proud of you for that! With your great attitude, you'll get there!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you both for replying. I hope you don't mind but I have sent you both a friend request. Hopefully we can get eachother to our targets. I'm not sure how well I will do but am determined that the next photo I post will be a beautiful one :happy:
  • I am also fairly new to fitness pal, but it is helping and I am learning a lot from the website as well. Good luck ladies and you can do it. I went out and bought a shirt that is too small for me now, and that is my goal shirt. I try it one once a week although I would like to loose 50-60pds I think it will give me the incentive to keep pushing forward. Good luck with your goals
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you tinkbell465
    That's a good idea to have a target item of clothing. I need to get myself a tape measure. I'm reluctant to buy scales cos I can imagine myself getting quite obsessive about weighing myself. I need to lose at least 54lbs so we should maybe motivate eachother. I am going to send you a friend request - I hope you don't mind :happy:
  • shevyface
    shevyface Posts: 46
    I've been here for awhile, you'll love it! The goal setting is simple, the people are amazing, and there's a ton of blogs and stuff to keep you motivated. Old pictures of me help keep me motivated too, I have one of me from last summer on the fridge to remind me what I used to be like and how far I can go. I've still got a bit of a ways to go so little things like that mean a lot.

    Good luck to you!
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    glad to see you here chick i am sure you will get lots of support here i certainly have and helped get 72lb off to date
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    Fingers crossed!!! I feel like I need a miracle right now.
  • lrraska
    lrraska Posts: 33
    Your pic is cute, you can do it stay motivated and think positive.
  • maxsdad9
    maxsdad9 Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome. MFP is a great place to lose weight and get support. Making up your mind to change is the beginning, then following up on your behavior and attitude
  • chloeelebeir
    chloeelebeir Posts: 130
    Hey there! I'm new here as well and I'm completely with you on the photograph thing. It was one horrible picture that started my weight loss journey as well. This site has so many tools and I'm hoping it will provide the support I need as well to finish this journey! good luck!
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
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