What the bread pudding is going on here?!!?

Ok....so I am new to this site and need a heck of a lot of support and help! So, my first question is, should I be eating back the calories after I exercise? I really would like to know what have other people been doing that is actually working? What types of exercises are people doing? What type of snacks (besides fruits and veggies) can I eat to stay on track? Lastly, who would like to swap recipe ideas with me? I know I'm needy but I want this to work this time.

O.....a little about me:
27 yo
5'1 130 lbs
2 kids
Teacher/stay at home mom during the summer



  • stukawife
    stukawife Posts: 45 Member
    I eat my excersize calories, but if you did not you should loose faster.
  • purplenails
    purplenails Posts: 34 Member
    Hi just wanted to say I'm in a very similar situation to yourself. I'm a teacher/sahm during summer and I've two kiddies.
    I don't eat all my exercise cals back but do eat some. I mainly exercise in the gym doing classes like spinning etc. I eat yogurt/ nuts as snacks as well as the fruit/veg
    Freind me if you want.
  • Sj20fame
    Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
    Hello and welcome! :)

    I do Bikram Yoga, which is yoga in a heated room of 95 degrees, you sweat like never before, and shed the lbs like butter! ;) I Follow MFP everyday with my eating, and stay under my 1200 calories. I do eat my calories back, I'm not sure what other people do, but I always end up with 200-300 calories left at the end of the night because of my workouts, so sometimes I eat them back, and sometimes I've eaten all my meals and still have like 500 left! I just make sure not to go past my calories. Always stay under! :) Good luck!
  • MissMandy1010
    MissMandy1010 Posts: 52 Member
    I do not eat my exercise calories, atleast not all of them. If you want to lose, then don't eat them. :-)
    Eat meals that are high in protein and fiber so that you feel fuller longer. I eat snacks like- tuna and ritz crackers, almonds, raw fruit/veggies (carrots, apples, oranges...) things like that.
    my workouts include; Insanity (dvd in home workout- amazing results!) bike riding, riding horses and an occasional spinning class at the YMCA
    I, too, am a mother of 2 little ones, so I know how hard it is!!
    feel free to add me. Im all about the support !!! good luck :-)
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member

    Hi and Welcome! this link contains many many posts from the cool experts who hang out here to give us great advice. Go through each one and at least read the original post. They talk about eating calories back and why this works. Also, alot of info on figuring out appropriate calories for who you are (not just 1200). Talks about net calories, etc. Obese losing weight versus lean folks just wanting to get leaner, and also how muscle strengthening plays a big part of it all.

    Each new person should go through them to get real answers instead of random opinion!!

    So, best of luck and start researching today! You will get to your goals, do it smartly :bigsmile:
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Quite often I have a hard time eating just my regular calories, without going overboard on my sodium.
    By dinner time last night I still had close to half my regular calories to consume. (and half of everything else too)
    I did end up eating a few of my exercise calories back.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I eat back half of my exercise calories up to all of them. It rather depends on whether or not I burned extra calories to make up for eating more. :laugh:

    Check out the Recipes message board section. You'll find lots of them there.

    For exercising, start slow, if you don't already work out. I started with walking and have "graduated" to running and walking in intervals. I try to run 5K two times per week, but with the heat right now I have to get up really early to run, so I'm happy to manage one and a couple of days of running 1.5 to 2 miles.

    You can eat pretty much anything you want. Again, I'd say make small changes, make them stick, and then change something else. Some ideas for snacks are low fat granola bars, Greek yogurt with sweetener and/or fruit, Veggie Straws, popcorn....

