Weight Watchers Online?

Does anyone on here use weight watchers online? I've just joined and starting to think it was a waste of money!


  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I do not do ww its actually one of the only "diets" I've never tried:).

    Some who have will tell you its a waste of money. The point system is a variation of counting calories which you can do on mfp for free.

    If you put ww in the search bar you will find a lot of folks had the same question.
  • leooftheyear
    leooftheyear Posts: 429 Member
    why do you feel that way?
  • leooftheyear
    leooftheyear Posts: 429 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Their Points system is no longer scientific as WW fell for the "sugar is evil" myth. Foods with sugars, even skim milk, increased in points dramatically even when the calorie content remained the same. Their explanation was to "steer" people away from certain foods. You are correct. It is a waste of money!

    It honestly depends on your perspective, i've been gaining and losing the same 5-10lbs while using MFP, WW, with the weekly weigh ins, keeps me more accountable. So for me, it's worth it, especially since it's free once you hit lifetime.
  • spring913
    spring913 Posts: 158 Member
    I successfully lost 45lbs with WW Online 11 years ago. Since then their points system has changed. The new system imo is hogwash (I did a free trial). MFP works the same as the old system did, and is actually much simpler, you're just dealing with bigger numbers and it's free!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Their Points system is no longer scientific as WW fell for the "sugar is evil" myth. Foods with sugars, even skim milk, increased in points dramatically even when the calorie content remained the same. Their explanation was to "steer" people away from certain foods. You are correct. It is a waste of money!


    If their points system does not reflect the way you will eat during maintenance......then you are more likely to re-gain the weight you lost. Demonizing sugar is not for me.

    The in-person meetings and weekly weigh-ins work are helpful for some. If you are getting that aspect then maybe it's worth it.
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 928 Member
    You might ask this question to the GOAD group here on "MFP (link below). That group is mostly current or ex: WW members who might give you a different perspective.


    (Don't let 'Guys' in the group name scare you off... :) )
  • LZMiner
    LZMiner Posts: 300 Member
    I did WWs 10 years ago...online and meetings, and lost 25 pounds. It was my baby weight! I kept it off for 5 years, then started adding a bit on---up 15 from what was my goal. I liked WWs, but their data base in nowhere near as comprehensive as MFP, which is free. The point system has changed a bit, and to me, it seems more restrictive for carbs/sugars. What I do miss is the accountability...I loved going in every week and having them weigh me and log it in...for whatever reason, that made it more "real" for me---couldn't waver, opt to weigh in later in the day....it worked for me! I'm giving this a try now because I'm trying to stick to clean eating, and I don't have much to lose....already in my healthy weight range. WWs does get expensive---I would recommend MFP first.
  • LiftandSkate
    LiftandSkate Posts: 148 Member
    I find their approach to nutrition to be outdated and overly restrictive. Much easier and cheaper to count calories for free on MFP!
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I did the old Points Plus system, and lost weight. I did Jenny Craig and lost weight. I've done MFP, and lost weight. I gained it all back on each system. IMO, the problem isn't losing the weight. It's keeping it off. This is my 2nd time on MFP, and I've lost all of the weight I need to (gained a few pounds during the holidays but that was inevitable for me), and I am striving towards maintenance. IMO, the MFP message boards help prepare people for maintenance better than WW or JC.

    I say, try free first. If it doesn't work, look into the other method.
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    I did a few years back but found the points systems were too complicated as they kept changing. I find more success here with CICO as long as I log faithfully.
  • tvkoo
    tvkoo Posts: 7 Member
    WW veteran here too, until I realized that if WW online was successful for me, then I had achieved self-accountability, and I really didn't need them. I could use MFP for free. Doesn't really matter if you count points or count calories - just know what your target is and stay under it.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I'm a former WWer. I was a member on and off for many years, through many programs. I finally gave it up when I realised that MFP could do the same thing for free, and that WW was tweaking its program into insensibility.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    edited January 2017
    I did WW online and lost 20lbs on it a couple years back but the monthly fee got a little old and also I don't like the new points system. I was happy enough with Points Plus that I did check it out again before landing here. I liked WW because it almost wasn't like counting calories, but I disliked the way they make some choices and judgments for you which as an adult I would prefer to maintain for myself. I know it can work, it's not nonsense, it's just fancied up calorie counting.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Their Points system is no longer scientific as WW fell for the "sugar is evil" myth. Foods with sugars, even skim milk, increased in points dramatically even when the calorie content remained the same. Their explanation was to "steer" people away from certain foods. You are correct. It is a waste of money!

    Yup, this is my big issue with it. They also don't use total fat to calculate Points anymore, just Saturated Fat. For weight loss the difference doesn't matter at all. Points are becoming more about what WW deem to be healthy rather than a weight loss tool.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    Is it too late to cancel