Getting it right this time. (100+ to lose)



  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have over 100 lbs to lose. I log in daily and I'm physically active too. My diary is open. I don't follow any specific plan other than the put the damn fork down diet.
  • Mellybean1183
    Mellybean1183 Posts: 28 Member
    Congratulations on becoming a mom! And you've already been doing an amazing job losing 44 pounds! I've been up and down in weight myself over the years. I was always thin as a child and teenager, and only gained weight once I hit the college years. I gained 70 pounds in just a few years, lost 40 of it and maintained that for a few years. Then I met my fiancé and over the last 7 years have gained 100 pounds :(. We are getting married this year in November, and this past November I realized that I didn't want to start my marriage like this. We want to have kids, and I want a long healthy life with my family. I've been back on this journey for about 7 weeks, and I'm down 13 pounds so far! I have about another 100 pounds that I want to lose to feel I'm at a healthy weight.
  • llemasterrn
    llemasterrn Posts: 1 Member
    My "why" is very similar to yours. I have a two year old boy and a girl that turned one in November. My son is VERY active, running from the minute he wakes up. I get tired just watching him. But, I want to be able to run WITH them. I'm 232.6 pounds. I had never struggled with my weight until I had my children so close together. I've never dealt with this and I have no clue where to start. I have 90 pounds to lose and some days, the task seems so daunting! I've done the Whole30 for three rounds. I feel great on it. I lose a ton of weight. Then day 31 comes and I just go back to life how it was. Lately, I've come to realize that it's time to put up or shut up. I'm not going to wake up skinny. I'm done being that chunky girl that says "I used to be a size 6" to a collective eye roll. This is the first time I've been genuinely excited to get started!