2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • mille_rz
    mille_rz Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'd much appreciate it if somebody took time to help me achieve my goals! Thanks in advance, Milli
  • stephany2303
    stephany2303 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hello. I would like to be adopted. I am 35 years old from Kentucky. I am looking to ultimately lose 200lbs but my short term goal is 25lbs by my birthday in March. I am looking for someone with a similar amount of weight to lose preferably in my area. I am starting the Lose it For Life program by Stephen Arterburn so anyone familiar with this, please message me! My goal is to develop an exercise routine and healthy low fat diet.
  • renegadeohio
    renegadeohio Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2017
    My name is Corbett. Someone adopt me please. I want to be back to my high school weight and be able to stay that way. I am 25 and am getting married in February. I hate to say but I am 6'4 and 280 lbs, my health isn't the best. I want to be the guy my fiancee fail in love with back in high school.
  • garnettsky
    garnettsky Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to be adopted. Trying for the 3rd time to start and stay motivated enough to keep going. (I have a wedding dress that fits a little tight and I'm not forking out half the dress cost in alterations!)
  • irishanne
    irishanne Posts: 10 Member
    I would like to be adopted! I am a 57 year old female with over 100 pounds to lose. I have tried many fad diets and have never been successful at losing weight. This time I am concentrating on calories in/ calories out. I would really like to have someone to encourage me on this journey. My husband tries to be supportive, but at 6'3" and 160 lbs. he has no real idea of my struggle.
  • Mhaissen
    Mhaissen Posts: 1 Member
    I need help ... :)
  • Julia_Emm
    Julia_Emm Posts: 3 Member
    I'm up for adoption! In Scotland. Just signed up to do my first ever 10k to make my wee mum proud (she has dementia and I will be running for charity). I'm also doing it for myself because I have put on about 2 stone in the last 2-3 years because I was trying to cope with the sadness about my mum through eating and boozing. Not clever! Now I'm fat and sad, which is even worse! I need someone to help me find the right balance between fun and discipline :smiley:
  • Vegatron70
    Vegatron70 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey everyone, not new to the site but a restart, or fresh start if that sounds better. I lost about 75lbs. while I was dedicated to this site and my diet. while getting my career started, I had to work a few high demanding jobs which took my away from the gym in combination to the birth of my daughter.

    For me, diet and exercise are one in the same. without the one, the other quickly starts to diminish (this caused me to gain much of my weight back). I now have the career position which I was after for more than a year which gives me plenty of time for gym and family. My daughter is now 8 months old.

    I've been on this quest before with great success and looking forward to share/swap stories and keep each other motivated along the way. I made it to 317 last time, I have my eye set at 299 and never wanting to see the 300+ mark again.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Happy New Year! More thanks for all of the mentors who are signing up!!! Your names have been added to the opening post. Keep em coming!

    For people who are posting that want to be adopted, please review the list in the opening post and reach out to one of them to ask if they will mentor you.
  • walterskh
    walterskh Posts: 19 Member
    I am in my 50's and would love a friend or to be adopted. I have a hard time staying on track!
  • kittyknight13
    kittyknight13 Posts: 5 Member
    I'd like to be adopted. :smiley:

    I'm a 25 year old geeky gamer with AMC (Arthrogryposis) looking to get healthy. I have no use of my arms, and very minimum use of my legs, so this is going to be a challenge! I'm wheelchair bound, but can push my chair around the house with my legs.

    My goal is to lose about 30 pounds, taking me from 155 to 125.

    I could really use advice and motivation! :)

    So far, I've done chair sit ups while clenching my tummy muscles for 25 minutes. I'd love more advice/
  • dcworkouts
    dcworkouts Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm an lifeboat crewmen on a mission to get back in shape, make some good life choices & get myself to a good place. Started eating well & dove into the Insanity 60 day workout program yesterday. Would really appreciated a mentor to occasionally check in, check my food diary etc. to help me stay on track. Currently 5'10" & 18st, hoping to get down the 13-14St.
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