FEMALE ONLY: are you 5'1-5'4? 220-240lbs?



  • ErickaRenee92
    ErickaRenee92 Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2017
    Add me!
  • djones199
    djones199 Posts: 3 Member
    I am 5'6 and 238lbs, I'm struggling myself and would love to work with you so we can reach our goal. And I agree! It definitely would help to have someone by your side around the same height and weight.
  • cassgospo
    cassgospo Posts: 5 Member
    I started higher than the weight! I'm 5'3. Im currently 180! Aiming for 135! Feel free to add. I'm on here everyday!
  • foxximomma76
    foxximomma76 Posts: 3 Member
    Im with you!! 5'3-231-40yo
  • Mackenzie_2012
    Mackenzie_2012 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5'1 and unfortunately weigh 231. :( it's kind of hard admitting that to the world. 3 years ago I got under 200 and I felt great. But then I gained most of it back in a short amount of time. I want to lose weight and keep it off. I want to be healthy and feel good about myself. I have nice jeans to get back into! I would really like having friends who are kind of in the same boat. Feel free to add me.
  • BethR1996x
    BethR1996x Posts: 21 Member
    5'2 142lbs but looking to lose 10-20lbs x anyone add me
  • magmay109
    magmay109 Posts: 4 Member
    5'4 and 230 pounds
    TRYING to get down to 130-140 range
    If anyone wants to add me I'd be more than happy for the support!
  • debbierofstad
    debbierofstad Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm in search of some friends with similar challenges too. I am the mother of the bride for a July wedding. In 5'4" - 221lbs I'm ready!!!
  • anneingram31
    anneingram31 Posts: 6 Member
    Im 5'3" and need to lose 50lbs. I also need the encoragement
  • krtbmt
    krtbmt Posts: 12 Member
    I am 5'3" and weigh 217.8 lbs. I definitely am committed to losing at least 70 lbs. I would love some MFP friends to keep me going towards my goal and I'd also like to help you reach yours goals as well. Feel free to add me. :)
  • justkris_gettingfit
    justkris_gettingfit Posts: 239 Member
    Feel free to add me as well :) !
    5'2 started at 230, CW is 210
  • Amberleah21
    Amberleah21 Posts: 55 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm Amber and I'm 5'0 weighing 235 lbs. I've got 100 lbs to lose this year. And I've got some chronic health issues. I've lost and gained several times in the last several years. I was even semi successful with MFP for a short time last year losing about 20 lbs. then I gained it back, plus some. Looking for new friends with long term goals to keep each other accountable and committed. Friend request me if you want the same.
  • Shantihfluff
    Shantihfluff Posts: 10 Member
    5 6 226 and need some buddies to help keep me accountable. Anyone? Add me! :)
  • blakelee1214
    blakelee1214 Posts: 6 Member
    How do you add on here I'm new on here so still trying to figure it out
  • Olikau
    Olikau Posts: 2 Member
    5'2 and up and down in that range trying to go down! Add me up
  • _ankylosaurus_
    _ankylosaurus_ Posts: 28 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! 5'1 and currently in the 180s.
  • kokomom1950
    kokomom1950 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 216 (as of this morning); would love to join your group. I've never been super thin, but I have never been this heavy. I've had so many recent medical problems; really need to get healthier. My wake up moment came recently when I went to see my foot doctor. I developed plantar fasciitis. After 6 weeks in a compression boot, he had to give me a steroid injection in my heel...yes, very painful. In addition, he said, "Unless you are willing to do something about your weight, there is nothing else I can do for you. Are you the largest woman I've had in my office? Not by a longshot, but you are carrying way too much weight for your body type." Boy, talk about not sugar coating anything! Sad thing is, that I developed this symptom by competing in a walking group and putting in at least 10,000 steps a day! I work out 5 to 6 days a week; my culprit is sugar and eating more calories than I need. So I am back to logging food in and keeping track of what I am doing. I'm already 66 (turn 67 next month), so I need to get back on track. Would love to get support from this group and well as give any encouragement to anyone going through this as well.
  • albatrosssherpa
    albatrosssherpa Posts: 63 Member
    edited January 2017
    5 foot and in that weight range- started off higher.. sigh.. add me!
  • eieiomama
    eieiomama Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5'4 and 241. I would love to say goodbye to the 200's and be in "one-derland"! Feel free to add me and we can all do this together!
  • mrssandracross
    mrssandracross Posts: 1 Member
    I am only 4'9" 183 lbs and would love to lose 50 lbs before my doc puts me on diabetic meds. I hate that I am short and have a large frame. My BMI is high but I have no heart issues or high blood pressure. All I can do is change my eating habit and workout! Add me as a friend. I have been doing Camp Gladiator 3x a week since October, I need to work on eating clean!