100 Day Burpee Challenge

The entirety of the post below is from http://forums.mmajunkie.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=37894 . I did 44 because of a deal with someone this morning and it put me down, so I decided to give this a shot. I have no doubt I'll be in better shape overall afterward. Who's in? I'll start right now and do one more burpee today. If you're in, post your updates as you do them.

Challenge starts 7/16/2011

I'm of the opinion that the burpee is perhaps the world's greatest exercise, in that it kicks my *ss, and it requires little time and no equipment. I'd like to improve my burpee fitness and am intrigued by the "100 Day Burpee Challenge". Maybe we could get a group going on Junkie?

The idea is to complete burpees each day for 100 consecutive days, increasing in reps each day, starting at 1 burpee on day 1, and finishing with 100 burpees on day 100.

The Rules:
1. Use proper burpee form (start standing, jump feet backward to plank, complete a good form push up, jump forward to squat position, jump up with feet completely off the ground)
2. You can complete each day's burpees all at once, or broken up and done at different times throughout the day
3. If for some reason you miss a day, you have to make up all the missed burpees the following day
4. If you don't start the challenge on the first day, you can "buy-in" at any time by doing ALL the missed days burpees on your first day
5. Any burpees you complete during your regular workout can count towards that day’s Challenge burpees, if you want them to
5. Have fun doing burpees and getting stronger doing it!

So, what say you junkies? Anyone want to start this one week from today ?


  • ch178
    ch178 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm in, so i guess I'll start with day one being today
  • Brookelee30
    Brookelee30 Posts: 102
    I want in. What day does it start? Your post says April.
  • bfnp
    bfnp Posts: 58
    It starts today, I'll take April out of the OP I copied it from.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I'm in! I'll give it my best shot. These remind me of the 8 count bodybuilder we always did in the military!
  • dointime
    dointime Posts: 103 Member
    I'd love to give it a try!!!
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    I'm in, one burpee done.
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    Hey I hate burpees! I want to get better at them though so I think I will participate!
  • bfnp
    bfnp Posts: 58
    1 burpee done!
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    I'm in. I just did one to get the challenge started.
  • ursula0601k
    ursula0601k Posts: 169 Member
    I'm in! Burpees are a great cardio workout!
  • MaxandHenrysMom
    MaxandHenrysMom Posts: 59 Member
    I did these for the first time the other day and found them really hard.... so I am in. One down.
  • dointime
    dointime Posts: 103 Member
    I did one, though it was really crappy!!! I guess I will be working on my form as I go!
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    Ok after reading this I looked it up on youtube and watched someone do 200 of them. Then I thought, I wonder how many I could do? Then I read that 10 burn around 10 calories so I figured well I should do a hundred to make it worthwhile. So I tried. I did 50 (with pushups!) and was sweating buckets. I could've done more if I really pushed myself. Maybe I'll try for a hundred soon!
  • albali
    albali Posts: 225 Member
    I'm in! I just did one! It was sooo hard. Will probably be doing them slowly at first to get the form good!
  • lisa451999
    lisa451999 Posts: 84
    I LOVE (yet hate) Burpees!! I'm definitely in. One done today!!!
  • Brookelee30
    Brookelee30 Posts: 102
    One down! These kick my butt big time!! I hope I can get to the point that I can make them look easy :0)
  • sassykat159
    count me in! one burpee down. :)
  • lisa451999
    lisa451999 Posts: 84
    Two burpees done today. :-)
  • MaxandHenrysMom
    MaxandHenrysMom Posts: 59 Member
    Day two: done!
  • bfnp
    bfnp Posts: 58
    two in! just a random stop, drop, and burpee this time.