    Good luck!
  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    im 5:1" and trying to get to 130 but no i generally dont eat back my exercise calories except last night i was at a ballgame and just couldnt resist the hotdog and nachos although i did share the nachos with 2 of my grown sons but i just had to have a couple lol i get most exercise walking i have to be walking for about 8 hrs a day at work and then after work i go walk 5 miles at the track at the local college when not doing that im usually dancing around the living room or chasing my 14 month old granddaughter around
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Greek yogurt has double the protein and helps prevent the hunger cravings. I was buying the individual flavored ones but have switched to the extra large plain, non-fat (FAGE) greek yogurt. I still have a few ziplock sandwich bags of blueberries & dark, pitted cherries in the little refrig. freezer. I toss 1/2 cup of those into my magic bullet blender with 1/2 c. non-fat plain greek yogurt then add a Truvia packet, 1/2 tsp. vanilla & ground cinnamon...then zap the blender. Beats the britches off of ice cream, lol. You can also stock up on those 90 calorie protein snack bars. There are a number of good ones on the market for those rare, on-the-run days for a quick snack (better than heading into a fast food joint for the wrong choices.
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    Yes, I try to eat all my exercise calories back. Lost 52.5 lbs since Jan doing that.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I eat them back.

    For snacks, I do love blueberries and strawberries, but also caramel rice cakes, Quaker chewy granola bars, Fiber Plus bars, nuts and sometimes ice cream sandwiches. (And not diet ones either. I'm not knocking the diet ones, but the calorie difference wasn't that much different and they cost twice as much.)

    For exercise, I'm a newbie at running, just started in December with the Couch to 5k plan, and I do EA Active Sports 2 on the Playstation (also on XBox and Wii), but pretty much any exercise DVD, like the 30 Day Shred, will do the same exercises. I like the "video game" because it's interactive, will correct me when I'm doing something wrong (which sometimes tees me off something fierce), isn't the same exact thing all the time, and comes with a heart rate monitor for calculating calories burned. I've used 5# dumbbells instead of the resistance band that comes with it, but they're getting too light for me. :smile:

    I've recently been hitting the gym again, using the treadmill, bike, arc trainer, and I'm starting to use the weight machines.

    The last month, I've only been trying to lose a half pound a week, and I only log my food Monday through Friday, and I've still lost about 5#.
  • Its very simple (yeah yeah I know, we wouldn't be here if it was)

    If you aren't hungry don't eat. If you are hungry, eat.

    The problem is we don't listen to our body.

    Use the BMR tool - you can afford to go over your daily calorie limit upto your BMR without gaining weight. If you eat your BMR your weight should stay the same. If you go over your BMR you gain weight. If you stay under it you lose weight. Thats the principle here.

    Try not to overcomplicate things.

    If you constantly eat all your spare calories because you feel you have to you won't have any room for a blip or a treat at the weekend. Daily monitoring is what gets us through but if you think about it on a weekly basis if you're under one day you can afford to be over on another day.

    Hope this helps.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Use the BMR tool - you can afford to go over your daily calorie limit upto your BMR without gaining weight. If you eat your BMR your weight should stay the same. If you go over your BMR you gain weight. If you stay under it you lose weight. Thats the principle here.

    Not true. Your Basal Metabolic Rate is what your body burns if you're bedridden or in a coma. Even someone sedentary burns above their BMR just getting up to go to the refrigerator and bathroom once in a while.

    If you eat above your Maintenance Calories, you'll gain. But maintenance does not equal BMR. MY BMR is 1,268. My maintenance is 1710. I've been eating 1500 a day plus exercise calories, averaging around 1800 a day, and still lost about 5 pounds this past month.
  • lalalazzz
    lalalazzz Posts: 131 Member
    mmmm bread pudding.
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    Hi everyone!

    Thanks for all the help and support! I will take all of the advice and try to apply it as best as possible. My main problem is when I feed the kids I always have to taste their food to make sure it is ok..even though I know it is... : ). Please feel free to add me and I will add the people who offered. Thanks again!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Thanks for all the help and support! I will take all of the advice and try to apply it as best as possible. My main problem is when I feed the kids I always have to taste their food to make sure it is ok..even though I know it is... : ). Please feel free to add me and I will add the people who offered. Thanks again!

    That's not a problem, although, if you put it into your mouth, you have to track it in MFP. Keeping that in mind might help with the tasting. :smile: