Hi just starting today with my best friend..

jamielk23 Posts: 3
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
My best friend got me onto this and i hope I can stick to it. I need to find another outlet to eating while I work and when I get frustrated or upset. I am an emotional eater...any suggestions?



  • akaugher
    akaugher Posts: 8
    Well when you're at home, go for a run or a walk and have a glass or two of water. At work, bring your lunch and a snack (healthy, of course) and stick with that!

    Good luck to you and your friend on your journey! I know you can do it! :)
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi and welcome! My neighbor introduced me to MFP in February and since then I've lost 26 lbs. I couldn't have done it without all the friends and support from everyone here. During my journey here I've come to realize when I'm in pain, emotional or physical, i eat to feel better. To keep from my emotional eating I'll do other things to keep myself busy such as reading, cleaning, playing solitaire and even journaling has helped. BUt for those time I just have to have something...I'll chop up veggies and snack on those. I won't feel bad if I mindlessly snarf that down...lol. Good luck to you on your journey here and please feel free to add me as a friend for support. You can't have too much support :happy:
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Hi Jamie,
    I know how it feels to be an emotional eater, but this program will help you monitor every bite, every binge and every time you fail to eat. Believe me!! it works. I started in June 2011, and I've lost more weight now than when I was on Phen-Fenn. (yeah a stupid mistake) But I have literally tried everything!
    Now this has changed my life and I'm feeling the best ever... strength and energy wise. Imagine when I reach my 100 pound goal.. wooo hoooo! Can't wait!
    Just do.. dont over think it. You'll see those pounds melt off also.
  • Hi,
    I'm new to this too. In my many battles to lose weight, I've won one- that's the emotional attachment to food (now I'm just battling the social attachment!). I read Paul McKenna's book 'I can make you thin'. I think other books may have the same message but somehow it snapped me out of my emotional attachment to food. In fact it even made me realise I dislike a lot of the foods I thought i love such as cheesecake. It's strange but it seemed to work!!
    Good luck.
  • jamielk23
    jamielk23 Posts: 3
    Thanks for all the great advice everyone. Also, I forgot to mention I have fibromyalgia so getting in exercise is not always an easy thing to do. I will try snacking on carrots and celery instead of the junk food. Thanks for the support and feedback everyone, have a great day!!
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