Starting again after New Year's

Have been up and down for the past 25 years but now my health is in jeopardy. My husband and I are going on a cruise to Japan and China and I must get in shape for that plus for the rest of my life I hope. As I am over 70 I have found it more difficult as time goes on to manage my weight as arthritic pain has hampered my movements. I feel if I lose 50 lbs which is my goal, I should feel much better.
My major problem is my husband who does all the cooking and is Type II diabetic on insulin and always hungry. He doesn't feel as guilty if I eat along with him and makes me feel bad if I don't accompany him.


  • kittyknight13
    kittyknight13 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! Good luck on reaching your goals! I too have arthritic joints, so I get you!

    An idea is maybe if while he eats his regular food, you can eat with him, but try snacking on something like fresh fruit or salads. :)
  • mirmgib
    mirmgib Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the heads up Kitty. I have been doing well all week although my husband is still offering me food.
    He is trying to improve his eating so maybe if I though it out this time he'll get the hangs of it.
    Keep in touch. I finally figured out how to get my messages.
    Mirm (Michelle)