Let's share goals! What are your plans for 2017



  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Oh nice, I like this.

    1. Continue my bulk and put on at least 6-8 more lbs
    2. Hit some PRs (not specific numbers, just keep increasing if I can)
    3. Have more confidence in myself and my accomplishments (especially fitness wise)
    4. Start getting into kickboxing again (once I am done bulking!)
    5. Maybe.. maybe get pregnant again by the end of the year, we'll see ;)
  • 74Patricia
    74Patricia Posts: 75 Member
    These are all amazing goals! You guys ROCK! So inspiring. I <3 it!
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    I'm only putting my fitness related goals down here :)

    1. Gain that sixpack
    2. learn and be able to do at least 2 advanced calisthenics exercises.

    For the plain and simple reason that I want to be a gray bearded grandfather who can do those things. :D Not too far off now :)
  • Cifucanguess
    Cifucanguess Posts: 175 Member
    1. Have a 10% goal I'm working and hope to complete that (10lbs to go)
    2. Lose another 10% of body fat
    3. Stay active and healthy (back has been bothering me)
    4. Stay focused and motivated (no matter what everyone else is saying)
  • Eash84
    Eash84 Posts: 68 Member
    Build up enough courage to get my butt back on a plane to fly home for the summer (lol!)
    Stay on track with the yearly stitch-a-long I'll be participating in.
    Add more veggies and fruits into my diet.
  • manther88
    manther88 Posts: 213 Member
    I want to lose this weight I've been off and on for 4 years. I want to go to Alaska. And I want to conceive my first baby. Still a little scared for that one but we'll see!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    1. Complete a Super Randonneur series. Got so close this year, but couldn't quite complete the 600K because of a lengthy illness just prior to the event.
  • starryphoenix
    starryphoenix Posts: 381 Member
    My first goal is to lose the 20 pounds I gained back from being reckless.
  • UnfatteningFfion
    UnfatteningFfion Posts: 14 Member
    I don't have a specific weight goal but I have some goal clothes I want to fit into. Will need somewhere around 100lbs lost.

    Also want to take up an 'active' hobby. Not sure what yet as I've never really been active before so not sure what I'd like. :)
  • Firstcomeslove
    Firstcomeslove Posts: 21 Member
    drabbits2 wrote: »
    2017 goals:
    a book a week, reach my goal weight which is 145 (180 now), drink more water, get to bed earlier, pay off debts

    I have similar goals! Best of luck to you XO
  • plumbguy101
    plumbguy101 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm hoping to lose 10 to 15 pounds and tighten things back up by my vacation in May.
  • hmeally
    hmeally Posts: 31 Member
    2017 goals here we go!!

    1) feel good about my body (I already feel good about myself, time to match my body)

    2) get to under the 170 mark for holiday in Cuba (will need a consistent 2lb/week loss)

    3) bike to and from work 4/5 days (got knocked off by a car last year and never got back on, new bike for xmas)

    4) vary my workouts (gym swim classes bike)

    5) knowing my demons (ignoring my bf when he says let's get a takeaway or don't go to the gym stay at home with me - that will not get me to mine or his goals, don't pick at the *kitten* at work)

    I feel this is the most focussed and motivated I've ever been!
  • shadowingschroeder
    Newb here. My goals for 2017 are as follows:
    1. Be more accountable for the foods I put into my body.
    2. Run a 5K by April
    3. Quit smoking(should be number 1.)
    4. Wife and I having our first child.
    5. Quit stressing over minimal things.
    6. Communicate on these boards more often.
    7. Enjoy each day more and to pay attention to those little moments that I tend to disregard.
  • candythorns
    candythorns Posts: 246 Member
    1. Lose 30 lbs.
    2. Study and finally certify for my A+ so I can be an awesome technician
    3. Finish boot camp and yoga programs successfully
    4. stay off Facebook as I find it is so bad for my motivation
  • char71165
    char71165 Posts: 65 Member
    1. Login to MFP every day and track my food and exercise. When I do this I lose weight!
    2. Get back into singing and performing
    3. Go to church most Sundays
    4. Challenge every negative thought about myself by stating a true positive statement about myself
    5. Be mindful and live in the present moment - not thinking about the past or worrying about the future