Support system friends ideas

Hey yall
My name is yazzi im 26 and have struggled with my weight for over 10yrs i am trying to develope a healthy lifestyle and a toned body i really need help motivation wise im always tired and i try but sometimes the hardest part is the mindset. If you have any advice pls add me ill be more then happy to help any way i can as well


  • stormi25night
    stormi25night Posts: 16 Member
    Hey gurly... im great at the mind set but its my motivation that screams.... stay in bed... eat that im super determined to get toned this year... so maybe we can motivate each other.... right now im laying in bed wanting to get up and use my elyptical before church.... but im soo comfy... after i write this i will crawl outta my comfy bed and get sweaty.... not what i wanna do but what i need to do..... we can do this no matter how sucky it is... we will look better by spring!!
  • yazzi420
    yazzi420 Posts: 22 Member
    Yessss @stormi25night i would love that <3
  • stormi25night
    stormi25night Posts: 16 Member
    Great!! ☄ So whats your goals for this chilly Saturday? I just strapped ankle weights on and im gonna lay on my stomach and do sum calf lifts while watching a show on my phone... thays kinda how i time my i pick an episode and hit play and do my workout while watching so im distracted from the suckyness of watching the clock slowly move in slow motion for every agonizing time i move my dramatic and funny..... anyhows im glad to have a workout buddy for motivation.... since im about to torture my body what are you gonna do to yours? If every time one of us works out the other should pick sumthing and do it too... kinda keep us taking turns in a way.
  • stormi25night
    stormi25night Posts: 16 Member
    Oh and for food wise... I had oj and coffee.... sum water.... a banana and ooops peppermint i picked mainly healthy choices but had that chocolate too.... as you eat...pick mainly healthy that way if u do hsve an oops yummy snack moment....its kool you earned it! So just try to remember to earn those tastey treats.... i say...i got up used the elyptical for 22 mins ....had a freaken banana instead of bacon....i totally deserve this chocolate.... and if i woulda just woke up n had that chocolate first... no big deal cause now i hafta earn by doing something.... and i just pick sumthing.... even cleaning my house or shoveling snow count... as long as you keep your body moving your working those muscles.
  • jeniswonge2
    jeniswonge2 Posts: 8 Member
    @yazzi420 I would like to hop on this support train as well. I have some bad cycles of losing weight and then burning out that I really need to break (been happening for yeeears) which might be easier to break with others helping me keep track with my mind set and motivation.

    I'm 25 years old and also always tired so hopefully we can help each other with this problem haha. I like @stormi25night 's method of watching shows while doing some ankle weight exercises... I similarly keep out ankle weights and small dumbells which I can just do a couple of things while even just sitting.... I just keep thinking "every little bit helps"
  • stormi25night
    stormi25night Posts: 16 Member
    Ok ladies..... my game plan is 30 mins elyptical....2 hrs ankle weight exercises spread out over the day .....and the pull up bar..which i cant do a full pull up yet but im working on it! Also i want to try only liquids for lunch and a small dinner.... i had oatmeal and coffee for bfast.... Thats my goals for today......I can do this!!!!
  • yazzi420
    yazzi420 Posts: 22 Member
    @stormi25night @echovoices yes i got yall i cheated really badly on my diet last not but i wont let it stop me today is cardio somehow it must be done!
  • leo0933
    leo0933 Posts: 21 Member
    I love seeing this. This is great that you all are supporting each other.

    When you are trying to make changes, your mindset is a major part of accomplishing your goals. When your mindset is right then everything else will follow, which includes your body and all.

    To be honest, although you may be focused with the right mindset, you are not going to be motivated day in and day to accomplish your goals. For example, most people that have 8-10 hour jobs daily, do not always feel motivated to go into work. That is not a bad thing, it is just sometimes how it is. The thing that keeps you going in to work although you may not feel like it, is the bigger picture of the scheme. You may have kids and a family to provide for, you may have a mortgage or rent to pay, or other things that must be taken care of. The things that bridges that gap between your motivation and goals are EFFORT AND DISCIPLINE.

    Your effort and discipline to push to go to work is why your bills is paid on time, is why the kids and the family are ok most of the time, and why your mortgage or rent gets paid. Along with effort and discipline, if you sprinkle a little bit of Faith, Belief In Yourself, Commitment, Desire, Consistency, and Dedication, you got yourself one nice recipe to try to reach your goals.

    Here are some other ideas that may be of help when trying to take this journey of change.

    Make specific goals - Instead of saying I want to lose weight, be specific about the weight what you want to lose. State or say I want to lose 20-30 pounds. Once you are specific, come up with a plan to begin achieving that goal. Although you are specific, be realistic about your goals. Short term and long term goals that can achieved within a reasonable amount of time. Once you’ve reached those goals, spread them to a longer -term goal. Track your progress as you go. Also, celebrate each milestone as you take your journey.

