Looking for buddies to cheer on!



  • noluckducky15
    noluckducky15 Posts: 54 Member
    Count me in! Most my friends on here are inactive...the few I have are not consistent...The one thing I'm missing is more reason to get on here! The last 2 or 3 attempts at this failed due to not wanting to get on and log...Add me!
  • zimzamzum
    zimzamzum Posts: 25 Member
    Hey guys :) Would love some online support. I'm doing a no added sugar 30 day challenge at the moment, and currently struggling through day 1!
  • HealthyJourney14
    HealthyJourney14 Posts: 7 Member
    How do I easily add buddies from here? Looking forward to support!
  • dawling11
    dawling11 Posts: 20 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me as well!!
  • Insain1
    Insain1 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all, recently fallen off the rails and need all the motivation possible to get bk on track especially with eating. I can exercise easily its just the food part add me. Any ideas how to stop the binge eating in the evening
  • coachll85
    coachll85 Posts: 5 Member
    zimzamzum wrote: »
    Hey guys :) Would love some online support. I'm doing a no added sugar 30 day challenge at the moment, and currently struggling through day 1!

    I'm struggling too! On day 2 and gave in for 2 airheads! I was suppose to be 21 days of no junk challenge. I need help staying on track too.
  • coachll85
    coachll85 Posts: 5 Member
    I had to get online to add friends.. not sure from the app.
    How do I easily add buddies from here? Looking forward to support!

  • boeboekitty
    boeboekitty Posts: 4 Member
    Awesome!! I added all you guys, looking forward to seeing all your awesome results
  • indiacaitlin
    indiacaitlin Posts: 691 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me! :smile:
  • dawling11
    dawling11 Posts: 20 Member
    To add friends....click on user name, and you will come to the send message/ ignore page, click on the pic and you will see the add person icon.
    Hope this makes sense.
  • chelsea_thompson
    chelsea_thompson Posts: 9 Member
  • suegil314
    suegil314 Posts: 33 Member
    Feel free to add me! I could use the motivation and accountability, and would be glad to do the same for you!
  • Kristi_Kay
    Kristi_Kay Posts: 26 Member
    Looking for the same! Add me :)
  • benstronger
    benstronger Posts: 381 Member
    Added you! Always good to have an accountability buddy!
  • nicole3921
    nicole3921 Posts: 97 Member
    Sent you a request. I log in daily and try and exercise 5x a week!
  • kerrio_o
    kerrio_o Posts: 1 Member
    Same here!! Addy add me :) currently deployed and nowhere to cook! Chow hall has a good salad bar but zzzzz. Any tips??
  • mightdomightnot
    mightdomightnot Posts: 181 Member
    Feel free to add me here or on Instagram @arsy_warrior ....... I'm restarting on Jan 9th 2017 and will be active on here from then. I will encourage and support anyone who does the same.
  • klkudrna
    klkudrna Posts: 18 Member
    kerrio_o wrote: »
    Same here!! Addy add me :) currently deployed and nowhere to cook! Chow hall has a good salad bar but zzzzz. Any tips??

    Thank you for your service!!!!!
  • dawnemaria
    dawnemaria Posts: 6 Member
    I would love more active friends on here. I constantly feel like I'm talking to myself
  • kerryleigh22
    kerryleigh22 Posts: 13 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me! Would love the help and support at getting started!