Ripped in 30 starting July 4th



  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Yeah, I took two consecutive rest days! Tonight--back to Day 4 of Level 2, which I have to admit, I'm kind of dreading. . . How do you guys motivate yourslef when you're facing those endless planks?
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Just did W2D3. I'm in agreement with all of you about those DAMN PLANKS. We just gotta hang on for a few more days before they are over. Anyone take a look at Week 3 yet? I hope there aren't any planks in that workout. I swear my arms are going to fall off if there are LOL. And I totally agree with you fraiseroja about not feeling as guilty about missing days on this one vs. the shred!

    You guys are all doing great! Keep it up :)
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    I just did D4 of Level 2 and the planks are still not getting easier (maybe because I took two consecutive rest days?) and i have to do modified crow push ups. I hate to tell you, I did preview Level 3 tonight and man, it looks IMPOSSIBLE. Anyone survived it yet? How long did it take you to move on from Level 2 to Level 3? I am SCARED after what I previewed :noway:
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Today was my first day and I LOVE it!!!! I think that I like more than 30 Day Shred.I burned 352 calories.
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    Finished day 4 L2 today. I doubled up today and went for a run this afternoon because its crazy cool out for's the high 80s but we haven't seen that since May :) My arms were tiiired today. I think because its my third consecutive day.

    Oh, if anyone is having a hard time balancing with those swan rows, what I do is keep repeating in my head "I am balanced" and it works. I might touch down once. It sounds silly but give it a try!!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Just did Week 2 Day 4. It's starting to get a teeny tiny teensy bit easier haha, but not by much. My arms are still intact though, which is a good sign.

    fraiseroja - I still for the life of me can't balance when doing those swan rows!!!! I will try your method and see if it works haha

    bathsalts - You are scaring me about Week 3! I thought about taking a peek at it but decided against it, probably a good idea not to lol
  • HarmonyNLife
    HarmonyNLife Posts: 47 Member
    I just completed Week 2 Day 4. JustBreath, I agree. I feel as though some of the exercises are getting a bit easier. Bathsalts, I did take a look at week 3. I will probably be doing the modified version on day 1. The planks are not getting easier for me and I see that there are plank exercises in week, joy!

    Keep up the good work guys! We are halfway through this. I tried 30 day shred before and I do not complete the program. I am very grateful for the support that you have all given. You guys are the best!
  • HarmonyNLife
    HarmonyNLife Posts: 47 Member
    Repeat of yesterday RI30 and 2 mile run feeling good! Hope everyone had a great day!

    Ridgellmomof3, when are you getting your running in? Are you running before or after your RI30 workout? I was trying to finish my C25K program but decided that it was too much after Jillian has kicked my butt. I am now using my elliptical and I might jump on my treadmill now and then. I stopped running when I started RI30. I am not sure how I can work it in.
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Everyone is doing great! Keep at it! :smile: I just did D5 of Level 2 and I've begun to modify the mountain climbers, the crow pushups and the low knee thing. Yikes. Keep hoping it will get easier :ohwell:
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    W1D2 done...I HATE side lunges with the arm raises!!!!:explode:
  • alexwalper
    alexwalper Posts: 81
    Did W2 D3 today... Those planks are horrid! I end up just catching my breath during the half crows, though I did just try straight up push ups today, so at least I was still working. I also realized I can barely do any of the core moves, so I'm gonna look at some other core exercises. I just got some Zumba DVDs in the mail, and I did 30 minutes of that in the afternoon.. That definitely worked my core, so maybe it'll be just what I need!

    I'm afraid to hear that the next level is scary haha.. Only two more days until I get there, yikes! Good job hanging in there everybody :).
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Great job everyone on keeping at it! I love reading how everyone is doing and everyone's updates because it definitely keeps me motivated :) You guys are all doing awesome!

    Jessicapages - Haha I felt the same way when those side lunges with the front raises came up! I remember they really did me in during the shred and then they came up again in RI30!

    Week 3 is coming up in a few days, who's ready?!?!?! I sure as hell am NOT haha!
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    Sorry I have logged in a few days, I run after the RI30 I found my muscles feel much more warmed up. I can run longer. I also run outside the treadmill kills me.

    I am on w2d4 and today really didn't seem all that bad, I am not a fan of week 2 not really enjoying but I am working out. Going to run here in a bit. I have dropped 2 lbs since last week and I can tell I am losing some inches
  • alexwalper
    alexwalper Posts: 81
    Was super tempted to sleep in, but got my lazy butt up and did W2 D4.. One more day left for me! I was pretty tired, so I didn't burn as many calories as I would have liked, but I was proud of myself for even doing it, no matter how half-assed my attempt was :laugh:
    To make up for my laziness, I did 45 minutes of Zumba afterwards. I've only lost about a pound thus far (my less than great eating isn't helping..) but I can really feel the toning in my legs. They looked a lot smaller today! I also noticed I'm losing some bat wing business.. I'm loving those sumo squats and tricep dips. I may need to incorporate those all the time :).
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    Went for a run my legs are definitely stronger! i actually ran uphill for a mile. Thanks for the squats Jillian! hope everyone is hanging in there.
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Tonight I did Level 2 of the 30DS; just couldn't face doing my 6th day of RI30 Level 2 tonight and the 2 minutes straight of plank cardio. Level 2 of 30DS has lots of plank moves (both abs and cardio) but at least the plank cardio moves aren't one after the other as in RI30. Just couldn't face that tonight! Maybe tomorrow. . . Are you guys moving on to Level 3 whether or not you feel "ready" for it--that is, if you're like me and Level 2 cardio is still killing you? I don't know if I should stay on Level 2 for longer than a week . . . What do all of you think?
  • HarmonyNLife
    HarmonyNLife Posts: 47 Member
    Ok (W2 D5) was the best day of week 2. I probably won't do day six during week 2. I will start W3 D1 tomorrow (Monday). I would like to say goodbye to mountain climbers, plank jacks, crow pushups, and squat thrusts. See you next go round! MUAH!!
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    HarmonyNlife-- I just did Day 1 of Ripped in 30 Level 3 tonight. It was hard but not impossible (well, except for the rock and roll squate jumps--I can't stand up from those like Shelli and Basheera can, even if I use my hands). We can do this--and no, I don't miss the 2 minutes of straight plank cardio from Level 2! I did go down in weights, though--I only used 3s while I used 5s in Level 2 and 8s and 10s in Level 1. I might have been able to do 5s but with all the stork stances, I thought it was a better choice to start light.

    Good luck everybody! :smile:

    P.S. For those Rippers who are running in addition to doing Ripped in 30, I am in awe and salute you!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Woohoo Week 2 done! Can't say I'm going to miss it lol.

    bathsalts I'm glad to hear that Week 3 is not impossible...I have no idea what rock and roll squat jumps are but I do NOT like the sound of them haha.

    Week 3 here we go!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Took the weekend off,getting back at it in the AM! I can't wait :smile: