Non alcoholic fatty liver disease

Okay so my partner has this and I'm wondering if this could be the reason he isn't seeing a shift in weight ? Does this make it extremely difficult to lose weight or is he still eating way more calories then he thinks? Also has anyone has this before and did they reverse it? I'm getting mixed reviews on that aswell ... Any help would be awesome! ☺️


  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Most likely he is eating more calories. NASH(non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) or fatty liver disease is completely reversible with weight loss.
  • mommazach
    mommazach Posts: 384 Member
    I had this and it's gone! When I started my journey 65+ lbs ago, my enzymes were horrible. After several tests, the Dr's started me on Milk Thistle daily, as well as low carb keto diet. I'm well within normal range at this point. Take a look at Ketogenic diets, and weigh and measure. It did not effect my weight loss, and the other thing to look at is wheat belly diet. Once I got the fat out of my belly, my liver shrunk. There is also Liver shrinking diets to follow. Lots of options, but it's necessary.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    LCHF and keto diets are helpful to those with NAFLD, which is basically a form of insulin resistance.

    Books like Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solution, Fung's Obesity Code, Moore's Keto Clarity, and Phinney and Volek's The Srt and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living will all give you a good idea of LCHF and keto diets, and whether it is something your partner is wlling to try.
  • aneedforchange
    aneedforchange Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks guys! :)