Teachers of MFP!



  • feroshus
    feroshus Posts: 32 Member
    Great idea to start a teacher thread!
    I have been teaching the first grade for 6 years now (in Calgary, Canada.) My biggest challenge is actually when I get home - I am often way too exhausted to cook dinner. This leads to lots of takeout. On good weeks, I prep my meals on Sundays. I am hoping for a lot more "good weeks" this year. I start back tomorrow... heading off to the grocery store now :smile:

    Please feel free to add me! I have a lot of weight to lose total (just over 100 pounds) so I'm in this for the long term!!
  • jesslynwo
    jesslynwo Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! I am a first year pre-k teacher in CT. I love my job but like some of you mentioned, it doesn't lend itself well to my weightloss journey. The hardest thing for me is that we aren't allowed to bring outside food into my school, so if I eat then I have to eat whatever our cook makes for the kids (which is usually bread, veggies in butter, something breaded or drenched in sauce, and a side of fruit). Before Christmas break I started just eating the veggies and fruit, but was starving by the time I left school. My Dr. Suggested taking a protein bar or something similar and either eating it during break or on a quick potty break, but to do so I will either need to eat it outside, in my car or in the bathroom (gross!). I get why they have this rule and our school is small enough to be able to provide breakfast, lunch and a snack for all our kids and staff, but it's not really a benefit for me.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    I just started teaching music at an elementary school. Previously I was teaching early childhood.

    I've gained 10 lbs or so since I started. It's horrible. The stress is like...crippling. Then there's pretzels and cookies around and I just smash them into my face for comfort. Sigh....I go back tomorrow.
  • abbi1017
    abbi1017 Posts: 7 Member
    Morning All, it is nice to "meet" you! I am a fifth year, middle school teacher, and I am in total agreement, I love my job, however... my 128, eighth graders, and 4 biological children make it very difficult to stay on the "fitness straight and narrow". I have managed to pack on 75 pounds in the last 5 years, by consuming way too many empty calories, like stress eating an entire bag of chocolate while grading :blush: My crazy busy school and home schedule should help me stay fit, but instead of fit I have settled for the convenience of fast food and vegging once we finally make it home rather than prepping, and exercising. It is a new year! I have decided to make changes rather than excuses! Happy New Year, and good luck to you all, I look forward to sharing this journey with my fellow teachers :smile:
  • mwalle09
    mwalle09 Posts: 305 Member
    Did anyone not gain weight their first year of teaching?
  • Disneygirl23
    Disneygirl23 Posts: 3 Member
    Totally gained! First year was the most stressful and quite the learning experience. Before I knew it, there were some extra unwanted pounds. It is a battle each year and I have to consciously be aware of my weight. Last year on Feb. 1st was my turning point! Lost 50 pounds and have 35 more to go!
  • whineosaur
    whineosaur Posts: 5 Member
    Hi teachers! I'm a special education elementary teacher in Georgia. This is my fourth year. I'm working on losing 85 pounds total, but I'm taking it 15 at a time. :)
  • whineosaur
    whineosaur Posts: 5 Member
    mwalle09 wrote: »
    Did anyone not gain weight their first year of teaching?

    The weight I did gain my first year, was actually a good thing. I made a wild choice and moved across the country with very little savings, and the summer before I got my first teaching job I lost around 25 pounds just because I couldn't afford to eat. But in the years since, I've just kept gaining. Not so good!
  • diwijo13
    diwijo13 Posts: 106 Member
    I teach (middle school) 6th grade math in Virginia. This is my 17th year teaching. I've been steadily gaining weight for years. January 15 will be my 1 year anniversary on MFP--I haven't missed a day of logging which didn't happen last time I used MFP. My school starts at 9 and ends at 3:49 and lunch is at 12. I drive at least 1 1/2 hours round trip every day
  • diwijo13
    diwijo13 Posts: 106 Member
    jesslynwo wrote: »
    The hardest thing for me is that we aren't allowed to bring outside food into my school, so if I eat then I have to eat whatever our cook makes for the kids (which is usually bread, veggies in butter, something breaded or drenched in sauce, and a side of fruit). Before Christmas break I started just eating the veggies and fruit, but was starving by the time I left school. My Dr. Suggested taking a protein bar or something similar and either eating it during break or on a quick potty break, but to do so I will either need to eat it outside, in my car or in the bathroom (gross!). I get why they have this rule and our school is small enough to be able to provide breakfast, lunch and a snack for all our kids and staff, but it's not really a benefit for me.

