Afraid to eat sweets



  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I'm a binger, too. Here's what helps me:

    Try finding single servings of sweets. Keep them in a place that's hidden away, out of sight. When you want a treat, take one out, put the rest away, walk a good distance away from where they are stored, sit down and slowly savor the candy. Then immediately have a cold glass of water, brush your teeth or chew a piece of gum to discourage the urge to go back for more if you know you shouldn't.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I find it easier to do without. Otherwise, I find it a battle with myself. Meh, easier to do without.
    Except dark chocolate. Like the others, one good piece of dark chocolate is enough.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    vingogly wrote: »
    I don't keep them in the house. If I want a sweet treat, I'll budget for it in my calories; then I'll go out and get a serving -- a candy bar from the convenience store, a dish of ice cream from the dairy, something baked from the bakery.

    This is what I would recommend, at least to start.

    I'm kind of the opposite. I don't overeat on things at home much, but if I'm at work and snacking while working I will eat way too much, easily, so I don't snack at work, period.

    I actually find it easier not to "snack" at all, but having a little something sweet after dinner isn't a problem for me so long as I measure it out and don't do something dumb like eating from a bowl of homemade Christmas cookies or pint of ice cream or bag of nuts or block of cheese.

    What I'd really think about is why you regain. What happened so that you started regaining? Was it immediately after you lost so you didn't have a plan for maintenance? Was it that you'd eliminated the foods you think you have trouble moderating and then ate some and decided it was all over so might as well go nuts? Was there emotional stuff going on? Did you have a plan and not stick to it or was the "plan" just not eat too much?

    You don't have to answer these here, of course, but I'd think about it -- understanding why things didn't work as planned in the past makes it a learning experience, not a failure.

    I find it easier just to never (or rarely) eat some things, although it's not that I think of myself as having cut them out but just that they don't really fit in how I eat or meet my current taste. Other things (Indian and Ethiopian food, for example), I don't like to moderate, so I eat them rarely and on a day when I can eat whatever (preplanning, or big exercise day) and just don't worry about it. Fitting in some days like that might help you if the issue is you cut things out and eventually lose it.

    I do think some people find that cutting things out can lead to a greater feeling that they cannot control them, so fitting them in in a controlled way (after a meal, within calories only) can be helpful, but if it's something that you will just want to eat and eat you have to consider whether it's worth it to you. I really don't have that feeling with sweets anymore except in certain circumstances (when I'm doing it for emotional reasons when I really just cannot), but despite that I find it easier to eat baked goods rarely just given the calories. Some other things (ice cream) I find it easier to fit in at the end of a day regularly (not every day). I like ending the day with something special and since I don't drink anymore ice cream or cheese are good options.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I use The Laziness Method.

    Just get a serving of your treat out of the cupboard, then go settle down with it and enjoy eating it.

    I just don't bother going getting more.

    I'd trudge through rain, sleet and snow for a select few items :lol:

    OP the most simple solution is not to buy them in the first place, if they're not in your kitchen then you cant binge on them. If you absolutely must have some, then buy one serving size things like ice cream, just 1 chocolate bar or muffin etc etc Do not buy the bargain multi packs of things.
  • nanpask
    nanpask Posts: 24 Member
    Iwhen I started to gain weight back it usually started by thinking I could eat certain favorite sweets in moderation. I then ate them more & more often till I was unable to keep from bingeing. I have gone to therapy & have just come to the conclusion that there may be some things I just cannot control.
  • kissa714
    kissa714 Posts: 65 Member
    Instead of buying a whole big package of something, just buy a small, serving sized package at your corner store (or a convenience store, gas station, etc). For example you could buy a small pack of cookies of a candy bar and take it home. This way when you eat it it's gone and there is no more for you to binge on. That's what I do because I have a huge sweet tooth and it has helped me :)
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    So... I buy the fun size M&M and I would go for a walk while eating them
  • nanpask
    nanpask Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for all the tips everyone has given me.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I lost the weight but I still struggle with it too. I ask myself a lot if I'd rather learn to have one or just not at all anymore because I can't moderate... and manage somehow to tell myself that one is enough... sometimes. I think the key really is to really think about it before I start!

    But yeah - single packages. Single treats at the store. Don't keep it in your house.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    It's worth it for me to indulge during the holidays (knowing cravings and unreasonable hunger are sure to follow) but the rest of the year? No way. I value having a normal appetite too much. Dealing with cravings, insatiable hunger and being food focused all day long is hell on earth and ultimately makes maintenance unsustainable. I like a wide variety of foods so I'll happily "deprive" myself of the sweets and junk food and eat a steak and salad instead.

    Others revel in their daily ice cream and square of chocolate but I much prefer eating like a normal human being and not being food obsessed. I've learned I can't have both so for me it's a no brainer - the sugary/carby treats had to go.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    It's worth it for me to indulge during the holidays (knowing cravings and unreasonable hunger are sure to follow) but the rest of the year? No way. I value having a normal appetite too much. Dealing with cravings, insatiable hunger and being food focused all day long is hell on earth and ultimately makes maintenance unsustainable. I like a wide variety of foods so I'll happily "deprive" myself of the sweets and junk food and eat a steak and salad instead.

    Others revel in their daily ice cream and square of chocolate but I much prefer eating like a normal human being and not being food obsessed. I've learned I can't have both so for me it's a no brainer - the sugary/carby treats had to go.

    Its interesting you say this because I too didn't go off the rails, just because its not worth it to me.

    BUT I do make room for occasional sugary treats. Not restricting TO ME is not being food obsessed:)

    Funny how different we can be huh?
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    It's worth it for me to indulge during the holidays (knowing cravings and unreasonable hunger are sure to follow) but the rest of the year? No way. I value having a normal appetite too much. Dealing with cravings, insatiable hunger and being food focused all day long is hell on earth and ultimately makes maintenance unsustainable. I like a wide variety of foods so I'll happily "deprive" myself of the sweets and junk food and eat a steak and salad instead.

    Others revel in their daily ice cream and square of chocolate but I much prefer eating like a normal human being and not being food obsessed. I've learned I can't have both so for me it's a no brainer - the sugary/carby treats had to go.

    Its interesting you say this because I too didn't go off the rails, just because its not worth it to me.

    BUT I do make room for occasional sugary treats. Not restricting TO ME is not being food obsessed:)

    Funny how different we can be huh?

    People are definitely different. I can't help but think people would be happier and more successful if they recognize that and proceed accordingly. I know others value self reflection and exploring emotional aspects of eating but lord do I think that can be a dead end and waste of time - sometimes it's not you, it's the food you're eating.

    Unpopular opinion on MFP I know but it doesn't hurt to throw it out there every once in awhile for those (like me) it might help.
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    I just wanted to chime in (again) about *my* sweet tooth! So, I was *very* good all through Sept-Dec. About a week before Christmas, I started allowing myself some of the once-a-year treats. It started with my son's birthday on the 21st where I ordered fruit filled crepes at a French restaurant as well as had some creme brulee. Ate a few bites of each successfully and kept on track. Then Christmas dinner came and I had some pie, some fudge, and a few other bites of sweet things. Going back once a day over the next week and noshing on those things continued. Today is January 3rd and I have faced the fact that I am totally back onto the sweets. I cannot stop thinking about them. Most are out of the house now but I now have that desparate, awful craving feeling. So much so that I had to open up this dumb little container of maple cotton candy. Uuuuggggh.. It's back to being uncontrollable. I go back to work tomorrow and my son goes back to school this coming weekend so I will have to detox then!!! :) I know I just put a smiley face there, but it's honestly not that funny.