I'm sick of hearing....



  • UltraTacks
    UltraTacks Posts: 230 Member
    "You're obsessed!" Yes, I am. And you're not, that's why you're on a downward slide but that's none of my business. In my opinion you NEED to be obsessed to get results, no matter what it is you're talking about.

    Lol not much of an ego
  • stephmph16
    stephmph16 Posts: 114 Member
    "Do you want any of this (insert sugary food here). No? Are you sure? Really?" No, if I wanted it, I'd go get it, I know where it is.
    "Oh, are you supposed to eat (insert sugary food here)." Yes, if I want it, I can eat it, I know moderation.

    The sabotaging comments are what really bug me. I don't believe there's malicious intent, just people trying to make themselves feel better.
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    "Are you sure you want to eat that?" Yes, I already told you it fits into my day or that I am having a very rare cheat day keep your nose out of my business! My body is not your problem bc I do everything for me!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I don't think anyone has ever told me anything...
  • AnnyisOK
    AnnyisOK Posts: 121 Member
    mskimee wrote: »
    What is everyone sick of hearing since they started MFP or their diets? I have a few...

    You don't want to get too thin...
    Having a healthy BMI is not too thin

    Men like a little meat to play with...
    Sorry, I'm no ones play thing...plus I'm married!

    Ditto to these plus....
    Why are you still running? You're skinny enough. That's not why I run.

    Or when other runners ask me why I lift heavy. I don't, not really, I deadlift because it helps strength my core and lower back - muscles that help with running.

    Must be nice to be so small. Being short is not something I can do anything about, but being fit is something I work on every single day with the choices I make.

    Do you eat? Yes, I probably eat more than half the people who ask me this stupid question but I don't look it because it's called moderation and hardwork.

  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    UltraTacks wrote: »
    I'm sick of reading..... accountability buddy..... Be accountable to yourself....

    It's about time someone said thaat.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    J_Surita3 wrote: »
    I'm sick of hearing
    "J, when are you going to quit drinking?"

    I'm NOT a quitter darnit! B)

    This is why I adore you.
    You will never hear me saying this!
  • kaylajane11
    kaylajane11 Posts: 313 Member
    "You haven't given up any foods since you started losing weight? Not one?" No, man, I have managed to lose weight and keep it off while still eating all the things you think are "bad."

    Most of my friends don't say much to me any more because I'm pretty upfront about my lifestyle and they know it by now. I did have a friend who was shocked this summer because I didn't want any kale from her dad's garden. Sorry, just because I'm fit doesn't mean I live on kale (or even like it).

    I also had an acquaintance try to sell me Visalus shakes after I posted a transformation pic of myself on Facebook. Like, really? I got here without the help of your BS shakes, I obviously don't need to waste my money on it now.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    It's uncomfortable when people say it to me, but worse hearing it happen to others.

    Was with a friend the other day who's lost 40 lbs. She's still in the healthy BMI range. However, some people at the gym came up and basically told her she looked like she was wasting away and starving herself in a laughing, backhanded kind of way that was supposed to sound like a compliment. She was tactful and explained herself to them (far better than I would have done), but damn, that was uncomfortable to listen to....
  • Ruffianxx
    Ruffianxx Posts: 10 Member
    edited December 2016
    As a distance runner:

    You should lift heavy weights
  • incisron
    incisron Posts: 550 Member
    edited January 2017
    UltraTacks wrote: »
    I'm sick of reading..... accountability buddy..... Be accountable to yourself....
    I understand. I've had to learn to be accountable to myself, but it wasn't easy and the need for someone to hold you accountable can sometimes be felt when you feel out of control.
  • UnderGroundMusic
    UnderGroundMusic Posts: 75 Member
    "It's a special day. Might as well make it a cheat day"

    "Just have one and walk it off later."

    Ugh. Kindly *kitten* off, please.
  • TLC227
    TLC227 Posts: 210 Member
    edited January 2017
    "You don't want to become too muscular. Women are supposed to have some cushion!"

    "Your thighs are huge." Thanks, I couldn't tell when I try to pull my pants up over them :/
  • incisron
    incisron Posts: 550 Member
    TLC227 wrote: »
    "You don't want to become too muscular. Women are supposed to have some cushion!"

    "Your thighs are huge." Thanks, I couldn't tell when I try to pull my pants up over them :/

    Omg! Punch them in the face.
  • incisron
    incisron Posts: 550 Member
    edited January 2017
    "Girl, why did you eat only the hot dogs I served you and not the beans?"
    The hot dogs and beans are both good, thanks, but the two hot dogs themselves with their buns are 500+ calories altogether. That's about how much I can eat for dinner tonight. The beans can be eaten tomorrow. :( sorry
    "Girl, why did you only eat half of this huge pancake I made and soaked with syrup?"
    :/ I'm trying to be careful of what I eat. Of course I don't say it aloud. I feel shy about my weight loss efforts and tracking my food. I really don't like talking about it, but feel as if food is often being pushed on me by my fam.
  • SeagalDeeDee
    SeagalDeeDee Posts: 153 Member
    " You will get sick if you don't eat meat"