    I understand why they might have the rule for students but what is the reason that they will not allow teachers to bring in their own food? What if a student (or teacher) has an allergy or just doesn't like the food?
  • becca_rup23
    becca_rup23 Posts: 396 Member
    Doing my student teaching , will hopefully teach full time this fall! I've already lost 65 lbs but really trying to keep momentum or at least maintenance lol feel free to add me!
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    jesslynwo wrote: »
    Hey! I am a first year pre-k teacher in CT. I love my job but like some of you mentioned, it doesn't lend itself well to my weightloss journey. The hardest thing for me is that we aren't allowed to bring outside food into my school, so if I eat then I have to eat whatever our cook makes for the kids (which is usually bread, veggies in butter, something breaded or drenched in sauce, and a side of fruit). Before Christmas break I started just eating the veggies and fruit, but was starving by the time I left school. My Dr. Suggested taking a protein bar or something similar and either eating it during break or on a quick potty break, but to do so I will either need to eat it outside, in my car or in the bathroom (gross!). I get why they have this rule and our school is small enough to be able to provide breakfast, lunch and a snack for all our kids and staff, but it's not really a benefit for me.

    I'm a firm advocate that a school nutrition program is primarily to serve the students, but also staff. I think if you are forced to eat on the toilet, that's a sign that the rules need revisiting. Eww.

    But this is an opportunity to look at what is being served. Things that are well within the guidelines for the national school lunch program in America can still be really unbalanced and unhealthy. (I'm at a high school that allows students to eat frozen yogurt for breakfast, WTF?!) And granted there are some differences between elementary aged students and adults, but not enough that you, as an adult watching your diet, can't eat there.

    Or, find out more about the nutrition. What is the caloric content? Check with the head of the food services or the nurse.
  • jesslynwo
    jesslynwo Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks guys. They don't let staff bring outside food cause students could "potentially" get into it and eat it and they are worried about allergies (I guess) the cafeteria works really hard to work around all the kids allergies and so I guess its possible to ask if they can work around my preferences (even if its for health and not allergies). I am gonna find out tomorrow.
  • mwalle09
    mwalle09 Posts: 305 Member
    That's a tough situation but I wonder if the cook could have some healthy options, even a salad or something?
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    I'm an elementary teacher in Canada. I have another 20 lbs to lose before my initial goal. My biggest struggle is my lack of energy at the end of the work day. It has been leading me to make unhealthy dinner choices.
    Feel free to add me!
  • ScienceLady
    ScienceLady Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Teachers!!! I am in my 7th year of teaching 8th grade Science. I was an avid MFP user for a while and then dropped off. Back on track now!
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Add me! High School Alt Ed teacher. Lost 40 pounds on here in 2011 and kept it off for years. Now has slowly creeped back on and I'm almost back where I started. I know having active MFP friends to keep you accountable is a huge help! Help me!!
  • abbi1017
    abbi1017 Posts: 7 Member
    I totally gained my first year, lost my next few years :) now its time to lose.
  • mwalle09
    mwalle09 Posts: 305 Member
    Hey Everyone, In the groups there is one called "Healthy Teachers" seems like a good place for us to all join and support one another!
  • kaylarenee2889
    kaylarenee2889 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in my first year of teaching high school biology (mainly 9th graders) in Georgia and have definitely not figured out the work/life balance yet. I get to work around 7:30 am, lunch at 10:30 am, and usually feel so overwhelmed with work that I don't leave until 6 pm because I can't get work done at home. I'm starved by the time I leave and have a bad habit of stopping by fast food places or eat quick junk when I get home because I am way too tired to even think about cooking. I have no clue how much weight I have gained so far this year (plus last year as a full time student teacher - was essentially a co-teacher the entire year) but I am sadly at an all-time high. I decided over the break that I need to figure out a way to make a change! I have a final goal of losing 60 pounds (I weighed more than I would have liked before any of this). I did better this past week with food but have yet to figure out time or energy for working out.