Heartburn or Gull Bladder Stones?



  • charmednz
    charmednz Posts: 49 Member
    Yes Gall Bladder pain is usually on the right side, however you can have referred pain and feel it in your left side or even your back, everyone is different! the best advice above is to get it checked out by your doctor just for your peace of mind :)
  • michaelynj
    michaelynj Posts: 29
    A few days ago I woke up in the middle of the night having intense heartburn.. felt identical to it; have had it before, on the left side of my chest under my boob. I tried to take Tums and it didn't work after 30 minutes I took Rantidine, 40 minutes later I took some Tyenol.. and it didn't work. It started at 2 am. I somehow managed to sleep.

    I woke up at 10 am, feeling ok but within a few minutes of standing up it was back. The pain my stomach making me want to throw up was gone but the burn was still there, not as bad but still there.

    I get a Prilosec OTC around noon or so that day, but the guy at the counter suggested I try a liquid Heartburn Equate since it could take a day for the Prilosec to take effect. I did this, 30 minutes later to an hour I was fine.

    I have been taking the Prilosec every day now and no problem. I just went to the doctor and she told me to only take it when needed... she didn't seem overly concerned.

    But my husband said a gay at his work had a friend with similiar symptons with heartburn and pain and it turned out to be gull bladder stones! I asked my doctor about this and she said cuz I'm loosing weight it might be, but since I wasn't showing alot of symptoms she didn't want to do the test which was a X-Ray and just let her know if anything happens.

    Now I'm worried though! I know nothing about Gull Bladder Stones! I told her I didn't have stomach pains alot and I don't think I do, but my husband says I complain more than I realize? I don't know if that's true or he's counting my muscle pains that I do get when exercising.

    Either way now I'm scared... Anyone have experience with this...?

    And back to what I ate the day it happened, it was a cheat day. I ate Taco's with 80 percent hamburger, my mom made them so they were greecy, but I finished eating at 2 pm and the pain didn't start until 2 am. I didn't eat anything else that day, but I did drink a Coke Zero at 9-10 pm before bed, which I don't normally do but it was soooo hot and I had forgot to fill up the water bottles.

    So does it sound like normal heartburn to you guys or could it be more? The doc didn't seem to concerned like I said, but I can't afford a professional second opinion, my insurance won't cover it.. so thought I'd get your opinions!


    I had a Laparoscopy done 2 years ago to remove my Gall Bladder, Do you throw up everything you eat and drink as well as have sharp pains?