Keto and calories counting ? Best plans ? Help

Hi I've yoyoed 28 years this year I lost 63lbs got really sick gained 28 :( so all my new clothes don't fit
I need to do low carb and calorie count but unsure how many cals and carbs a day to hit
I'm 194 lbs
5 ft 2
Aged 47
Exercise has bit missing in action as I've been ill so that will be a gradual thing

Anyone know any good guidelines to follow I know about TDEE bmr but I seem to struggle on cal carb goals I've looked round at diet plans but it's all really restrictive with a family to feed on a budget that won't eat low carb I'm looking for any idea of plans to follow

I'm in the uk

I'd like to be 150 lbs as I was 167 and a uk size 12 so I'd be happy at 150 a size uk 10-12

Any advice I'm grateful for



  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Is there any particular reason you want to keto/low carb if it's so impractical to your lifestyle? Why not just calorie count, that way you can eat exactly as your family eats for the most part.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    As I've pcod and carbs slow my weightloss down to virtually 0
    So I need to low carb and low calorie
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited December 2016
    I think starting keto, the idea of starting keto, is harder than actually doing it. I played with the idea for close to a year, whle continuing to try moderation, before I actually tried it. Within a week I was kicking myself for not having done it earlier.

    Keto is usually under 30g of carbs per day with most people seeming to start at about 20g. For most people that is about 5-10% of your calories. For me, I was set at 1420 kcal per day (at 190lbs and 5'8") and that was 18g of carbs per day. I usually ate 1500kcal and my carbs wereusuallyunder 20g; I lost 2-3 lbs per day doing that.

    You'll need to calculate your TDEE and from there you can set your macros. Most set protein at a moderate rate. Often 15-25%. I used 20%.

    TDEE calculators:

    When I started I cut out foods slowly for about 2 weeks, and then jumped in. I cut foods in this order:
    • Sugars - table sugar, syrups, molasses, honey, agave; I cut foods based on sugar like candies and soda pop, and all foods with added sugars (like bacon or yogurt - buy it without any added sugars which are often ingredients ending in "ose" , "itol" or "extrin"
    • Refined grains - I skipped all flours and starches so baked goods were gone unless made with almond or coconut flour
    • Whole grains like oats, rice, and corn are loaded with starch which turns to glucose (sugar) in your blood
    • Starchy root vegetables like potatoes, turnips, carrots, onions and yams are very limited
    • Fruit - I skip high GI tropical fruit like mangos and bananas or dates and figs. I also skip dried fruits like raisens. I severely limit temperate fruits like apples, peaches, nectarines, plums and oranges, and I do eat some berries

    I eat the same meals as others, I just change it a bit. A steak, potatoes and salad will still include the same steak but I might add a bt of butter and not trim the fat, and my salad has no croutons, some seeds, and probably no tomatoes.

    A luch of tuna salad sandwich would just have the tuna with mayo and celery in a bowl - no bread. Others like to use lettuce as a wrap instead.

    Chilli would have no beans, more meat and veggies.

    For christmas dinner I ate turkey (brown eat and skin), a bit of gravy, brussle sprout casserole, salad, roasted veggies, and a tiny bit of cranberries (that I made with stevia and minimal sugar). For dessert I made sugar free coffee cheesecake, pumpkin cheese cake, whipped cream and a bunch of squares and cookies - I just ate 1 slice of cheese cake.

    Breakfasts are usually eggs, bacon or sausages, maybe fried veggies or just a cup of coffee with some cream or coconut oil whipped in.

    Join the Low Carber Daily MFP group for more help. Good luck. :)
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    nvmomketo did a great job.

    Personally what I do mostly resembles Abel James' diet. It is fun, full of flavor, and works great. You can read more about it here -
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
  • anja8577
    anja8577 Posts: 6 Member
    i went keto about 3 months ago 'cold turkey'. I felt thats the right way for me to go, as the mete thought of 'moderation' in terms of carbs made me grumpy and ill tempered. Surprisingly, for me, cutting out carbs nearly completely was much easier than all the previous attempts of just reducing them. It's totally counterintuitive, but the high fat indeed seems to create a satiety that allowed me to rid myself of next to uncontrollable cravings. Mind you, I stepped full force into the trap of getting keto-flu. I thought i was coming down with a mean cold for a couple of days! i then finally read about it, upped my salt intake considerably, and haven't had any issues since, even when getting back into ketosis after some carb bingeing over the holidays. On the contrary, the 'carb reload' helped me drop some weight right after i went back on keto after 3 carby days!
  • sae12
    sae12 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm new to keto diet. I'll check out the groups I need motivation and support.
  • karenschenker
    karenschenker Posts: 1 Member
    I've just found a new Flour, good in fiber Coffee Flour. Can't seem to find it in the foods list and the bag from Nuts doesn't have a regular ztk0fwwbsckk.jpg