Weight slowly going up?

Before anyone asks, YES I track 100% everything and accurately and I don't eat more than 1300 calories a day. I hit a new low weight at the beginning of this week and every time i step on the scale (same time every day) it goes a little bit up and up and today i'm one pound up from my lowest weight. Why is this happening? I can guarantee I'm not overeating and I didn't overeat during the holidays at all.


  • mactaffy428
    mactaffy428 Posts: 61 Member
    Don't know why this is happening for you, but I don't think it is all that uncommon. Frustrating, certainly, but it happens. Wish I knew why -if I did, could get rich! Just know that if you keep doing what you're doing, it will work out and that bleeping scale will go back dow. I'd say try not to stress about it, but I stress over that myself and it would seem a bit hypocritical. Sorry I can't be more helpful, but I do feel your pain.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited December 2016
    Since it wasn't specifically mentioned, and you're going to be asked many times, do you use a food scale to weigh all solid foods, or do you use measuring cups?
    Also, are you close to time of the month? That can make a difference too.
  • clee1898
    clee1898 Posts: 28 Member
    Since it wasn't specifically mentioned, and you're going to be asked many times, do you use a food scale to weigh all solid foods, or do you use measuring cups?
    Also, are you close to time of the month? That can make a difference too.

    Yes I use a food scale.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Weighing yourself daily is not always helpful, it can increase stress about weight loss, try leaving it for a week at a time. I congratulate you on not over eating over the holiday, I hope you had foods you enjoyed so it felt like the festive season. If your photo is resent, you do not look as if you have much if any weight to loose, concentrate on eating nutritious foods not mass produced things empty of nutrition. The closer you are to your bodies preferred weight the more difficult it is to loose. You could possibly work on toning, this is out of my sphere. I think you look good as you are, from what I could see in your photo.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    It's a pound. And you tracked it in fractions of a pound.

    No matter what the readout on your digital scale looks like, it almost certainly isn't actually accurate enough to track fractions of a pound across multiple days. In fact, its likely that your "true" weight wasn't a "real" low weight either - your "real" weight lies at the center of a range of measurements within the actual precision and accuracy of your scale, which is likely to be +/- a pound or more.

    Don't fret about fractions of a pound across a week. They are statistically meaningless.
  • kkress92
    kkress92 Posts: 118 Member
    Please read the post about weight loss being non-linear.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    edited December 2016
    savithny wrote: »
    It's a pound. And you tracked it in fractions of a pound.

    No matter what the readout on your digital scale looks like, it almost certainly isn't actually accurate enough to track fractions of a pound across multiple days. In fact, its likely that your "true" weight wasn't a "real" low weight either - your "real" weight lies at the center of a range of measurements within the actual precision and accuracy of your scale, which is likely to be +/- a pound or more.

    Don't fret about fractions of a pound across a week. They are statistically meaningless.

    Agree. I call these phantom losses. Sometimes I may be really low one day and inch up through the week. I think it's normal fluctuations. That's why some type of averages or weight trending helps in my opinion. At first I thought trending and averaging was nuts. I'd never heard of such. That was due to my lack of understanding at the time about all the things that daily impact scale weight.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member

    Food/waste/water in your system will cause day to day fluctuations. Also if you have only a little to lose the weight will come off ever so slowly.

    If you don't already - weigh first thing in the am, after you use the bathroom in the same clothes (undies etc). Use the same scales.

    Also check your sodium for the previous few days. If you had a high sodium day it could take a few days for the water retention to go down. Same is true if its your TOM. Its also possible you may have been dehydrated on the day you weighed the lowest. Basically there are so many factors to why your weight goes up and down on a day to day basis, you'll never figure all of them out.

    IF you are accurately logging and you are eating in a deficit the weight WILL come off, just not in the time frame you want and not in a straight line down.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    kkress92 wrote: »
    Please read the post about weight loss being non-linear.

    That would be this thread, which is extremely relevant to this situation. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10084670/it-is-unlikely-that-you-will-lose-weight-consistently-i-e-weight-loss-is-not-linear#latest
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    OP its probably fluctuation. I was down 1.2 lbs yesterday and today Im up that 1.2 lbs,tomorrow it may be down a lb or 2 or it may not. just keep doing what you are doing. you will get there if you are doing everything needed to lose the weight.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I'm up 1lb this morning from yesterday morning. 2 reasons for me... I've been eating more carbs than usual lately, and my TOM is only a few days away. Both of these thing guarantee "water weight gain" for me.
    If you know your calories are on point and you haven't eaten over your maintenance calories all week, then rest assured that it's just normal and common fluctuations.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,996 Member
    edited January 2017
    OP: There will be daily weight fluctuations (more for women than nen) but if you are weighing yourself daily and logging everything you eat and have been getting consistent and reliable results over time, I would pay attention to any trend different than "normal."

    1# really isn't that much to worry about but if my weight varies by more than 1-2#'s in a particular direction over more than 2-3 consecutive days then I know that I'm eating too much (or too little) and need to make an adjustment to reverse it Doing this has allowed me to maintain my weight w/in a 3# range for the past month.

    So, if you are continually gaining weight beyond what is "normal" for you, the reason has to be that you're eating more than you think and there must something "wrong" w/the way you are logging your food which requies adjustment.

    The way to check this is to eat less, based on your current method of logging and if your weight gain slows or stops (or continues to go up), then you'll know that you are underestimating the amount of food you are eating relative to your TDEE.