Does anyone else work out extra just to get more calories?



  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
  • flagrantavidity
    flagrantavidity Posts: 218 Member
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Nope. I train to my plan, sometimes that means I go over my calorie target, sometimes I'm under.

    No point obsessing about a single day.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    edited January 2017
    It's opposite for me. I love exercise and staying active daily for many reasons.

    One of the benefits of that is I can eat a lot more. And it's awesome. B)
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Yes. I love to workout - it's a real stress-buster. But - honestly - if working out lets me complete the day without going over - then, yeah.
  • Mentiri
    Mentiri Posts: 1,356 Member
    Oh yeah! And for fun, of course, but when I really want that ice cream I'll break out the dance workout first. And half the time I don't want the snack anymore by the time I've 'earned' it, so win-win!
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Mentiri wrote: »
    Oh yeah! And for fun, of course, but when I really want that ice cream I'll break out the dance workout first. And half the time I don't want the snack anymore by the time I've 'earned' it, so win-win!

    Find the same thing. Get on the treadmill to be able to "afford" the glass of wine and then don't want the wine after.

    FOR ME, and possibly for others, the workout kills the boredom that was leading to wanting the treat in the first place.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Nope. Train to plan.
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    Exercise is a buffer and peace of mind calories for me. I rarely eat any calories back and am usually under my goal, so if I happen to trip and fall face first into a double cheesebaconburger, I know I'm completely safe. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Not's one of the added benefits of regular exercise activity but I don't workout to burn some arbitrary number of calories.

    That said, when I started this four years ago, being able to eat more was a motivator to that time my exercise was rather random and arbitrary and was basically exercise for the sake of exercising. When I started training towards actual fitness goals and started following structured programs to get me there, that changed my outlook.

    Once I started training towards objectives beyond just burning XXX calories I switched to the TDEE method which is more logical to me. Not that MFPs methodology doesn't does...but I think people tend to get overly wrapped up in day to day minutia. I haven't logged in ages and these days I just train to plan and eat according to how I feel.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    its the only reason I started walking.
  • jhdz95614
    jhdz95614 Posts: 9 Member
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    One of the cool things about long distance running (and training) is it allows you to eat like a pig and still maintain your weight. :-) So in that sense, yes, I enjoy eating much more because of my training. But that is not the main reason for the training - I train to get faster and live healthier.

    Now, for your case where you are in danger of going over for one day, no way would I add exercise in. Just go over. Look at your calorie goal as weekly instead of daily. For example, on the weekends when I do my longest runs I am almost always in a huge calorie deficit. Then during the week when run less or lift, I am sometimes in a surplus. Over the course of the week it evens out.

    To be successful you don't have to hit your goal every single day. Enjoy life.

    Good luck.
  • JaxxieKat
    JaxxieKat Posts: 427 Member
    I have done that, yes. I tend to aim for a lower daily calorie goal (around 1200), then workout most days so that I can eat around 1300-1400 calories and still maintain a deficit.
  • KatzeDerNacht22
    KatzeDerNacht22 Posts: 200 Member
    Used to, it led to a not so good relationship with food so no, if I will be over for some, I will be, (I workout as scheduled, though, I do try now to walk daily to create a bigger deficit, eating more would kinda work backwards so nope), not making that a habit either. Good luck.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    why is that the exercise tracker does not deplete the cal burned from strength training? I do one hour and a half 5 times a week and i am just curious.

    'strength training' is so vague it's like 'eating'. you can't tell how many calories someone took in if they just log 'eating, 1 hour'. strength training is kind of like that.