    Be realistic – Too many times I have seen people say, I want to lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks. When it doesn’t happen, then they fall off the wagon because of disappointment. Come up with a plan that you can sustain and that can be done in a healthy way. Don’t do things that you know you will not be able to do. For example, don’t say I am going to go jogging everyday knowing with your busy schedule it won’t be feasible. If you only can do 30-45 mins in the morning before work, 3 days a week, then do it. It’s a start and it is something that is realistic for you.

    Set reminders/Schedule your workout – Use a calendar to remind and set up your workout schedules. For example, because being at work sometimes get busy, maybe use your alarm on your phone to remind you it is time to eat, drink my next bottle of water, or etc. For your workouts, you can use google calendar as a way of setting an appointment for yourself, concerning when your workout days will be. Set an auto reminder for 30 mins, 1 hour, or etc. just before it is time to go sweat and put in some work.

    Track your food/Log your workout – Tracking your food can help you see what you are doing and how you’re doing it. It can help take the guessing out of the equation and allow you to see what you putting in and out of your body. It is like having a bank account, you know what goes in and out of your bank account unless you are broke. Log your workouts each time you go to the gym. This will help you see your progression as well as how much stronger you are getting. It can be a motivator, your blue print to success, as well tell you truth if you not doing enough to challenge yourself which may be causing you to stay stagnate.

    Consider the obstacles – Plan for obstacles to come your way. Some may be unknown and some you may see coming in front of you. These obstacles can be in the form of things or even people. Apart of having a good mindset is learning how to adjust. On your journey to your goal, if you change the direction of where you are going or how you get there, does not mean the goal must change.

    Put yourself in a positive environment – As I stated before sometimes obstacles can be people which could be friends, family, co-workers, or etc. The people who you expect to support you sometimes are the ones who are the most negative. Don’t get mad, instead just understand that therefore it’s called YOUR JOURNEY for a reason. Not everyone is going to understand your journey. It is not meant for them to. Surround yourself around people who are trying to do the same thing you are. They may not be even trying to lose weight and body fat or gain muscle, but they have a positive outlook on things which can be a great influence.

    Research/Get Help – Research about what you are doing so you can become educated and knowledgeable about your journey. Be aware of people who I call community leaders. Those that feel they are an expert at everything. They always know everything about something but seem to don’t apply it to themselves. Get a personal trainer, nutritionist, or etc. to help you to come up with a plan specifically for you and your goals. I also say this, do your research on those that you inquire about as well. I tell people all the time it’s just like going to a barber shop or a beauty salon, just because they are there does not mean they can cut or do hair.

    Keep up the good work and keep doing you. MAXIMUM EFFORT AT ALL TIMES
  • Zieskej
    Zieskej Posts: 33 Member
    I am looking for some new and inspiring friends as well. In 2013 I had done an amazing job and lost 40 +/- pounds. In September of 2013, I fell off the band wagon and gained a good chunk of it back. I am almost to the weight that I told myself I never wanted to see on my scale again. Feel free to add me as a friend. I can use all of the encouragement and motivation I can get. On the bright side, we just got a new puppy almost a month ago, and she needs lots of exercise, so it is a good excuse for me to go for a walk! Looking forward to seeing new friend on MFP!
  • yazzi420
    yazzi420 Posts: 22 Member
    @leo0933 <3<3 that was amazing thank u for taking the time to give some inspiring good advice all but good vibes to year will def work on discipline that really is key thank you sooo sooo much it amazes me how much support there is out there <3<3@Zieskej your more then welcome to join the struggle train lol whenever ur down just remember u have a group that is struggling but keeps pushing foward
  • stormi25night
    stormi25night Posts: 16 Member
    yazzi420 wrote: »
    @stormi25night @echovoices yes i got yall i cheated really badly on my diet last not but i wont let it stop me today is cardio somehow it must be done!

    Thats right girl, dont let it get ya down.... kick butt and get back on track... you got this!!
  • stormi25night
    stormi25night Posts: 16 Member
    Zieskej wrote: »
    I am looking for some new and inspiring friends as well. In 2013 I had done an amazing job and lost 40 +/- pounds. In September of 2013, I fell off the band wagon and gained a good chunk of it back. I am almost to the weight that I told myself I never wanted to see on my scale again. Feel free to add me as a friend. I can use all of the encouragement and motivation I can get. On the bright side, we just got a new puppy almost a month ago, and she needs lots of exercise, so it is a good excuse for me to go for a walk! Looking forward to seeing new friend on MFP!

    Put some ankle weights on or wear heavy boots when you take the doggy out... that extra weight will help tone up your legs... anytime you need to vent or want encouragement were here!
  • stormi25night
    stormi25night Posts: 16 Member
    Ok ladies... I failed at my attempt on a liquid diet yesterday... any tips to help me pull through 3 days of detox? Im afraid i may not make it today.