Trying to become the worlds fattest person



  • ch178
    ch178 Posts: 364 Member
    That is just disgusting. Her poor children. It's really amazing that so many people here on MFP want to be healthier for their children and want to be good role models for them because they mean everything to them and here is a woman who is willing to do this ( for money or whatever her reason ) really shows how much she cares about them. I lost my mother way to early in life and it was the worst thing that could happen, and she is making damn sure that her children will have to go through the same thing. Unbelievable.
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    I remember reading another article last summer a woman in the US doing the same thing. Her website was set up so that people could watch her eat fast food. I think it was free though, she wasn't making any money. But I'm pretty sure BK, McD's, and TB were supporting her very well for the free advertising. I think it was on the Today Show too.

    One of them will have a reality show any time now.
  • mrssparkle
    mrssparkle Posts: 47
    Not quite sure who is stupidiest - her or the ones who are paying to watch her!
  • jjhanlon
    jjhanlon Posts: 74 Member
    I know this is horrible, but I hope her impending heart attack claims her soon. This is so far beyond stupid that I am at a loss for words.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    eh. whatever. i saw a maury show about people like her, who have goal weights of 1,000 lbs and actually CRY when they aren't 600 yet. what's worse is that these people had boyfriends who were feeding them food during intimacy, and just overfeeding them because they wanted their mates to get fatter, and wouldn't be attracted to them if they lost weight..some people don't deserve to be alive..much less freedom lol
  • hotpot83
    hotpot83 Posts: 88
    My motto in life is, as long as your not hurting anyone, live your life as you please.... well Ive seen it all now, this woman has children... My dad died at 44 from being morbidly obese, I was 16 and I found it really hard... but time and time again he tried to diet, and he always tried to set a good example to me.. ( not that it worked in the long term lol... but im working on it)....
    he couldnt exercise as he was disabled but he always tried his best to teach me which food were good and which were bad... (he was a little over the top and cause me to rebel lol)
    This woman was free to live her life as she pleased in my opnion until she decided to have children, theres enough children who end up without parents due to illness, cancer, accidents... never mind a woman purposely putting her health at risk in such a ridiculous manner... Im absolutely appalled and disgusted.... selfish selfish selfish woman.