Mr. "Up and Down" weight.

My name is Rick and I have been on a weight loss journey for a long time. At one point in my life I'd lost 60 lbs. Now I stay in pretty good shape. I ride my bike from 60-80 miles a week during the summer. Recently, Fall until now, I have slipped into holiday mode. I started make choices that caused weight gain in the past. I should know better. The holidays are difficult for me. Nesting at home, many tasty high calorie food choices and a lack of motivation to exercise has got me in a recent rut. Today is not a reflection of what I will or will not be doing, but I did XC ski 2 miles and tracked my calories on MFP. Today is my turn around day.

This is basically all I have to say about my struggles. I'm 48 and my metabolism is not getting any faster.

